12 Points of Conditional Demarcation

  1. Teegeeack is a "no-fly" zone. All unauthorized flights into the area will be terminated without prejudice.

  2. Teegeeack is off limits to travel by any and all means of transportive devices.

  3. All pre-established incursions will henceforth be removed or abandoned immediately.

  4. All pre-established incursions will be terminated without prejudice following 30 days of the official notification of these Points.

  5. Complete records and historical perspective regarding all activities on or about Teegeeack will be delivered to the High Council within 14 days of the official notification of these Points.

  6. All gates of entry, support bases and any and all ancillary operations will be fully and completely revealed within 24 hours of the official notification of these Points.

  7. All operations deemed to be outside of the area of influence of those involved will be terminated without prejudice following 24 hours of the official notification of these Points.

  8. These Points of Conditional Demarcation shall be fully and completely enforced by all parties and assigns involved.

  9. Operational support of these Points will be fully compensated for as directed by the High Council. Pending compensation is limited to 10 days at which time confiscation of adjusted value, at the High Council's discretion, will take place.

  10. The intents and purposes of these Points shall be fully and completely accepted.

  11. All incursive directives concerning other systems are to be fully and completely revealed to the High Council within 10 days of the official notification of these Points.

  12. Rights of Abstainment is hereby dismissed.


As a side note:

The next power struggle is already looming ahead. It is not Marcabian in nature but it does signify the relationship between that culture and those who have taken a toll upon that race.

In the Sphere of Influence there are always those who wish for more and so extend their reach to areas previously unreachable. Tides of conquest always swing in the balance and order of things which 'are'. In the coming quest perhaps nature will be the one which decides the right and wrong of Man and God. In our own image, the hauntings of our imagination drives us ever onward. Perhaps that imagination will unveil the illusion of not just our own nature, but of the nature and natures of those around us.

Creating space for terms and decisions, the future never waits for long. Choose or be chosen.

If not 'now', then when?

If it isn't up to you, then who will you leave it up to?

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