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"Don't look here, the answer already lies within."

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 Do you hear the call?There is only the appearance of a duality.

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The articles on
SacredCow are an ongoing spiritual journey through Life and Living. New articles get added every now and then and sometimes the chapters get rearranged into some particular order that appears incomprehensible to the naked eye. This is a living project and will reflect that evolution through time and space.


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This body of work endeavors to present certain limitations and expectations that the illusion of life grants us each day. There is a certain harmonic level of understanding that is adressed within these pages and the full use of cognitive disonance is embraced whole heartedly. Beyond the appearance of understanding, learning takes place and through that learning Eternity comes just a little closer each time. Eventually, the fallacy of containment breaks and reveals the heavens, and Earth, for what they really are. Embracing the concepts presented within may lead to something far greater than just the empty words themselves. To that end, leave your shoes at the door and your humility in your pocket; pull a chair up by the fire and engulf yourself by allowing the fire that burns within to seek it's target.


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  - QUOTE -  

There are various tests to which a devotee is
subjected: they could be of the mind, or the
intellect, of the body, and so on. A number of such
tests are there. In fact, God is conducting tests all
the time; every occurrence in life is a test. Every
thought that crops up in the mind is in itself a test
to see what one's reaction will be. Hence one must be
always alert and aloof, conducting oneself with a
spirit of detachment, viewing everything as an
opportunity afforded to gain experience, to improve
oneself and go on to a higher stage.

- Nityananda


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