Conservation of Energy

Wasting a finite resource we are told, is something worthy of disgrace, prosecution and imprisonment - not necessarily in that order. To capriciously and with complete disregard for law and order, waste something of limited and esteemed value is not something chattel should find themselves in the position of undertaking. There are limits of course, boundaries to which all members of society must adhere. Slaves must fulfill their role of humility and subservience to those of appointed authority. Let's face it, where would we be with our programming?

As our focus becomes defined by another we willingly let go of our helm and in so doing we create the comfort we feel taking great pride in knowing that we are being taken care of, that we are fulfilling our assign role in a society defined by that very same appointed authority. In our tainted reasoning we find that in having authority our focus of energy becomes realigned with that of another and in that realignment we become the bearer of responsibility. We carry the load of knowing that in the regulation of our unquestioning support of authority we also carry the guilt and shame of having enabled our tormentors free reign. This is the right and proper method of focusing our attention and perception?

Or perhaps it is better to regulate the flow and direction of such.

It is true that our energetic potential is unlimited but for those who wish to reign in our potential for their own purposes the requirement to submit becomes of tantamount importance. This is the reason for the continuous and seemingly never-ending push to not only capture our attention but to direct it as well. As we submit ourselves for casting we longer remain that which we think we are but instead become that which someone else thinks of such.

We are the house Negro that we have always wanted for ourselves, a slave which is more than happy to do our bidding, to do anything and everything that we wish for them to do or not do. Here is a lovely excerpt to help define the concept.

So you have two types of Negro. The old type and the new type. Most of you know the old type. When you read about him in history during slavery he was called "Uncle Tom." He was the house Negro. And during slavery you had two Negroes. You had the house Negro and the field Negro.

The house Negro usually lived close to his master. He dressed like his master. He wore his master's second-hand clothes. He ate food that his master left on the table. And he lived in his master's house - probably in the basement or the attic - but he still lived in the master's house.

So whenever that house Negro identified himself, he always identified himself in the same sense that his master identified himself. When his master said, "We have good food," the house Negro would say, "Yes, we have plenty of good food." "We" have plenty of good food. When the master said that "we have a fine home here," the house Negro said, "Yes, we have a fine home here." When the master would be sick, the house Negro identified himself so much with his master he'd say, "What's the matter boss, we sick?" His master's pain was his pain. And it hurt him more for his master to be sick than for him to be sick himself. When the house started burning down, that type of Negro would fight harder to put the master's house out than the master himself would.

But then you had another Negro out in the field. The house Negro was in the minority. The masses - the field Negroes were the masses. They were in the majority. When the master got sick, they prayed that he'd die. If his house caught on fire, they'd pray for a wind to come along and fan the breeze.

If someone came to the house Negro and said, "Let's go, let's separate," naturally that Uncle Tom would say, "Go where? What could I do without boss? Where would I live? How would I dress? Who would look out for me?" That's the house Negro. But if you went to the field Negro and said, "Let's go, let's separate," he wouldn't even ask you where or how. He'd say, "Yes, let's go." And that one ended right there.

- Malcolm X, "The Race Problem" , 23 January 1963.

The point is that in duality you will wind up fighting yourself again and again with the end result being an unhappy existence, forever looking and seeking for something or someone to take away all the pain and anguish. It is why we submit, it is why we give away our rightful place in the Universe and allow others to feel our pain.

I wish for you to be free of any and all encumbrances.

But I cannot free you from yourself, only you can do that. Please, please go ahead and at least consider the possibility.

This is not about revolt, subversion or insurrection. It's about changing the game.

Just imagine the possibilities. Just image when all the energy that circumstance requires you to waste become... purposeful.


Go ahead.

A Follow-Up

This is about a 'race problem'. There are the enslavers and there are the enslaved. If you look at any so-called 'international' governing gathering you will see a large 'diversity' of nations brought together under one roof wearing one particular type of dress. Isn't it amazing that out of all the cultures and traditions found around the world a commonality is expressed in it's coming together through the wearing of one particular type of dress.1 Yes, these are the 'house Negroes', and it has nothing whatsoever to do with human skin color.

It's the expression of what one thinks lies within one's own heart - it's the perception that carries the day. This is why the intellect is so highly prized by enslavers. It can be made to sing and dance any way they so choose. The question becomes, are you the house Negro acquiescing to each and every demand or are you the one to say, "Let's go."

The freedom you seek can be found in allowing yourself to be free. One cannot suffer the pain and anguish of enslavement where there is none. All it takes is changing your mind.

In that there is the freedom you seek.

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