Job Duty

The Galactic Patrol, as you may know, regularly sends out "missions" specifically designed to address some issue or another that is of concern. These missions are composed of a varying number of individuals, but the usual protocol is to assign an "in-charge". This individual is most likely a veteran of numerous missions in the past and has the responsibility of not only training those under them, but also of ensuring that the specific task assigned to the mission be fully carried out in the most efficient manner possible with the least amount of "damage" (or created enturbulation).

Reporting to the Mission Leader, would be a Second-in-Command. The Second-in-Command is an individual of several previous missions and can be considered to be 'in training' for the Mission Leader responsibility. What makes a good Second-in-Command is someone who can be relied upon no matter what conditions are encountered or what situations are endured. One of the ways of negating the Second-in-Command responsibility is dereliction of duty - not caring to comply with the mission objectives or the responsibilities of that position.

Sometimes, those two positions are all that comprise a mission, but that is rare. Most likely you will find a varying number of Field Agents that comprise the foundation of the mission. Field Agents themselves are also classified according to strengths and weaknesses and sometimes these are reversed in order to allow for personal growth within the group. When this happens, the mission could be considered to be "non-critical", but that is not always the case.

Depending upon the mission of course, not everyone assigned will be in actual physical contact with one another. In fact, there have been instances of not even being on the same planet together!

The operating basis for a mission is very straightforward and simple. "Get the job done." And that job could range from the benign to the catastrophic. Not catastrophic in a destructive sense, even though that may have occurred once or twice, but catastrophic in the sense of having many repercussions. Underlying that simple and straightforward operating basis is an entire education in itself. In other words, the driving impetus behind getting the job done must comply with a number of Codes and Creeds. In fact, those Codes and Creeds become fully understood way before an individual is even considered for assignment to a mission.

Sometimes, it happens that the mission falls apart. Whenever that happens an investigation ensues to determine exactly what went 'wrong'. Believe it or not, there have been instances where a mission went 'sour' when in actual fact, it was only an appearance. Mission investigations tend to turn up the strangest of things. No wonder it's an area populated with interesting people themselves.

Usually when a mission falls apart it's the result of one of two things. The Mission Leader or the Second-in-Command. Take, for instance, the mission that was sent to Earth long ago. That mission had among it's objective, to create a support structure for the clearing of specific individuals. These targeted individuals were previous causalities of another, earlier mission.

As a result of the Second-in-Command becoming 'entertained', or putting it another way, captivated by the wonderful pictures being displayed, the entire mission came to be at risk. It still continues to be at risk today, and that is the marvelous wonderment of the Galactic Patrol.

It's amazing that while this mission is being waylaid, other missions were created to not only handle that one, but to use it's circumvention to advantage. Those Mission Investigators can be quite clever when they need to be!

It also shows just how much affinity there is in the Galactic Patrol for it's members. No one is left behind. It's true that every individual has the right to refuse freedom, but it is also true that everyone has the right to do what it is that they feel needs to be done. If it 'somehow' helps another along the way, then that just must be 'fate'.

In any case, there comes a time when the outright refusal to complete a mission is encountered. It's never a happy moment, but there are those who do leave their assignments, their job and their responsibility behind to move on to other things. Everyone has that right, but when that right is exercised, the support so long depended upon will appear to vanish just as fast.

Completing the mission is the only job duty there is. If you weren't able to complete it, you wouldn't have been assigned to it in the first place and no matter the conviction of those around you who say that you have failed or will fail, you can only fail when you succumb to the will of those who wish you, and others, harm. Faith and trust endure the conviction that all is just the way it should be.

Believe it or not, all IS just the way it should be.

Isn't it time to resume post to find this out, once more?

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