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The Intelligence route is that material which gives the mind something to chew on.

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Old Free Zone America

Tue, 9th Mar 2010 10:15

The old web site Free Zone America ( is but an ember of the past which provided an entryway into something completely different. Since that original focus has dropped away the mantle of righteousness became as clothes for others. That is their problem, not mine. This remains so today.

There are games large and small, narrow and wide. The choice is left up to the participants whether dressed as pawns or pieces. Communication is like game playing, we all have the right to participate or not as we see fit. Sometimes getting others to see beyond their own nose becomes the favored game but this is self serving. One cannot bend nor shape the view of others since this leads to our own sense of inbred superiority. What one can do is to foster an environment where understanding can take place.

The choice, as always, is the individual’s to make or break.

Status Report : March 2010

Tue, 9th Mar 2010 09:30

Originally this report was going to contain but one line but I decided to include some other relevant data for your entertainment, duly noted as Part I and Part II.

Part I

In like a lamb, out like a lion.

Part II

There is a considerable number of events taking place both naked to the physical eye and naked to the all seeing one (sometimes called spiritual awareness). The physical always follows the spiritual despite the fact that most beings enjoy viewing this in opposition but Man does so very much enjoy it’s own narcissistic pleasures.

The physical changes taking place upon Mother Earth are neither a wake-up call nor a klaxon to take heed. It is far too late in the game as these nudges in the awareness of Man are now a thing of the past. It is now the time of change.

The End Of The Line

Tue, 19th Jan 2010 12:30

Lines are drawn everywhere. It seems everyone has their fair share of what is called “personal space” and when that space is violated, when the line has been crossed trouble ensues. But when the line is never crossed it just hangs there for all eternity unless and until the owner rolls up the carpet and calls it a night. The end can go gently into the night or it can bare it’s teeth and feed on whatever comes near.

Scientology auditing in todays world is like that, a never ending magic carpet ride into the vast expanse of perpetuity. The end is never in sight but becomes grandly nurtured in the mind as being real. By this acceptance perpetuity find meanings and purpose. The road is made just for the traveler and none other.

There are some who relish the idea of gathering under their belt every possible thing there is to audit, every level, every list, every item - all done to perfection of course and then…done again! The fun of traveling is not arriving but the journey. Insights and cognitions recur with amazing frequency while the pc undergoes a feeding frenzy of more, more. Must have more…

Filed under: Mindful Wanderings

Organizational Discombobulation

Wed, 19th Aug 2009 06:44

Organizations love organization. Everything must be ‘just so’, all in their proper place. Predictably, it becomes all very much predictable. *yawn*

There are a number of weaknesses inherent in the organization structure. There is just no way around it, these weaknesses create vast gaping holes which provide ample opportunity for the organization to self-implode, to go up in smoke. The followers as well as the provincial authority both become glorified with their own place in the universe - as they see it. Covered eyes do not see and so walking among the dead is a task easily accomplished along with the effected changes.

Sometimes, when those of mind-altering self-appreciative tendencies are left to stand alone they tend to fall alone. You can’t offer up a suitable scapegoat when ‘power’ has been condensed unto a personality. The target becomesnaked and bare. This is like saying that truth will prevail but truth actually never does, it just is.

The Prophecy of Peter Deunov

Fri, 12th Jun 2009 08:39

“The prophecy of Peter Deunov regarding the end of our civilization and the beginning of the Golden Age on earth.

Also known under the spiritual name of Beinca Douno, the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov (1864-1944) was a being of a very high level of consciousness, at the same time an incomparable musician, that gave during his whole life an example of purity, wisdom, intelligence and creativity. For years he was established close to Sofia where he lived surrounded by numerous disciples, he, by his radiance awakened the spirituality of thousands of souls in Bulgaria as well as the rest of Europe.

Some days before his departure to the other world, he was in a profound mediumistic trance, he made an extraordinary prophecy in regards to our troubled epoch that we are crossing today, a prophecy about the “end of time” and the coming of a new Golden Age of humanity.

Here is this deeply moving testament. It is current and so vibrant that one doubts that these words were spoken almost 60 years ago.”

Filed under: Investigation

You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Thu, 23rd Apr 2009 11:07

Scientology is quite the interesting subject. It not only contains pitfalls and deathtraps which were newly created by the taken-over church, but it also contains an absolutely wonderful array of tools, tips and techniques for one’s spiritual growth. Personally, there is no attachment to any particular philosophy, religion or way of life but there is a great deal of interest in that which mirrors the truth of my own being. Scientology became a part of that truth a number of years ago and yet today it still has the potential and the ability to excite the harmonic tuning fork of truth. It rings and rings quite loudly along with the echoing vibratory effects which seems to bowl over whatever it is that comes before it.

But that is only for those whose awareness makes it so.

During a bout of administrative duties an article came up which brought the above to light - once again. It describes an aspect of spiritual behavior quite nicely which deals with the almost ‘natural’ ability of a spiritual being to run away or hide.

Pretending that something doesn’t exist gives it perpetuity by feeding it energy in order to make it non-existent. That sounds quite strange but in fact non-existence requires the absence of energy. In pretending that something doesn’t exist we must first give it substance and that can only be accomplished by feeding it energy. It’s called “Feeding the Beast”.

About the 'Alex Collier' Material

Wed, 1st Apr 2009 10:34

Most of this collection can be found in Alex Collier’s “Defending Sacred Ground I”. All of these can easily be found on the Internet. Here, you will find a slightly edited version of the same which includes the removal of subheadings and various in-context notes. The purpose of this is to present the material in it’s raw form so as to allow the reader to follow original intent. This does not “add to” nor “take away” from the book and other sources, but simply presents the material in an as-close-to-original format as is possible which I find to be much more focused and meaning-full.

It takes a lot of time and effort to transcribe ‘live’ material and acknowledgement is duly noted to those individuals who undertook and completed that great endeavor. You would not be reading these without their selfless contribution.

Please note that this material is in the public domain and as such appears here.

Filed under: Alex Collier

Global Wings Conference

Fri, 27th Mar 2009 20:34

An Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History
by Alex Collier

Global Wings Conference, August 2002
[Transcribed June 2007 & January 2008, Teri Callaghan]

[Editorial Note. This was Alex Collier’s final lecture before his ‘retirement’ from the UFO lecture circuit in 2002. It has never been published before. It deals with information given to him by his ‘Andromedan’ extraterrestrial contacts concerning Galactic History. The information is vital for understanding the historical intervention by extraterrestrials. Investigations conducted by the Chief Editor of the Exopolitics Journal point to the crediblility of Alex Collier as someone who has physically interacted with extraterrestrials. Many thanks to Alex Collier for permission to transcribe and publish his presentation. All attemptshave been made to transcribe this presentation as accurately as possible. Transcribed by Teri Callaghan - June 2007]

[AC - Alex Collier]
[Q - audience question]

My name is Alex Collier, I want to thank you very much for coming, this is going to be a very special treat for me. I love these small, intimate settings here, these living room types of things. I am very comfortable and when I am in my element I like to talk, and I am definitely in the mood for a talk fest. The information that I shared this morning, I am going to go over it again, briefly, because I went through it so quickly and some of you weren’t there.

Filed under: Alex Collier

Star Family Conference

Fri, 27th Mar 2009 18:24

Alex Collier at the Star Family Conference, March 1997
Transcript © 1997 Leading Edge Research Group

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and coming to hear what I have to say. When I talk, I don’t like to talk in terms of re-hashing things that I have talked about for the last three or four years. So, with your permission, I would just like to move on to where I basically left off the last time. If you are looking for information, there is information on the internet. If you really want it, you can find it, because it’s out there.

I wanted to talk about a couple things. I wanted to give you some history that has been shared with me. We’re going to deal pretty much with Jehovah and Nibiru, and I also want to talk to you about the Hopi prophecy, as well as my own thoughts about the Hopi prophecy. I also wanted to read you information from Morenae and Vissaeus themselves.

I want to start out by saying that I haven’t heard all the speakers here. I am sure they’ve all been great and have had something to contribute. In fact, all of you do as well. It’s great to come to some of these things and see the same people. But, ladies and gentlemen, I am just going to be blatantly honest here. You know, some of you have stories to tell, and some of you need to get off your butts and start talking yourselves. Our planet needs leaders, and a lot of us have made huge investments, thinking that our politicians are going to be the leaders, and that they are going to do the right things. The joke is on us, literally. They have really help to screw things up, and our apathy has compounded the problem.

Filed under: Alex Collier

The Good Ship Lollipop

Thu, 26th Mar 2009 17:35

Status updates are becoming quite the interesting thing. Action not only abounds in this universe but holographically speaking the depth and breath of experiential delight knows no bounds. The fun just never seems to end!

As for the rest of us, we would rather let ourselves out the door than to partake in such orgastic bombastic insanity.

Undeterred by the rebuke, some things have gone from light to bumping around in the dark while the opposite comes to fruition. In this game of life and living there is no such thing as sides when it comes to insanity where the universe has stopped just short of going mad - mad with desire.

Everyone, it seems, wants a piece of the pie.

Filed under: Mindful Wanderings

Leading Edge Interview Follow-Up No. 2

Mon, 9th Mar 2009 11:49

January 12, 1997

Val: How would you define and/or characterize the relationship between males and females in the Zenetaen society?

Alex: How would I characterize it? Now, understand that what I am giving you is only my impression from watching them interact when I was with them continuously for a period of three months. I would say that they are equal, and that they are treated as equals. I experienced a moment where there was a type of celebration in which one of their women, who I believe was about 470 years old, was leaving her assignment as part of an agricultural science group that developed new types of fruit and things for them to eat, because she wanted to become pregnant and raise a child. There was a celebration. Not all of the women do this, of course. Many of them decide to remain doing what they are doing in the position of creativity they are in, in terms of a “job” or “career”.

Val: In terms of the concept of a “relationship”, at least on the highest human level that you can conceive of….

Filed under: Alex Collier

Leading Edge Interview

Mon, 9th Mar 2009 11:48

Transcript 1996

Subsequent to the publication of the Ets and the Global Connection in Leading Edge #89, we did an interview with Alex Collier in order to ask some followup questions and try to gain further insight into the paradigm involved. The following is the result of our interview. - Val Valerian

Val: One question that arises as a result of analysis of the material in your Dallas lecture involves a further exploration of the concept of the magnetic color-sound frequency emanating from black holes. In your Dallas lecture, you said that this particular activity began a short time ago.

AC: I don’t know that I know much more than I’ve already said, but I’ll go through it again. According to Moraney, on March 23rd of 1994 a color and sound frequency apparently started emanating from the black holes. It is of such a high vibration that it is literally invisible to us. It is not, however, invisible to those in other dimensions or to those who are technologically advanced enough to be able to register this energy. Now, they have said all along that the universe that we physically see is only 21 billion years old. The space in which our universe is in, which is only one layer in many dimensions which they call “consciousness”, is a 21 trillion year old holograph. This new frequency which is coming out of the 3rd density black holes spans the entire range of the holograph of the universe, and its is literally creating a new holographic idea. They are calling this new holograph “the 12th”, and they have said to me that it is literally bringing all the dimensions together. Third density is beginning to implode on itself.

Filed under: Alex Collier

Leading Edge Interview Follow-Up No. 1

Mon, 9th Mar 2009 11:47

May 5, 1996

The following material is a followup interview conducted with Alex Collier in regard to the Andromedan paradigm. For reference purposes, the initial interview was in LE#90 and the main feature, ET’s and the Global Connection, was in LE#89. The interview was conducted on Sunday May 5, 1996. - Val Valarian

Val: Perhaps it would be best to start with a general update from you, both on the planetary side and the extra-planetary/dimensional side.

AC: Well, let’s see…a planetary update. There are more reptilians than there were before. There are approximately 20 of the royal Draconian line in the planet at this time.

Val: The Ciakars?

Filed under: Alex Collier

2001 Interview

Mon, 9th Mar 2009 11:25

Zen: Alex, the first question our readers will have is, your reason for silence.

Alex: My reason for silence…

Zen: You haven’t been on the radio for a while, no latest updates on the web site recently, is there any particular reason?

Alex: There really isn’t much to say. You know, the truth is I really don’t know, I don’t have the feel or the value of the information and more—

Zen: Are people interpreting it wrong?

Alex: No, I just think that, I really think that people just don’t care. There’s always a handful, but I just don’t know if people really care.

Filed under: Alex Collier

UFO Hypotheses Interview of UFO Contactee Alex Collier

Mon, 9th Mar 2009 07:15

by Rick Keefe, 1994 Transcript by Jim of EARS (

Rick Keefe: Alex, can you begin to tell us a little about yourself and your background?

Alex Collier: Well, my background is varied. Like many other people have done a lot of different things. I’ve had accounting practices. I’ve owned commercial industrial businesses. Currently what I’m trying to do is finish three books and lecturing across southern California and the western states trying to get out information that I agreed to put out regarding the earth dilemma, the situation that we all face here. I apologize. I’m two years behind schedule. I was supposed to have started lecturing two years prior to this. I’ve really been out since October of ‘93. It’ll be almost a year. That’s currently what I’m trying to do, so alot of my energy and focus has been going towards that.

Rick: Now you’re in contact with the Andromedans. Who exactly are the Andromedans?

Alex: They’re a particular race that exists in the constellation of Andromeda. They’re just one of thousands that exist out there. They are the particular race that I talked to and have had contact with and have given me and shared information with me, are human. They’re white skinned to light blue skinned, anywhere to four foot tall to eight feet tall, and they are human in every way.

Rick: Now where did they originate, Alex?

 you are what you see 

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