Tag: escape

Escape Is Not An Option

There are always turning points in our existence. They can range from a minor change in thought, to life changing experiences, but always they appear suddenly and without warning - or so it appears. Knowledge contains many components in which... 19 Jul 2001

Just Desserts

Walking the line of desire, which way will the wind blow this time? Where shall we fall upon landing within the abyss of time and space where the first and last thought merge into the being that others have called "Man". Learning, one never... 07 Jul 2001

The Flame of Desire

From the fire into the pan. Jumping here and there we seek to escape only to find ourselves no further ahead than before. How many times have we undertaken specific, well thought out actions, only to find that the end result was exactly the... 21 Jun 2001

Reality Check

What is it about alternate experiences that draws us in? Do we look for relief from the current experiences we are fully immersed within and unable to escape from? Looking beyond our immediate sight, we seek and yet cannot find. Tentatively, we... 10 May 2001

Window Shopping

Walking through Life, we seek the immediacy of experience. When it comes to emotive stimulus, the time of now exists like no other. We want it and we want it bad. Seeking this, we are willing to create any effect, any effect at all, in order... 27 Jan 2001


Reaching toward the unknown, what stops you from achieving your splendor, other than yourself. Efforting is in the band of desire in which we all walk the walk of life. There is no escape from ourselves. The prison planet theory holds true in... 13 Sep 2000

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