Tag: imagination

Barnyard Antics

It may seem that I've turned into a cluck, cluck, clucking barnyard hen with all the postings about me, me and me but it is not true. There is a point to the methodology. So if you come to the conclusion that I am full of myself, you would be... 01 Feb 2016

Imagine That

Have you ever tracked the source of thoughts, of their beginnings and of how they come to be displayed upon the screen of the mind? Imagination is quite similar to that process but that's not the point that I am making here. Imagination requires... 17 Jan 2016

Spiritual Embolism

Times come and go - regular, like the clockwork stroke of the hour, on the hour. Yes, time does indeed subscribe to the march of the wooden soldiers. Endlessly one can view the vista from the comfort of one's lawn chair and delegate to some... 16 Oct 2012

In The Service of Cause

The human characteristic tends to be self-serving but this should come as no surprise because all characteristics are self-serving, that is the point of having them in the first place - to create an image of self so as to join the party of... 05 Dec 2011

Time Flies, But Does It Ever Get Tired?

Time is running out! You've heard it all before. Limitation, lack and just plain 'ol destitution. No time for this, no time for that and especially no time for doing what is right. Busy, busy, busy... It makes the mind spin and spin just... 17 Oct 2008


In the peaceful repose of a quiet evening twilight, rest and relaxation takes hold by purposes of ther own design and within that design efforts beyond imagination come to fruition to help and guide us in perfect symphony of spirituality.... 03 Oct 2001

Can You Feel It?

In reality, there exits times and places in which we may demonstrate ourselves and come to know of the things which we yearn for. Emptiness cannot be denied and so the quest for fulfillment survives in all of it's glory, ever seeking and... 27 Aug 2001

Are You Still Having Fun?

Out of the Breath of Life we see Ourselves so very clearly. Demonstrated, we become what we see and envision the future we suddenly find ourselves immersed within. Grasping, our bewilderment show itself in the incapacity to understand our... 06 Mar 2001

I Exist

There is no other time than the present to determine one's own future, if that is the word that would describe how one's creations influence our outlook. Reaching beyond the stars means little when our own personal reach falters to a large... 22 Dec 2000

The Power of Self-Importance

Interesting it is that processing techniques and methods bring about an increase in the power of individuality and it's expression thereof. Interesting also is the fact that this power seems to go right to the head and create further unnecessary... 22 Sep 2000

The Force Of Change

"You must BE the change you wish to see in the world." GandhiOvercoming the world with our own imagination is a wonderful feat, but reality and illusion part company when it comes to changing ourselves for the better. Change... 05 Sep 2000

The Reality Of Imagination

What is imagination? For a definition just look around you. Your perception of imagination is borne of filtering 'reality' through the looking glass of the mind. One may see beauty in an object, another sees repelling emotions. The object... 24 Aug 2000

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