Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Awakening Into Slumber

Feeling our way, we blindly stumble to and fro, ever searching for the way out. From the doom and gloom of our imagination, to the 'real world' efforts in which we undertake our desire of self expression, we find that it all comes up short.... 03 Dec 2001

Breaking The Vow Of Silence

Breaking the vow of Silence takes on new meaning when the power of conviction overwhelms the mind with reality. Muffled desire becomes unleashed and the chains in which we have taken solace begin to fall apart with disinterest. When we silence... 02 Dec 2001

There Is But One Time, One Place

I walk the Earth in search of my soul only to find what I am looking for. The searching becomes the task as all else drops away quickly and easily. Alone with the understanding of nature, evolution fullfills it's purpose and drags me away,... 28 Nov 2001

The Gods Are Kind Indeed

The Time of Forgetfullness is a Time of Remembrance. In between the moments of thought and reality there exists a slice of time in which the two merge and become as one. For some, the difference does not exist and for others there is a world... 27 Nov 2001

Late Payment

In between the lines of stirring emotions, a quiet calm exhibits itself in ways not dreamed of outside of dreamtime. Exposing the thoughts that reside with the heart of Man, truth seeks its source and once demonstrated, it becomes impossible to... 21 Nov 2001

We've Never Left Home

There is a joy in the living of life. There is a moment of unrequited love where life becomes accepted as it is for what it is. What finer moment could be endured or celebrated than this? Going beyond our day-to-day mortality, there can be only... 21 Nov 2001

An Open Book

Secrets, over time, have a way of revealing themselves. They just seem to want to come out and be expressed in some way or another. Even when great lengths are taken to ensure that a secret will not revealed, it seems to work itself out through... 21 Nov 2001

"I" Seek

The hope of man. What is the hope of man. Is it something that undercuts our pain and suffering which would allow us to rise again from the ashes of our incineration? Hoping against hope surviving only leaves us the option of continuing where we... 15 Nov 2001

The Test of Time

There was a time when peace was known throughout the land. Pain and suffering were not unheard of, but these sorts of experiences were something that were not actively sought or desired, but were looked upon as being the byproduct that they are.... 12 Nov 2001

Theta Traps

Imagine going to the circus and at the 'freak' show, the announcer comes onto the stage and begins to captivate the audience with his mannerisms and his flowing words, explaining in great detail the wonders to behold. As a member of the... 07 Nov 2001

Surviving Gives Death It's Meaning

There is a time and a place for new eventualities to come together, and it is at that time that the foundations of our beliefs come to mean exactly what they are. As the cracks seep through the rigidity of exploitation, we come to find new... 23 Oct 2001

From Time To Time

To pierce the veil of darkness, the eyes must create the light in which to take flight. Overcoming obstacles, we begin to enjoy ourselves and yet, seemingly out of nowhere, another plight comes to haunt our dreams of evermore. Awakening, we come... 17 Oct 2001

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