Search Results : awareness
About This Web Site
Purpose In dispersion our thoughts, ideas and concepts come to be strewn all over the universe in not only a haphazard fashion but with complete disregard for all that exists exterior to ourselves. In this self-removal process we color our world as we so choose little realizing that our cycle of existence is as endless as we make it. Running with due effort, we effort to live over and over again. Need we continue to take comfort in our cycles of ups and downs? Gathering unto our selves we find the real me... 2 hits (News And Views [filter])
Links of Discernment The internet is such a wonderful place to lose one’s self in. There is a plethora of profit-driven enterprises along with the ever present empty hand extended in expectation. These pointers of existence demonstrate the large and very noticeable lack of inner intelligence and more importantly, wisdom. It’s not that these guiding lights have ceased in their existence, it’s just that we have turned a deaf ear to them. Of course the deaf ear is the result of tuning into a... 2 hits (News And Views [filter])
A Few Definitions
Listed below are some definitions of words which may be encountered while traveling this website. These definitions are not meant to be all inclusive and not all words will be listed here. There are many places on the Internet where definitions can be found and using multiple sources is recommended. Bank: the mind, subgrouped by related items. It’s a filing system to which our life experience gets added and to which most rely upon quite heavily for reaching and making decisions in order to create ... 1 hit (News And Views [filter])
Here And No-Where Else
I've made it known about my disconnection with the various power positions that are going on and the reasons for that. Sometimes even the big boys require an alternate perspective, one which lies outside the boundaries of safety and the big easy chair. What happens after that is up to the ole cause and effect. It’s not just a matter of what “comes around goes around” but more a matter of doing that which is right - not a matter of what one may think is right, but doing that which brings ab... 1 hit (News And Views [filter])
What's It All About?
There have been a few changes made to this website recently but that is nothing unusual. Things do change and about the only recourse we have is to swim with the tide - or fight against it. Swimming with the tide doesn’t mean going along for the ride or doing as the herd does, what it means is to determine one’s own true course through this Universe, Sometimes this means that one will swim with the tide - or to be harmonious with the Universe, and at other times we require ourselves to stand fi... 1 hit (News And Views [filter])
Gathering Minds v2
When I created the Gathering Minds website I had in mind a particular purpose, a particular plan. Well, as is usually the case what I have in mind and what comes about are two very different things. Continuing on down the track, this website is not quite suited as a vehicle for my use but since it is here, so am I. I have always had an interest in the spiritual nature of man. The who or what behind the mask. This was quite a deep interest for a period of time than ran for years. Not a passing fancy that is... 2 hits (News And Views [filter])
Reach And Withdraw
Over the course of time it has become quite apparent that this website has followed the tried and true process of reach and withdraw. But that is in appearance only as there is no reach and withdraw going on. There is only “going on” that is going on. Does that make sense? If this appears to you as being a tongue twisting ride into obscurity well then, perhaps it would be better to study up on the ways and means of awareness because that is what it is about. In awareness, when action takes plac... 9 hits (News And Views [filter])
Pondering The Unfathomable
Here is an entry to demonstrate that time passes and so do we. Among the plenitude of our experience there remains one final push into the reality we most fear - death. Whether the scythe cuts one this pass or the next, all that we can claim with conviction is that indeed, it does cut and we become laid to rest. So what is the point of evolution then? What becomes of the nurturing nature of expanding awareness? Questions, by their design perpetuate one’s desire of reaching into an unknown which has be... 1 hit (News And Views [filter])
You Are What You See
This website uses the phrase "you are what you see" as a sort of slogan or mantra in order to create a common basis of understanding In order to rely understanding from point A (this article and even this website) to point B (the reader) a number of factors become involved. Among those factors are the definitions of words, terms and phrases. While sensing each of these the reader will typically use their own interpretation without a second thought until the context becomes ill-defin... 2 hits (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Where Would We Find Ourselves?
What is it that drives Men mad? What is it that becomes so unsettling that our very foundation shakes and crumbles giving way to anxious desire? What is it that determines our fate, our fortunes along with such tales of woe that we become enraptured by the greatness of our own imagination? What is it that motivates us when we are not looking? Many times awareness can be such a tricky thing to describe as the reference point becomes lost along the way. Determining our own fate we create. But from out of wh... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
The Man In The Mirror
A Few Words About Man Man is not being referred to here as that over uni-sexed version world dominion lovers embrace. There are two different spellings of man, one with a capital M and one with a small m. The small m version represents man-kind and is all inclusive of humanity regardless of race, color, creed or sex. The flesh and bones which walk the Earth is man-kind. Please note that there is absolutely no regard for the controlled ... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Circumventing The Inevitable
Eventually all events come to pass. In thinking, all thoughts comes to be pondered. In being, all experience unfolds. So what becomes of us? What becomes of us where limitation comes to be exceeded, to be broken and cast away as the refuse that they are. What now comes to fruition? Perhaps in the tasting the Garden comes to be known. Out of the ocean of wisdom comes knowledge to do with as Man wishes. Casting aside the Demons of the day victory is assured. From conviction to playing out the script Man has ... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Passing The Time Of Day
Day or night the passage of time comes to be inevitable. Lazily we stand by the sidelines waiting and watching life pass us by wondering in despair when it will be our turn. Yes, when will it me my turn!? Inwardly we cringe when the light of attention even comes close to us and as if by magic, we rejoice when it suddenly moves away The light of awareness comes with a price tag and though we pretend to fervently shop till we drop the price always comes to be so much more than we could possibly bear. ... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Wrenching Despair From The Heart of Man
How does one pull away that which is closely held? As candy from a selfish lad parting ways create turmoil and in this turmoil great change takes place. But why is there this requirement for turmoil? Why does Man suffer so and most of all why is there this clutching of the breast to hold for now and forever? We do indeed choose in which family we will marry. Though the family of Man requires of us rules, regulations and rituals nothing can take away our individual right of beingness other than through our ... 3 hits (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
The Clear Seeing of Obfuscation
Looking through our eyes we see the world at large and take refuge in the fact of our creation. In so becoming we find purpose and plan in which to take experience. From cause to effect our happiness travels the world over seeking and looking. As the dog on the leash, the pull is ever present and we duly follow, we must follow. The life we live becomes not of our own making but the rewards derived from the fruits of our labor. Always the rewards. As we take notice of attention we watch ourselves move throu... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Crash Test Dummies
They have a life of their own. Just sitting there until being put to use, the life they lead is not their own. That is their life - waiting to be made use of which in and of itself is not necessarily a negative but in this case it certainly is. Man is their god and by thus accepting such their lives become full-filled, just like their cousins who walk in flesh. When one becomes full-filled there is nothing left to achieve or desire. No compulsion is nurtured to become something or another but until that po... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Step By Step
From the Unfathomable Vastness of Nothingness, Movement Occurs. the Movement Called Creation Is Purpose and Plan. Dimension Establishes the Field of Play Called the Kingdom of Heaven. ## _In time, space is formed 5 hits (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Who Would Have It Any Other Way?
Sneaking up on ourselves we tend to pretend that we are something other than what we really are and in this pretension our foundational sense of being does not go away but becomes muted and reworked into being something completely different. As we separate our selves into the various parts of recognition we come to learn that in the loss of wholeness we become and in this narrow focus of attention we create the life we lead. Creating a life and death experience in which to full-fill our goal of completion ... 3 hits (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Watching The Natives Get A Suntan
Of the rise and fall, the victimization of the ruling elite; is there any wonder that these too fall prey to those of greater self-esteem? The ladder does indeed rise above, way above the heads of commoners and elitists alike. Is there such a thing as an hierarchy which defines itself as being beyond the sight of mere mortal man? Indeed there is and in this Universe of glory and glee there exists so much more than appearance, deception and greed. Make no mistake, greed takes a number of forms in order to ... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
In The Still Of The Night II
When we become emboldened in self righteousness our egotistical well being becomes enormously enhanced. What glory! What power! What ridiculousness! Change is upon us. Many times the hope-full seek to relegate change to the future - to some future time where preparation and expectation will serve us well and for the fool this tactic works well but for the sovereign individual the loss in battle becomes more than obvious. The battle for Man’s mind has been underway for quite some time. For a seeming ... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Blinded By Being Blind
Blindness occurs in nature but is it really unnatural to not be blind? In balance existence comes to be experienced for if it were not so we would be experiencing nothing but ourselves and to a great degree this does indeed stand. In seeing we take comfort for that is the purpose of sight - to see. Now that I have thoroughly mixed up the physical and spiritual forms of sight perhaps balance can be brought to bear in this as well. We see the world through our eyes and take for granted our own existence, ou... 2 hits (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Break Dancing
Stifling dissent we tend to create conformity. Comfort comes to be defined in light of common bonds, of a shared mentality where nothing is feared or fear-full - where nothing is amiss in our sense of ordinary. To be at odds is to be in danger and so we place a condition of Danger upon those who pull us away from our comfort zone. In the creation of conformity, security reigns supreme. In this false sense of happiness we come live, our eyes glued to the television set staring in wonder at the wo... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Time Stood Still
Taking a deep breath, drawing in the universe of experiential delight, we sometimes lose ourselves to the lust and glory of immersion. Losing ourselves we take flight and in this fanciful dream-like quality we come to embrace life and death and the struggle thereof. Of course the struggle is nothing short of our own making and even this has it’s own rewards. Our every action, every thought, word and deed comes full circle. It is in times like these that it may be best to keep a keen eye, an expanded a... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
In Time Of Need
In time of need, we become needfull. To be “need-full” one must be devoid of need and thereby undertake the quest of full-filling the vacancy. Our cup must be filled to overflowing. In this search and discovery of great intent we relish the obstacles of our own making. What glorious fun it is to lack! In this ideological establishment of need we color our world and all becomes as it should - with due regard to our most firm conviction. There is need and we are it! In or... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])
Basking In Narcissism
Expressing our endless right to be, do and have all that we wish for ourselves, we come to fully embrace the perpetual expansion of the rippling effect upon our universe of the drop of our being upon the canvas of life and living. In this moment of forget-fullness we become that momentary pause of not knowing and so “find” ourselves out among the effects of our being. Perception is always a matter of perception. In so striking the root, the tree of life becomes effect. This is where the action r... 1 hit (Mindless Wanderings [filter])