Reigning In The Beast

Walking alone in the night of thoughts, seeking refuge from the beast, we surprise ourselves with our ingenuity. Oh, how clever we become!

Extrapolating our solutions, we arrive at just the right place, at the right time and once again surprise ourselves with what we have created. Extending evermore, our vision clouds Ourselves and as the suns sets, we feel at 'home' in the twilight, knowing full well that the end surely must come soon.

Walking alone in the night of our thoughts, entwined helplessly and floating through time, we revel in our cleverness. In the Land of the Living, we surely are the Masters of all we survey.

Oh, how clever we are!

Plowing the fields, we uncover the seeds so conveniently forgotten since the beginning of time. Yet again we say to ourselves, "It looks like we have passed this way before."

When cleverness leaves the playing field, all that remains is what we have ruled out. Nothing and everything.

Turning to the left, the way reveals itself once again.

Perhaps we shall continue to be clever.

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