Tag: life and living

Bunker Buster: The Darkness Eluded

Scientology has been around a quite a while. While the current fashion statement called 'religion' is darkness in dress the philosophy, the actual philosophy has it's basis rooted in a history long lost to many a mind but this article is not... 16 Jun 2011

There Is Only Me

When the moment is reached where there is nothing but one's self what it is then that happens? What is it that drives Man to sustain and perpetuate the belief that something is better than nothing. What is it that exists beyond the edge of... 24 May 2011

Sparking The Great Divide

The great divide is but a chasm of ignorance from on one corner of the universe to another. Between the opposition lies the truth of all being which is nothing but who and what we really are. Needing nothing we relent and so we find ourselves in... 05 May 2011

You Are What You See

This website uses the phrase "you are what you see" as a sort of slogan or mantra in order to create a common basis of understanding... 17 Jan 2011

Suckling The Teat of Despair

It's all the rage. From every corner of the universe a select few stand out amongst the crowd and proclaim the answer to whatever it is that you are looking for. The ultimate answer as the solution to Man's woes and concerns, your woes and... 11 Jan 2011

The Man In The Mirror

'Man' is not being referred to here as that over uni-sexed version world dominion lovers embrace. There are two different spellings of 'man', one with a capital 'M' and one with a small 'm'. The small 'm' version represents man-kind and is all... 20 Oct 2010

When The Blind See...

Being 'human' requires borders and boundaries within which one's existence can be limited, contained and channeled. Hearing the voices of despair we become it and drop this non-sense of individuality. Nurturing a 'good' and obedient gang of... 18 Oct 2010

In God We Trust

As of late there has been a number of interesting forays made by the so-called ruling elite. Hacking their way into the dense reaches of the jungle of life and living supper is being looked forward to being on the table very, very soon. As... 18 Oct 2010

Boasting of The Timeline

Working in secret there are no secrets and so when the word comes down the pike who is it that gives and receives? Dastardly deeds never go unpunished and yet the few remain. In confusion the scattering of the winds forces us all to look anew at... 11 Oct 2010

Dust Bunnies

Hiding in secret the fluff of life and living tends to accumulate and form new life, new means of sustainability in the physical construct. Taking on new qualities and struggling to engage it's world intelligence forms and begins it's journey on... 04 Oct 2010

The Code of Honor : No. 6

Today I would like to address number six of the Code of Honor. ... 14 Sep 2010

Circumventing The Inevitable

Eventually all events come to pass. In thinking, all thoughts comes to be pondered. In being, all experience unfolds. So what becomes of us? What becomes of us where limitation comes to be exceeded, to be broken and cast away as the refuse that... 07 Sep 2010

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