Tag: blog

Guess I'm An Anarchist...

"I'm not an anarchist who believes that all control is evil and should be eliminated, as then we'd simply have a much different type of mess to clean up than we do now.On the contrary, control is a necessary element to achieve anything at... 12 Aug 2013

When Darkness Falls

Just for fun here are a few movie 'quotes': "These aren’t the droids you are looking for." (Star Wars)... 12 Aug 2013


This world revolves around ideology. It's the thought that counts. Too bad that intent trumps that.... 12 Aug 2013


This is going to sound really freaky but there is a little bit of heaven, brought down from above and placed upon the sands of time of terra firma. Ok, maybe that should be terra-incognito. It doesn't matter which way the white boy's bread is... 11 Aug 2013

Taking The Last Train To Clarkville

Sometimes it can be a difficult process to convert a conceptual understanding into plain-text language so that the recipient can connect the dots in order to comprehend that which is given. This is quite the flawed process and only exists to... 07 Aug 2013

All Happens

In coming to terms I find that no terms become the optimum solution. Therefore, no terms are proposed nor received. Where no terms exist, there lies the wedge of freedom.... 31 Jul 2013

My Eyes Adore You

Perception is something which has fallen upon me as a mantle of insight into the hearts and mind of Man. I do see though in it's infinite wisdom the light of understanding, taking on it's own awareness, provides the depth and breath of the... 31 Jul 2013

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