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Carrying The Yolk Of Freedom

03 Apr 2008

Heavy is the burden we bear. From unwanted thoughts and feelings to sorrowful experiential encounters, we play out the gamut of our lives in states of being. Being this or that way with our out-look, we create scenarios where desire moves to the point of redemption. We try to save ourselves from our selves through the obvious pointers of life and living.

Life is full and complete as life is supposed to be it’s own reward but in reality our own personal theatrical play is but for our own amusement. Staging the play and generously funding it’s demonstration, we sit back and reap the benefits.

But what, exactly, are these ‘benefits’ that we gain? What is the purpose of gazing into the mirror and becoming thus absorbed?

Perhaps, that is the reason. To be absorbed.

Time Stood Still

28 Mar 2008

Taking a deep breath, drawing in the universe of experiential delight, we sometimes lose ourselves to the lust and glory of immersion. Losing ourselves we take flight and in this fanciful dream-like quality we come to embrace life and death and the struggle thereof. Of course the struggle is nothing short of our own making and even this has it’s own rewards. Our every action, every thought, word and deed comes full circle. It is in times like these that it may be best to keep a keen eye, an expanded awareness of separation. We are what we see and yet we fully contain the rights and privileges of being not so encumbered. Coming home to roost is nothing short of going no-where and doing no-thing.

Time stands still when we embrace nothing. Time stands still when our compulsion to activity becomes negated. Where there is no urge, peace prevails.

And that about wraps it all up. Peace is not found, revealed, uncovered or any other non-sensical characterization. One cannot describe one’s self unless one makes it out to be an object. In so objectifying our nature we create a thing. This may be of great help to the capacities and capabilities of the mind, but even in this energetic creation a thing remains a thing. Between differences and similarities there lies reality. In this scale of justice our life experience overtakes us as we are the effect of the swinging pendulum. Stability is but food for thought in thought. Upon the stage of play-acting we watch as our puppet undertakes an all consuming path of action and reaction in the name of full-fillment and when the goal is finally grasped a miniscule moment of joy is attained. Time stands still for but a moment and in the next, our mind rushes towards attainment once again. Repeatedly we self-flagellate in order to remind ourselves that there is a higher purpose, a higher plan for such insignificant identities such as I, me and mine.

Waking Up In A Bed Of Roses

13 Mar 2008

Looking and searching is part and parcel of living the life of hopes and dreams. Evermore on the quest of enlightenment we tend to seek out those of like mind. In this devious play of conquest, we can be assured that our victory will not elude us, our triumph over thoughts, words and deeds will come to be full-filled. Rising above the roost, we tend to think that we will break free and yet all that we are really doing is just playing out another version of “Kill the Beast”. By any other name we call ourselves “Joe” or “Sally” but in this egotistical game of one-upmanship, our own urgings and selfish desires are the Beast.

In seeking what we are really doing we are simply finding a way for our own selfish desires to become manifest while at the same time pretening to be free of them. Peace comes from within and yet in the great Quest of Attainment we relish the desire to seek and overcome, to gain and hold that which we yearn for. Driving us mad our desires make us mad and in this insane pursuit of happiness we have not the slightest idea of what happiness really is.

Through our thoughts our desires become real and once they attain a sense of reality off we go into the wild and crazy world of doing. Doing this and that we endeavor to full-fill the promise of glory, of attainment, conquest and victory. How can Man ever attain that which emanates from His own mind? Looking in the mirror at a false sense of reality how can one ever grasp the image, to have and to hold that which is a product of one’s own imagination.

Watching… Waiting…

26 Feb 2008

Man is quite ineffectual at creating change. All through time and space Man’s state of being has remained unchanged. In the absence of self-inspection one’s outward expression takes root and expands it’s form out into the universe for effect. Awaiting the echo we remain motionless, fixated with intent upon reception. Change does not occur in stasis and so we await our time, our place.

This then begs the question: how long will we wait to hear from ourselves? How long do we stand still receiving the ripples upon the pond of life and living and relishing in it’s glory? How long do we fool ourselves by saying that our existence creates our need for the demonstration of ourselves? When we throw a rock into the pond it’s effects are unmistakable and yet in our repeated efforts of creating change we go from pond to pond throwing rocks in the hopes that some type of permanency results.

It never does.

As our quest continues and grows our fervent desire becomes more and more real. It is our truth and so it is, captivating the entirety of our being. From it’s depth of death and destruction, death and destruction reigns supreme. In this illusion of life and living our existence finds form and expression and as we hop and skip to each and every pond, nothing changes despite the difference of scenery. In how many ways, in how many forms can our desire express it’s self?

Motion In Commotion

28 Jan 2008

Change continuously occurs sometimes despite or even in spite of our best intentions, whatever they may be. In motion we tend to find happiness. When we go to the beach for a summer’s day of rest and relaxation we seek to find inner peace and happiness. In action we take flight in search of one thing or another in the hopes and dreams that we will finally and terminally obtain the peace and happiness we yearn for. In action we cause commotion and in the stirring of the pot, sometimes we reap but mostly we sow.

As our search and discovery of great magnitude continues we always seem to come up short. The peace and happiness we so desire comes to be but of short duration as our interest comes to be captured and enraptured in the commotion of life and living. Taking it’s leave we let peace and happiness leave. Perhaps our efforts will once again cause it to be reborn and on we go running fast and furious upon the Wheel of Life. Striving ever harder with greater endurance we force our wishes to come true only to find that they continue to stay but one step ahead, one step away from perpetual peace and happiness.

It is Man’s nature to seek peace and happiness in self created commotion for the thinking goes that only in commotion can one find peace and tranquility, only in confusion can one find stability, only in sorrow can one find happiness. In creating disharmony we create the harmonic and fall by the way-side choosing one at the exclusion of the other.

There Is A Time And There Is A Place

When goodness grows weak
When evil increases
I make myself a body.

In every age I come back
To deliver the holy,
To destroy the sin of the sinner,
To establish righteousness.
The Bhagavad Gita


This is the entry page for the website where all things come together so as to make looking a tad bit easier. But the goal here is not one of looking but of seeing. Feel free to browse around but please take your time as realization sometimes takes a while to really sink in - especially when we busy ourselves fighting it by being in a hurry to get through life and living. What’s the rush!?

Mindless Wanderings

Here you will find the most current articles, etc. but to start off, take a look at the Self page as a sort of introduction to and about your self. Look in the mirror and say “Hi”. Then realize that it is you who is looking out at an image that you created of your self and calling it “you”. How funny is that!? You can’t point to your self because you are not a object. All that you can do is realize your own nature. So have at it.

Local Information

This section contains some background information on and about this website. There is nothing special here. If you would like, go ahead and leave a message in the Comm Center or, for no good reason, read the Latest News And Views.

If you are up to it, you can roll the dice and get a random page displayed right before your very eyes or you can browse the site via Keywords. Better yet, quit searching as if there is something ‘out there’ that will give you the answer to your self.


All beliefs, concepts, philosophies and what have you are all built upon some core guiding principal. This collection, although a bit high on the ability to understand scale, is superb in providing at least a small glimpse into our nature. For some, they provide a huge vista of understanding while others have a difficult time reading the meaning behind the words. Something for everyone!

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