Unfortunately for show biz, there will be very little in the way of entertaining content here on this web site. Lovely pictures to induce one to imagine lovely thoughts and feelings will not be found here. Musical notes to send one to faraway galaxies to bask in the glorious feeling of being alive will also be non-existent. Fun and enticing content to draw in the visitor so as to seek and retain visitor traffic is also dismissed out of hand(1).
Even though all that is found here can be considered in the light of entertainment there is a remarkable difference between show business and the urge to overcome oneself in the pursuit of what lies beyond. Where our attention is set, there it produces results.
There are plenty of shining beacons out in the spotlight dancing the latest and the greatest. If one wishes for such entertainment please close the door right now and leave this abode, there will be nothing of value or purpose to be found here as everything here goes against the grain. For a safe and comfortable existence, for an existence where the view of yourself is of utmost and invaluable importance, then you will be much better served to slide on right out the door to other more suitable environs.
For those who can embrace and actually take to heart their own sense of beingness then it will be found that life will shortly outlive it’s usefulness and that is exactly the fine line where this web site takes stock.
Against all odds, we are. Nothing can change that and no one can deny it. We exist because we contain the knowledge of being. We know that we are through our exhibition of activity and so we can, and do, anything and everything possible in order to keep alive this wonder of beingess called ‘me’.
“I am so that others may live.”
Without others, without this created separation or sense of being, we are not. To the exclusion of all else, we find that we are. In a relation of separation we live our lives enamored of life and especially happiness. In so becoming, we solidify our uniqueness and glory in it expecting others to do the same for us. As we embrace ourselves as the center of all we relish me and mine. Finally, we refuse any and all things which is not ‘I’. “I am that I am and nothing can take that away.”
In taking the back country roads we come to experience and live life to it’s fullest, enjoying and relishing it’s rewards. We take our time as we pass through each and every small town all across the universe making sure that we have missed nothing. In this long and arduous journey we keep ourselves entertained by becoming one thing or another, by changing our characteristics in order to leave no stone unturned in which to glorify ourselves. What marvel we are!
Fright takes us to many places but above all, it takes us to another step closer to who or what we really are. Through tantalizing experience we get to see what we are made of but since our making all originates out of our selves to begin with we end up far removed from whence we came. Fear requires action whether denoted by ‘no action’ or frenetic activity something must be done and quickly! The urge to make it all go away is unmistakable but since we already embody this fear who is it that encounters such difficulty in it’s acceptance? By running away we show what we are made of, or more correctly, what we embody. We can run but we cannot hide. Never will we ever be able to hide from our selves.
Facing one’s destiny is nothing but an imagined idea of what ‘will be’. Since the future is out of phase with current time, it becomes useless for our purpose. Whether diving into the past or rushing head-long into the future, when we leave the present we come to be “long gone”. Nothing happens but in this exact moment, in this exact ‘time’. Moving attention into other realms, other times and places will do nothing in surmising our own nature. In fact, no matter where we look, all that we can do is ‘seek’, we cannot ‘find’. Where-ever and when-ever we place the attention of the mind, there we become rooted. One cannot live until one learns to be ‘here’.
Tiredly we wait and watch for the signs to come. Sniffing the air in desperation, we seek to divine our true nature in terms which we find comfortable and meaningful. It should all be as we think it should be. Despite the shallow attempt at ‘improving’ our selves desperate measures require desperate times and so they are. Living life to it’s fullest, we die empty and unrewarded. In regard to what is to come, we imagine a future in the full happiness of our selves, relishing the idea of fairy tales coming true. Hoping against hope, we fill our time with meaningless activity designed to forestall the inevitable. We must not die empty handed!
Strengthening the bonds of our worldly pleasures, we sink further into the abyss of our making. How else are we to face the mirror in order to declare that what we see is nothing but our selves staring right back at us. Desperate times require desperate measures.
Stretching across the known and unknown universe, the journeying of the thing we call ‘us’ or ‘I’ is a long one indeed. Here, the mapping out of our ‘fall’ from Grace is described and foretold.
From out of the center all things come to be, including our own sense of being. We know that we are and give it no mind, but in understanding we fall far, far short. Trying to trace the route back home, from the standpoint of our present day immersive experience, comes to be quite impossible. We cannot return whence we came simply because after a while, the trail disappears. In this disappearance we must either let go of our sense of self, or cloak ourselves further because once we become even faintly aware that we are not all that we appear to be, we must either face the consequences or reap the rewards. The killing of our sense of being requires one to face death with open arms. Who in their right mind would contemplate such a dark and dangerous proposition? And that is exactly where one wants to be - coming face-to-face with one’s tenuous hold onto a reality that is pure fiction.
Reality is such a shallow, narrow concept in which we exercise our right of entertainment. In this play, our special sandbox in which to find full-fillment, we endeavor to find the fruition of our beingness, of completing our journey despite the fact that we have no memory of who or what we really are. This, in itself, is quite an amazing feat of engineering!
In so twisting our perception, it becomes the reality within which we exhibit our beingness in order “to be”. In this never ending process of seeking and enveloping a promising future, we reach out to touch the stars of our own making. It is true, we do indeed create the reality within which we find comfort and glee.
“Gathering Minds” refers to the idea or concept of bringing together interested minds in a common purpose. This is, in fact, a low order of purpose simply because the reference to “mind” is way down on the totem pole, pretty darn close to the reality which is lived and worked to great effect by just about every one. The use of this reference is applied as a stepping stone to reach the other side of the pond, so to speak. Going beyond some certain point first requires the full attainment of that point. Just about anyone with at least half a brain will relinquish the idea that they do indeed have a mind and not only that, but that they use it quite heavily day in and day out.
It’s a good starting point for those who are lucky enough to realize that something much more than themselves, is “out there”. As a sort of vortex into the void, this web site stakes the claim that no entry pass is needed. All it takes is a whole lot of “non-doing”.
That’s a very strange term, “non-doing”. So many of us are extremely wrapped up in activities, in the doingness of life and living completely neglecting the part where we are just our selves in complete and utter disregard to all the “stuff” that seems to overwhelm and bind us. In “doing”, we bind our selves to the universe through concepts, ideation and just plain ’ol wish-full thinking. Reaching spiritual heights of greatness doesn’t mean adding something else to our “to-do” list, just the opposite. Working our way back home requires that we check out of the hotel in which we have found purpose and plan. Yes, in order to free ourselves from our own mirror as reflected in the “outside” world, we must simply just leave it behind. It's time to “check out”!
When we are bereft we seek. It is in this seeking that gain-full endeavors are brought to bear which of course will always result in pain and suffering. What is it that suffers? It is our own conceptual basis for being. In our creation we not only live and die, but embrace the demonstration of our selves. Into the mirror of life we dive with fervor and purpose never realizing that we are the survival we seek. Has any one yet broken free from their own being? Nothing can come of breaking free because we simply cannot break free of our selves. We are the reminder that not all is as it appears and we are certainly not that. In fact, we are nothing at all though the popular belief is that we must be one thing or another. Coming from the dancing shadows upon the cave wall who in their right mind would accept such appearances as being the reality which we are.
Do we just continue to fool our selves that we are not what we think we are and in so empowering the thought give it life and come to call it “me”? If existence is only to be experienced through a beingness far removed from our selves what is to become of us? Do we continue to gleefully pretend that our sandbox is the only reality in which we have drowned or do we simply let the thought, all thoughts, go in order to allow the rememberance of our selves to see the light of day?
Are we really self-aware or are we just providing excuses in order to sustain our conceptual experiential delight in which we have nurtured and sustained deep roots of belief? Belief in what? In empowering our world we sustain it’s influence and gain the reward of experiencing it’s effects. Garbage in, garbage out. In our pretension that we do nothing our ignorance and arrogance strikes us at every turn. What option or options can there be left to us if we do so wish to be free and clear of our deceptions and ignorance?
Power lies in the ability to “do” things, to have things “get done”. The more power one has the more that things will come to fruition the way one desires. We all control our destiny do we not, and in so controlling we bring to bear the power of our mind. Exerting force in this way we direct our energy towards value fullfillment. What we deem to be of value we achieve through pure and unadulterated will power. There is nothing which can stand in the way of the power of mind and those who master the art of it’s use will surely rule the sheep as is their prerogative. Man is better ruled by those who define themselves as being better through the use and application of the mind of befit one who knows and understands it purpose and power.
What folly!
Animalistic shenanigans serve best those who are the slave of such. There is no such thing as the power of mind other than to those who seek dominance and control. Lacking dominance and control of themselves, these same individuals rely upon the age old tactic of embodying and embracing that which they most need to learn.
In controlling others, through whatever devious intellectual justification employed, we demonstrate that we ourselves lack control. When we do control ourselves there comes to be a blatant disregard for the desire to exert control upon another. Only through the tried and true heritage of knowing our selves do we find the peace and prosperity of existence, of life and living and embracing it’s purpose and plan, if any. We are not animals though we assume the characteristics of such through the ritualistic use and abuse of concentrated energy, directed and employed upon another.
Are we animals?
In the creation of beingness we find identity and through the mind we seek experiential delight. Demonstrating his fall, Man endows life only through the looking glass of mind. In this depravity is it any wonder that pain and suffering become part and parcel of his nature?
Looking across the vast expanse of humanity it becomes quite readily perceived that something is amiss. In the complex and convoluted process of determination we eventually reach the point of no return. Either we submit to our mind’s mechanistic future or we become enamored of our selves. Reaching the state or level of deepest concern, we extend our hand in friendship by the simple fact of being our selves, wholly and completely. There are no others when we revel in our own nature.
Hoist the flag and set sail for open water for there are no barriers of ill repute when it comes to our freedom. Despite the fact that humanity is giving way to inevitability we remain rooted in the pleasure and pleasures of life and living by simply remaining to be what others tells us we most certainly are. Perhaps we are listening in all of the wrong places. Perhaps we are listening to those who we most agree with. In this contract of interchange, we change neither ourselves nor others. We abide in the belief that in accepting the illusion or appearance of others, the same will be had for our own. Through and by group agreement we seek to define our nature by exemplifying some small, tiny portion of it for demonstrative purposes.
A small lie does little to validate truth other than to leave room for the seeking of it.
This section contains various things and such which pertain to the Free Zone America web site and to the philosophy and religion of Scientology. There is no compulsion to endow the reader with certain ideologies and though the information presented here is, for the most part, aligned with Scientology principals this does not mean that it has exclusivity when it comes to understanding what lies above and beyond any and all such philosophies, religions and routes to happiness. For that, something much greater than our own limited viewpoints requires substantiation. In that regard, please peruse this information accordingly.