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“The Ashtavakra Gita, or the Ashtavakra Samhita as it is sometimes called, is a very ancient Sanskrit text. Nothing seems to be known about the author, though tradition ascribes it to the sage Ashtavakra; hence the name.” - John Richards

Also known as the Crest Jewel of Discrimination or Viveka-Chudamani.

By Sankara, translated by John Richards.

The Dhammapada by Gautama Buddha. Translated from Pali by John Richards.

“Like most anthologies of verses, the Dhammapada is very uneven. Some verses are both profound and deeply poetic. Others are awkward, and little more than a list of technical terms. The overall effect of the Dhammapada however is undoubtedly of high moral and spiritual earnestness, and a typically Buddhist gentle persuasiveness. It would be hard to point to a poetic book of a similar length in world religious literature of a correspondingly sustained level.” - John Richards

Various other relevant things and such.

14 Dec 2006
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Argh matey!