Tag: council

Council Of Elders

It's very strange. How does one single, small body of beings come to be looked upon with so many variances of color, character and form? It's almost as if the one who views the subject provides the interpretation, and substance, of it's... 01 Nov 2006

The First Peoples Choice

Upon creating a planetary body designed for specific purposes and goals, certain particulars which describe that creation remain attached to it and therefore can be used, by those so wishing, to acquire knowledge on and about it. Consider the... 12 Oct 2006

Complimentary Communique

It has been a long time coming. The choices have been made and the consequences rejected with nary a thought devoted to such childish actions as taking responsibility. The Earth, being the prison so very much enjoyed by the inmates, moves on in... 08 Sep 2006


Trends are such an interesting area of study. Not only is this area generally overlooked, but many times, it is actually avoided. The reason for the avoidance of this area is that most individuals, over time, slowly narrow their focus of... 22 Nov 2002

12 Points of Conditional Demarcation

1.Teegeeack is a "no-fly" zone. All unauthorized flights into the area will be terminated without prejudice. 2.Teegeeack is off limits to travel by any and all means of transportive devices.... 04 Nov 2002

Nothing To Say

Well, I've run out of things to say. On 21 Oct 2002 Mike McClaughry posted "Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of O/M Tech" which pretty much set the stage for how things will be going not just for the 'FreeZone', but for the actual Free... 25 Oct 2002

The Golden Age of the Free Zone

Currents in time become definable only in relation to the passing of it. By itself, it has no meaning, but when motion begins to fill it's space, time has a way of becoming unmistakably solid. You can't get around it no matter what you do. Of... 27 Sep 2002

The Seven Hands Of Justice

According to some, the Galactic Patrol, arbiter and sole discretionary arm of the Council in Sector Nine, has seen better days. It is believed that the organization is nothing but an empty shell of it's once glorious self. As proof of this, it... 23 Sep 2002

Council Directive

Council Directive as so ordered by ________, Royal Member and Representative of the House of ___________. Fifth and Last House in Good Standing. Regarding Sector Nine's established 'Free Zone' and the Covenant of Changes;... 13 Sep 2002

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