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Harold Rosenthal Interview

W. I've possibly saved the most important question of all until now.

R. Listen, White, if you're going on any further, my time is money. We made an agreement and you're extending it beyond reason. You have it all on tapes and remember that we agreed for you to take whatever you want from the tapes and your notes -- but no reproduction of the tapes under any circumstances. They are to be destroyed. If you violate this White, we'll cut your balls off.

W. Who are WE?

R. Just get smart and you'll find out. You don't want any trouble and I don't either. You keep our agreement and no one gets hurt!! Now give me the rest of my money. Okay?

W. I intend to keep our agreement to the letter and you have my word of honor that these tapes will not go any further than my use in the preparation of the story. There is no misunderstanding. We agree on that and I'll keep my word. You'll get your money in a minute.

R. I have friends White -- I know a lot of people and I don't want them to be reading things attributed to me that I didn't say. I don't give a damn what you or anybody else thinks -- but I don't want lies printed -- only the questions and answers of this interview.

W. We understand each other perfectly in that regard, Mr. Rosenthal. Now, please, this question!!

R. Shoot. But remember I need Las Vegas money.

W. Surely you must know somewhere in your schooling, or you have some kind of personal feeling or understanding as to WHEN and WHY the story began that the Jews are God's Chosen People.

R. We ARE God's chosen people.

W. Do you really believe that Mr. Rosenthal?

R. Maybe I can explain or perhaps Jake could give you a better answer...

W. Who is Jake?

R. Jake Javits -- you know, my associate. He's the man that I work for and he's a pretty smart guy. Plenty smart. His answer might serve your purpose for the story better.

W. I want your answer!

R. . . . You and we actually have a different God.

W. Is that the answer to the Jews being God's chosen people?

R. To our god we are chosen ones. We are taught that from our childhood.

W. That is an evasive answer. You know what I mean when I pose such a question and I don't believe your reply or your explanation.

R. Okay. I don't give a damn what you believe.

W. Do your people believe that Jesus Christ was a Jew?

R. Hell! We're not going back to that again are we? We've already gone over that.

W. That was before the tape machine was ever turned on. I don't think we recorded your reply to this question.

R. Well, I can't answer for all Jews. I guess you're asking what Jews throughout the world believe?

W. Yes.

R. Jake could answer that better than I.

W. Please, I don't want Senator Javits' answer to anything. I want your answer.

R. White, I know what you're searching for. I've known from the beginning but that's all right. You and we are so apart. You're another breed. You're not our kind. It's not secret that we do not respect you, and of your kind. (Genesis 3:15).

W. Are you referring to just our kind as 'Christians'?

R. No, you gentiles -- all of you are our enemies. When I was a little boy, just a kid, very young, we were taught very wisely. Many centuries ago when the Jews were persecuted in almost every country and driven out of so many countries -- some of the governments, I cannot remember exactly whether it was the government of France or Spain. Anyway, the government demanded that the Jews must become Christians or be expelled from the country.

W. Yes, I recall reading of this many times.

R. Was it France or Spain.

W. Possibly both but I vividly remember the story of Queen Isabella of Spain -- how patient she was with the Jews -- always giving them the benefit of doubt -- until such time as her eyes were opened completely to the deceptions of the Jews. But please go on.

R. Anyway, the Jews at that time had a very wise Rabbi leader, a world leader, and his advice was respected throughout the world. He said that the Jews must pretend to become Christians and bide their time and make real sacrifices if necessary. We have always been ready to sacrifice a few thousand Jews in exchange for world leadership. (This was the plan of the Jews who instigated WW II. Some Jews were sacrificed so that the "persecution" propaganda could continue.) It is a small price and there is nothing wrong with that. I was taught that we Jews must become lawyers so we could control and strangle the courts, and even the judges, unless they were Jews. We should become doctors and teachers and leaders in all the churches -- and this goal has almost been fully accomplished.

I said it before and I'll say it now -- that we will have complete, I say complete control, throughout the entire world possibly before I die. We are very successful in keeping you gentiles confused. We create confusion. (The word Babylon in Hebrew is Babel and means confusion. The Jews are masters at confusion because they are the ringleaders of the system known as "Mystery Babylon.") You're not stupid White. You know that the Jews are successful because of our unity. We die for one another if necessary. We generously finance our own, so it is understandable how we govern not only in this country. We direct American foreign affairs. We are the super government of the world. Is that enough?

W. Go on. I find what you are saying most interesting. Please go on.

R. We are the most powerful international body of people in the world! Do you believe that?

W. You speak with such confidence that I . . .

Mr. R. interrupted -- We can destroy any country's economy without their even being aware of it -- if we want to. I think this is what you want to hear. (Most Americans are totally unaware that by the Federal Reserve system their money has been stolen and the economy debauched.)

W. I'm expecting you to be truthful with me Mr. Rosenthal.

R. Well, it's true. We're smart -- we are powerful and at the proper time we will mix up your gentile women with the Blacks and in 50 years you'll be all mixed up. Niggers love to s---w your white women and we encourage it by using them to our advantage.

W. I recall your saying that the Blacks serve a purpose.

R. Yes, we will use them to a great advantage. (It was primarily by Jewish merchant ships and Jewish-run slave auctions that the blacks got to America.)

W. And try to destroy them after you have used them I presume?

R. If necessary. Yes! You and I know they're inferior people, a dumb race, but can be useful with the use of money. I mean real big money. Niggers will do anything for money. So, when the time comes -- and you might even live to see it -- we will have that complete control while you stupid Christians are waiting for your Christ, the impostor, to return as your savior.

W. You sound bitter.

R. Not at all. Why should I be bitter? We are on top!!

W. And when this whole sordid story becomes known, the result will be an aroused citizenry -- an angry citizenry who will want to destroy you.

R. How? I ask you how? YOU can't reach the people. We have it all under such control that no one -- no one or no-body can people unless it is done through our media control. (Who has ahd control of the mass media in the 20th century? -- Chairman of ABC pp Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS -- James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS -- David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC -- Fred Silverman, President of PBS -- Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time -- Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News & World Report -- Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones -- Warren H. Phillips, Editor of Newsweek -- Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide -- Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times -- Sulzberger family, TV program producer -- Norman Lear -- these and more all are Jews!!) We have it sewed up!! We have infected your churches completely and we now control the school system in the United States. It is a reality that we have complete control of organized Christianity. Almost anywhere -- completely.

W. I find so many things you say to be repulsive. The way you say things . . .

R. It's what you wanted to hear or you wouldn't have paid good money for this interview.

W. So long as you are truthful with me -- but you still haven't answered that question I posed long back -- do you believe that Jesus Christ was a Jew?

R. As I said, Jake could give you a really intelligent answer. I know that most of our friends, kids and people I grew up with -- in fact all of our friends -- I'd say all of them, don't believe Christ was a Jew. He was an impostor and millions of people all over the world now believe that Christianity was founded on untruth and deliberate incorrect translations of your Bible. Christ was a fraud. Even the National Council of Churches agree that there were false translations of the book your people respect. It's built on lies. (This comment can hardly be regarded as coming from a true Christian source since the National Council of Churches was organized by Jews and its theology is controlled by them.)

W. According to the latest scholarly research, your ancestors are not Israelites but Mongolians and Asiatics from Eastern Europe and Western Asia, so your ancestors were thousands of miles from the Holy Land. They never, ever saw the Holy Land -- proving that your people were not the chosen people of God.

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