Tag: Mindless Wanderings

Gaining Ground

Giving and taking, motion in motion becomes excited and charged. The energy charge increases and begins to seek fullfillment outside of itself. It must not be denied. Seeking, it becomes the Vampire at night, sucking from it's prey, life and... 08 Jan 2002

Balance, or Polarity?

In the time of lost good-byes, there comes a time and times when at the stroke of midnight, yet again the times change. Ultimately, the moment passes and becomes born anew in the between of here and the now. Escaping, fruition comes as if of... 23 Dec 2001

We Become The Hunted

Away from the crowds of onlookers and gazers, moments of silence come to be filled will thoughts of actions. During the times of least activity, motion becomes highly regarded and when it is not being demonstrated, it is soon to come. Enraptured... 15 Dec 2001

Facets Of Our Age

Past the minefields, beyond the edge of time, circumstances arrive to meet their maker. Giving life to the environment, it bends like the willow to ensure it's survival, and returns to greet us again and again. Everlasting and fulfilling, it... 06 Dec 2001

Seeking Flotational Devices

In the time of dreamers, vistas unfold and as the onrushing future makes it's way through us, we gaze in wonder at the recognition of ourselves onstage. Separately, we are a joy to behold, if only to ourselves. Conjuring a destiny, we seek... 04 Dec 2001

One's Deepest Wishes Do Come True

While we entertain ourselves, what is it that draws us away from our essence. What is it that makes us begin the process of 'seeking'. In the tribunals of time, the halls echo will voices of whisper, passing knowledge and data to and fro.... 04 Dec 2001

On The Edge of Fright

Walking through the narrow confines of life, ennobling the greatest to reach new heights, bottoming out is to be avoided at all costs. What lies on the edge of fright, drives us mad. 04 Dec 2001

All That It Touches, It Moves Deeply

Beyond the furthest reaches of the bonds of our bounds, there lies the vast territory unexplored and unexplorable. Remaining as it ever has been, it continues to 'float' in time awaiting those who may fall out of the mist. Everlasting patience... 04 Dec 2001

Swept Away

There is a time, a place. a moment of thought that escapes from it's birthing and explodes into maturity. Leading our perception, it carries us forward into the recesses of imagination and creates a reality so real, so exciting, that it becomes... 03 Dec 2001

There Is No Life but Your Own

Finding the treasures of old, we delight in the seeking. Expending our efforts, we build our reserves for the next. Alone at last, we contemplate our future and create the life we are to lead. Events unfold in their proper time and place. The... 03 Dec 2001

There Can Be Only One

The moments of now in which we strive to escape, ever haunt our days and nights. There is nothing left but what we have envisioned for ourselves and in the seeking of rightness, we find the errors of our ways. Uncovering the secret, we keep the... 03 Dec 2001

Flowing Like There Is No Tomorrow

Life flows and thetans create. In between the immersion, fluidic events give rise and fall to greater good of all. Sweeping changes allow the breath of fresh air to become interiorized. 03 Dec 2001

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