
"Man suspects all offers of help. He has often been betrayed, his confidence shattered. Too frequently he has given his trust and been betrayed. We may err, for we build a world with broken straws. But we will never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us."

- The Aims of Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard

Did you get that?

"But we will never betray your faith in us so long as you are one of us."

As long as you believe what Hubbard wants you to believe, you are "one of us". He will never betray your "faith" in him, as long as you "trust" him.

This requires the "faithful" to never question Hubbard, or else risk the consequences of destruction at the hands of the Master.

This is what is called a "faith healer". The power of the mind is such that reality becomes whatever it is you believe it to be.

Where do you want to go today?

Hubbard has defined the path, and has told you HOW you must travel it. How much easier can it get?

Just remember this: "heaven" help you if you are not "one of us". Your "faith" then becomes a plaything in the hands of those who would gladly betray it for their own ends.

This is the part where Hubbard requires a convert to "disconnect" from family and friends. It's called betraying trust.

You may have thought that the invention of television brought about the destruction of the family, but the actual cause is science. "Science of mind", or more commonly called Hubbard's dream of authority. He could not compete with those who were closer to the convert than he himself was, so despite all the bravado of "technology" and cure-alls for mankind, he REQUIRED the convert to abandon all close contacts.

Mr. Hubbard became the new Dad and threatened his ever-growing family of converts by instilling the fear of distrust. If you are not "one of us" you are "one of them". "Them", being those who you may betray.

Now you can see how and why Hubbard created the policy of lying, tricking and treating those who are not "one of us" with contempt, in total disregard to his treatise on ethical and moral conduct.

Dad can get very upset if he doesn't have things his way.

His legacy survives to this day.

I'll leave you with an appropriate quote:

"False data buries itself as the person may firmly believe that it is true. Sometimes the person will have such faith in a particular person, book, etc. that he cannot conceive that any data from that particular source might be false."

- "False Data Stripping" by L. Ron Hubbard, 7 Auguest 1979


"If you can't even imagine the possibility, then surely you are overcome by it."

- Paul Misiunas


"Sometimes he can be "educated" into a strong faith in some deity or cult which will cause him to feel so invulnerable that he rises above his engrams." - Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard

Scientology helps the convert to "rise above" his engrams by giving him something to have faith in. As long as the convert has faith in Scientology and is "one of us", he will feel uplifted. Take away Scientology and the convert reverts to his previous state.

It takes more than faith in Scientology to become enlightened. It even takes more than "science of mind" to become enlightened. All it takes is the desire to become enlightened, and that has nothing to do with faith or science and everything to do with you and you alone.


"FAITH at the top of the chart [Chart of Attitudes] turns to DISBELIEF at the bottom."

- The History of Man, by L. Ron Hubbard

Are we being set up by having Hubbard show us that FAITH is something which is most prized? Is his Chart of Attitudes merely a tool which he uses to convince us to have faith, both in him and in his methods? At the other extreme, he places "disbelief" at the bottom of his chart. Get that? AT THE BOTTOM.


"But one of the oldest things that was ever given into the training of wise men that I know of was simply this -- the basic faith in which the individual has been trained and the basic political allegiance of the individual must not be tampered with by the Order training him. And it was the Order itself which laid that down. That's an old, old one. They were training very wise men and that was the first thing that they made sure not to do. They did not tamper with these things. If the individual cared to alter these things himself nobody was going to tell him to or tell him not to. Nobody was even vaguely persuading him. It might be in the course of his study that he found certain things that men did laughable, or confusing, or he found certain things that men did remediable -- but nobody was standing there trying to lead him into a higher religious or political conviction. And that is the case with Scientology."

- The Phoenix Lectures, by L. Ron Hubbbard

All I can say is: Have you ever met a Scientology Registrar?

Is not the "Bridge to Total Freedom" supposed to be a "higher religious" conviction?

Have you ever entertained thoughts of questioning "certain things" within Scientology? If you do not have experience with this, my suggestion is to try it out. Go to a Scientology storefront and question "certain things". See what happens.

Scientology is big business and Mr. Hubbard is correct in his assessment that "religious or political conviction" has nothing to do with that.


"The goal of the auditor is to rehabilitate the self-determinism of his preclear, to bring back his hope and power, to get his preclear up to where the preclear, all of his own, KNOWS.

The preclear has to take very little on faith with these techniques. He simply runs what he is told."

- Scientology 8-80, by L. Ron Hubbard

Interesting. Hubbard believes that the way to make a person self-determined is by getting that person to do what he tells them to do. So much for the slogan of "what is true for you, is true for you.1

  1. This article was posted to the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology as part of a particular series. 

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