Fri, 28th Mar 2008 07:47
Outside influences require that we succumb. In preparing the field for planting, the farmer creates, in mind, the end result and then undertakes effort in order to achieve that end result. The goal is already well established and all that is left are the steps necessary to bring about it’s achievement.
Upon this planet the goal has been one of plunder, created and played out by those of foreign mind and body. It can be extremely difficult to understand the foreign mind in how it works. Thought processes are inherently different and from this Tower of Babel, understanding becomes absent. We hear the words and yet they fall upon the deaf, dumb and blind.
The so-called ‘banking elite’ requires scarcity in order to play out their dirty little secret. But even these puppets have their masters. Their ancestry gives them away. You see, like-minded sheep enjoy each other’s company and it is this company which sends up the flares of identification. Despite the tricks and traps of well-oil machinery, nothing - and I mean nothing, beats the opened eye of awareness. This ‘eye’ is not the trick of the all-seeing eye of authority but one of spiritual awareness, an awareness rooted in that which lies beyond the fallacy of life and living.
It’s so strange to view this as a ‘spiritual’ matter when those who embrace the opposite, through power and force, convince all in their path that such things are ‘beyond’ the scope of mere mortal Man. In other words, where there is conviction of a pure physical existence, there lies the empty grave. As ‘money’ is a product so too is the mantle placed upon the awareness of Man. In it’s restriction, Man comes to be controlled.