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TimeTrack: HASI

2003 Feb 22

“CL”: Re: Where the hell was Starkey?

“In ” Re: Where the hell was Starkey? “, ‘CL’” wrote:

1 October 1976

“On the move to La Quinta, he [“L. Ron Hubbard”] drove himself, with the trucks carrying the boxes travelling at different times and routes, not to draw attention. Rifle was his house, Olive Tree Ranch was the comm centre where messengers lived, and the Palms was where the rest of us lived.”

Source: Kima Douglas Interview, Oakland, California, 27 August 1986

Note that this 1 October 1976 is actually only about one month after the end of the huge “Human Rights Prayer Day” convention in L.A.

Okay, now, the ONLY people purportedly with this “L. Ron Hubbard” at the time, at LA QUINTA, from all accounts that can be scraped up anywhere, were: Mary Sue, Fred Hare, Ann and James “Jimmy” Mulligan, Duke Snyder, Laurel Watson [soon Laurel Sullivan], Fred Watson, Kima Douglas, and Mike Douglas. That’s IT, plus “some messengers.” Nobody seems to want to say who these “Messengers” were.
[ref: doc867]

Well that’s interesting, one thing that’s particularly interesting is the name dropping the govt set of disinformation posters had begun doing, not too long ago-begun to be covered in the “reactions to the 2003 posts” thread.

Anyway, By this time in 1976 Jimmy Mulligan has resigned, probably due to someone’s order, and is no longer on the HASI Board of Directors.

Duke Snyder is placed by “CL” (with no source I might add), at La Quinta when LRH was there. CBR, in I believe his debrief has seen LRH alive AFTER this point. So..LRH was at La Quinta, and now CL, for the first time that I have seen, lists Duke Snyder as being there.

And I believe that Duke was senior? to Dick, and very much in comm with him, and Dick’s wife Judy, was the new Secretary of the HASI board, earlier that year, 1976. And it would ostensibly have been her hat to do the “admin” and make sure the report was filed.

Then AFTER this placing of Duke etc up at La Quinta with LRH, AFTER that..the po box gets closed and mail gets returned undeliverable postmarked November 19 1976, down goes HASI but it isn’t “known” except by those who arranged the closing of the box, UNTIL May of 1977..this all happened, LONG before Lenske was involved, or even knew..and what happened to the assets of HASI then?

The copyrights….

Well, if they “lost” them, one would expect quite a show after the fact to prove they “had” them.

And so it was..but we’ll get to that later. [vm]

[id=80|10 Apr 2003|]

2002 Apr 24

Virginia: Re: The Jontu-Matulef Disinformation Show

“In ” Re: The Jontu-Matulef Disinformation Show , Virginia” wrote:

Oh and Randy (CL)?

Why did you not mention about that the HASI was deliberately set to go defunct 25 years after it’s inception?

Hmm? That is a rather odd “oversight” on your part.

What with all your self described fabulous research skills, how did you manage to miss that data in the incorporation papers which you purportedly requested and received?

Enquiring minds want to know..
[ref: doc872]

CL never answered the above. [vm]

[id=88|10 Apr 2003|]

2002 Apr 22

“CL”: The Jontu-Matulef Disinformation Show

“In ” The Jontu-Matulef Disinformation Show “, CL” wrote:

Well, wouldn’t you know it: since the other disinformation specialists whose job it was to point all attention at RTC and keep all attention away from CST have been thoroughly discredited as perjurers, thieves, and liars, the new tap dance team has arrived, apparently being part of trained intel agent Mike McClaughry’s coterie.

“Jontu” is doing everything he can to link the very valid copyrights issue to some whacked-out sci-fi alien-invasion scenario so it can all be laughed off and discredited together, Operating Rule #1 for the disinformation specialist.
[ref: doc870]

Calls us “disinformation specialists” that’s the criminal mind in action, since that is exactly what “Cl” does. A very specialized disinformation campaign. Quite tricky too, just enough truth to bait the trap.. [vm]

[id=82|10 Apr 2003|]

2002 Apr 22

“Jontu”: Re: The Jontu-Matulef Disinformation Show

“In ” Re: The Jontu-Matulef Disinformation Show “, Jontu” wrote:

“Paul Matulef” wrote in message…

Hush Jontu! You told them too much already.

Knowing that the enslavers would infiltrate and take-over the church TTA, and that they would corrupt the technology and prevent access to his original works, apparently Ron tricked them and intentionally let the vast majority of copyrights to to his original works go into the public domain.

Thus, the TRUE owners of the copyrights are actually the peoples of Earth.

The enslavers, realizing too late that they had been tricked and had lost control of the copyrights, they instituted several solutions:

  1. Denial

  2. File copyright applications despite the fact that the they had no right to.

  3. Collect up the original materials to get them out of circulation.

  4. Create new corporate entities to “receive” the illegal copyrights.

  5. Fraudulently “transfer” copyrights which they didn’t actually own.

  6. Alter the original materials to make BOTWO versions, and get legitimate copyrights on those owned by their new corporate entities.

  7. Denial
    [ref: doc871]

The Scientology Copyright Empire and the IRS
%2522%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF- 8%26oe%3DUTF

[id=84|10 Apr 2003|99 1077]

2002 Apr 22

Headers For “The Copyrights - Part II”

From: “Jontu”
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Subject: The Copyrights - Part II
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 11:10:58 -0700
Organization: Lightlink Internet
Lines: 501
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4522.1200
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4522.1200
X-Original-Trace: 22 Apr 2002 14:16:28 -0400,

This is the headers for a post that David did, that CL had a cow about..and CL kept having a bad hair day on this thread when David said “you lost them”, referring to the copyrights. “CL” finally supposedly “killfiled” David-didn’t like how that discussion was going I guess.. [vm]

[id=83|10 Apr 2003|]

2002 Apr 15

“Jontu”: LTA and the Akashic Book of Records

“In ” LTA and the Akashic Book of Records , Jontu” wrote:

——- Original Message ——-
From: “Jontu”
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 1:17 AM
Subject: LTA and the Akashic Book of Records

“…One of the curves involves the copyrights to all of his original writings which, due to some clever manuevers by LRH with the original HASI, actually fell into the public domain years ago. But RTC/CST has been busy covering that up, altering his original works, and then copyrighting the changes so they can maintain control.”

——- Original Message ——-
From: “FACTNet International”
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: whatever happened to Sten-Arne?

Jontu” wrote in message

Hey Larry, glad you showed up because I have a quick question for you:

I have heard that sometime back FACTNet was sued by RTC for copyright
infringement, and that Vaughn Young and I believe Jessie Prince were
proving that specific issues within the list of alleged copyright
violations were fraudulent, based on the fact that the copyrights on these
issues had previously gone into the public domain.

Do you have a list of which issues were proven to be in the public domain?


Dan Liepold was the lawyer in the case. You will have to consult with him.

——- Original Message ——-
From: “Chris Owen”
Newsgroups: alt.religion.scientology,
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 3:49 PM
Subject: ESSAY: Scientology and Copyright

“…Although a few of L. Ron Hubbard’s early works have escaped into the public domain due to technical mistakes by the Church of Scientology, the vast majority appear to be safe until at least the 2050s and probably well beyond…”

So there appears to be a lot of “Look over here! Look over there!” going on at the lower levels, trying to keep people’s attention focused too low or too late on the chain, and therefore off of the higher level VABs and what is REALLY going on.

Now this particular area is a very tricky one, which if not managed very carefully, can have significant detrimental ramifications for those behind the scenes.

On the one hand, the enslavers want a lot of discussion about how bad the church is and how corrupt the management is because it forwards their purpose of destroying the chuch and ultimately Scientology itself.

On the other hand, if not very carefully controlled with precise vector management, it can easily backfire on them if people start looking at all of the fraud which has been perpetrated around the copyrights. And I don’t mean just faking the copyrights themselves.

You see, it could begin to call into question offical government involvement in this whole sordid mess, and how much certain “officials” knew about what was going on and why it was done. A why that involves “national security”.

And that is the point at which this turns into a real sticky mess for them.

They’d be happy to destroy the church and shut it down because of all the criminal activity perpetrated by the current management, but they are probably not prepared for the string to be pulled any further than the church. Who knows what could unwravel and fall out of the spider’s web then.

And they also realize that if the full truth about the copyrights going into the public domain were to become widely circulated and known-about, they would forever lose their lever of control over people and their use of the subject…

And the people of Earth would realize that Ron did indeed achieve his aim of giving them the tech.
[ref: doc1633]

[id=87|10 Apr 2003|0]

2002 Feb 12

Mike McClaughry: Mike Answers CL on Copyright Fraud

” In “Mike Answers CL on Copyright Fraud “, Mike McClaughry” wrote:

On September 13, 2001 the Librarian made a 4 part post to alt.religion.scientology on the subject of copyrights:

Part 1 is posted at 1:05 AM
Part 2 is posted at 1:16 AM
Part 3 is posted at 1:27 AM
Part 4 is posted at 1:38 AM

In this 4 part series on copyrights, the Librarian makes some incorrect statements, apparently in an effort to lead one to the false conclusion that CST is the valid owner of LRH copyrights.

Here I will present data that shows that CST does not legally own any LRH copyrights:

Point 1:

One thing I noticed about this particular series of Librarian posts was that it omitted the data on HASI. Earlier time tracks released by the Librarian noted that HASI was the owner of the copyrights and HASI went defunct in 1977, which put the copyrights into the public domain.

Another odd fact about HASI that I have never seen anyone mention ñ is the HASI Articles of Incorporation state the corporation is to end in 25 years. That would mean that LRH intended for the HASI to end in May 1979. That is a clue that he intended the copyrights to go into the public domain.
[ref: doc858]

” In “Mike Answers CL on Copyright Fraud “, Mike McClaughry” wrote:

-Lastly, a personal message from Mike to CL..

Virginia and I are here to expose the Fraud and remove the guilty from CST, RTC, CSI.

You, the Librarian, Veritas, etc. - make a public showing that’s what you are about.

If that were true - you would consider us allies. Attacking us would be Wrong Target.

Your words say one thing but your actions say another.

Actions speak louder than words.

[id=79|10 Apr 2003|0]

2002 Feb 12

Mike McClaughry: Mike Answers CL on Copyright Fraud

“In ” Mike Answers CL on Copyright Fraud , Mike McClaughry” wrote:

In this 4 part series on copyrights, the Librarian makes some incorrect statements, apparently in an effort to lead one to the false conclusion that CST is the valid owner of LRH copyrights.

Here I will present data that shows that CST does not legally own any LRH copyrights:
[ref: doc734]

This is the post by Mike where he calls “Cl” on the copyrights issues
And CL responds and has “no idea” what Mike is talking about re the Librarian copyright posts. [vm]

[id=86|10 Apr 2003|0]

2001 Sep 13

“The Librarian”: YOO-HOO! PTSC! About Those Copyrights PART 1

“The Librarian” wrote:

Now, Rob! Look, there already is that database of all the copyright registrations and renewals. That little dollface Ralphie Hilton has it webbed somewhere. So you wouldn’t have to deal with LOCIS. And I’ve got some, like, little factlets and other little thingies that might help. (I’ll throw them in here somewhere before I go. I know how you boys like toys!)
[ref: doc743]

Ralph Hilton link with “the librarian”. [vm]

[id=78|10 Apr 2003|0]

2001 Sep 13

“The Librarian”: YOO-HOO! PTSC! About Those Copyrights PART 1

“The Librarian” wrote:

…Oh, there were just scads of allegations flying around for years about some of the copyrights having lapsed into the public domain. There are just reams of posts and legal documents and all sorts of vague accusations and claims and counterclaims and hoohah about it! But that’s, like, a whole spooky story in itself. It’s almost as spooky as CST.
[ref: doc734]

There…buried in the Librarian Copyrights Part 1 post, is the “denial”, and..the disinformation “hook” leading to a new “explanation” as to what happened with the copyrights. [vm]

[id=85|10 Apr 2003|0]

1999 Jan 17

1. “The Librarian”: The Librarian And The Living Dead

“The Librarian” wrote:

LIBRARIAN TRIVIA: This is the one and only post by The Librarian for all of 1999. After this she disappears without warning for over a year. When she finally does return, in February of 2000, she comes back with a vengeance, posting a massive eight-part timeline that fully exposes the government involvement with Scientology, beginning with the CIA’s Scientology-based “remote viewing” program in 1972. But for now, please enjoy one of our favorites, “THE LIBRAIAN AND THE LIVING DEAD.”
[ref: doc738]

“The Librarian” wrote:

And suddenly I had it! Starkey! HE had collected up all of L. Ron Hubbard’s copyrights, and transferred them in one big lump transfer to CST—over 7,000 titles—right after the IRS gave the nod. But WHICH CST did he transfer them to? Would I be able to tell? I knew I had THAT transfer record somewhere. I could start there.

So I pulled it up. And here is what I saw:

V2927 P238 THRU 260 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Norman F. Starkey, trustee, Author’s Family Trust-B.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: Model of OT ship organization and operation based on 7 division system & 7,730 other titles. Transfer of copyright.
FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V2927 P238-724)

I stared at “PARTY 2.” The receiving party. Oh—my—GOD!

It didn’t just say “Church of Spiritual Technology”!

It said “Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)”!

What the heck was that “(Los Angeles)” doing in there?! And WHY hadn’t I noticed it before? When I had searched before, I had searched just for “Church of Spiritual Technology.” In fact, I had only found this particular record originally by searching on Norman “Duh” Starkey’s name.
[ref: doc738]

“The Librarian” wrote:

And listings began to flow down the screen:

V2927 P225 THRU 227 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Founding Church of Scientology of Washington, DC.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: HCO bulletin of November 26, 1959, the interpretation of the American personality/Oxford capacity analyses & 5 other titles. Transfer of copyright.

V2927 P235 THRU 237 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Hubbard Association of Scientologists.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: Jounal of Scientology & 7 other titles. Transfer of copyright.

V2927 P228 THRU 230 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Hubbard Dianetics Foundation.
PARTY 2: Church of Spirtual [sic] Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: Transfer of copyright.

V2927 P231 THRU 234 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Hubbard Dianetics Research Foundation.
PARTY 2: Church of Spirtual [sic] Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: Dianetics auditors bulletins & 21 other titles. Transfer of copyright.

V2927 P238 THRU 260 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Norman F. Starkey, trustee, Author’s Family Trust-B.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: Model of OT ship organization and operation based on 7 division system & 7,730 other titles. Transfer of copyright.
FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V2927 P238-724)

V2927 P210 THRU 217 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Inc.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: HCO information letter of July 25, 1961, processing infants and 200 other titles. Transfer of copyright.
FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V2927 P210-224)

V3058 P155 THRU 164 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Mary Sue Hubbard, widow, Diana Meredith Dewolf Hubbard Ryan, Mary Suzette Rochelle Hubbard, Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard, Lafayette Ronald Conway Hubbard , Jr. a.k.a. L. Ron Hubbard , Jr. a.k.a. Nibs Hubbard a.k.a. Ronald Dewolf & Katherine May Hubbard Gillespie, children of deceased author, L. Ron Hubbard, by Church of Spiritual Technology (Atty)
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)
NOTE: Ceremonies of the Founding Church of Scientology & 1,364 other titles. By L. Ron Hubbard. Copyright assignment.
FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V3058 P155-208)

V3176 P194 THRU 210 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Mary Sue Hubbard, widow, Diana Meredith DeWolf Hubbard Ryan, Mary Suzette Rochelle Hubbard, Arthur Ronald Conway Hubbard, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard , Jr. a.k.a. L. Ron Hubbard , Jr. a.k.a. Nibs Hubbard a.k.a. Ronald DeWolf & K atherine May Hubbard Gillespie, children of deceased author, L. Ron Hubbard, by Church of Spiritual Technology (Atty)
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles) NOTE: The book introducing the E-meter & 159 other titles.

I sat in shock, and a chill made my whole upper body quiver. I hadn’t seen these before. These were the REAL THING! These were ALL the ACTUAL, ORIGINAL WORKS of L. Ron Hubbard. These were the copyrights to all of the SOURCE materials. ALL of them.

I sent the document to the printer.

The wind howled with a new fury against the windows, and they wailed with a death-rattle.

But what about all those OTHER copyright transfers I had researched and posted before, the ones that went to something called just “Church of Spiritual Technology”—withOUT the “(Los Angeles)” extension? What were all THOSE?

I pulled them up again from my files and rapidly scrolled down them.

God, it can’t be! But it IS! One after another they marched relentlessly up the screen, like hideous little tattletale demons, giving up their sniggering dirty little secrets one-by-one. They displayed their “by-lines,” mockingly revealing their ancestry and lineage. THEY WEREN’T BY L. RON HUBBARD! NONE OF THEM!

Just one example tells the story:

V3229 P151 THRU 163 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Church of Scientology International.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology.
NOTE: Scientology drug rundown auditor course & 1,030 other titles; religious works. Author or co-author: Church of Scientology Internatioal [sic], derived from or based upon the literary works of L. Ron Hubbard a.k.a. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. Copyright assignment.
FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V3229 P151-220)

Over 1,000 titles, in that transfer alone, and NONE OF THEM actually BY L. Ron Hubbard! ALL of them authored or co-authored by “Church of Scientology International, derived from or based upon…” OVER ONE THOUSAND!

But that was just ONE of the listings of copyright transfers to this “thing” called “Church of Spiritual Technology.”

On and on the listings marched, each in turn taunting me with the truth of their authorship in their “NOTE” field:

“The Academy lectures, level 0 & 154 other titles; religious & fiction works. Author or co-author: Bridge Publications, Inc., derived from or based upon the literary works of L. Ron Hubbard a.k.a. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard.”

“Adventure short stories, volume 5 & 42 other titles; religious & fiction works. Author or co-author: Author Services, Inc. derived from or based upon literary works of L. Ron Hubbard a.k.a. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard. Copyright assignment.”

“…By Church of Scientology International. Assignment.”

“…By Author Services, Inc. Assignment.”

“My breathing, I realized, came short, sharp, and audible. It was incredible! There really ARE two CSTs! And it seems that one of them is identified with the Library of Congress as “Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles),” and the other just as “Church of Spiritual Technology.”

And it looks like one of them now owns all the ORIGINAL L. Ron Hubbard works, while the other owns only works “based on or derived from” his works.”
[ref: doc738]

Disinformation..but the copyright office entries are useful. [vm]

“The Librarian” wrote:

What?! Could I really be seeing this?

I only thought my flesh had crawled before. The hackles that covered my body now were alive, restless, moving things. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t possibly be! But there it was—one of the listings I had seen on the screen, now on the printout in my hands:

V2927 P210 THRU 217 (COHD)
PARTY 1: Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Inc.
PARTY 2: Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles) NOTE: HCO information letter of July 25, 1961, processing infants
and 200 other titles. Transfer of copyright.
FULL DOCUMENT RANGE: (In V2927 P210-224)

Something that was DEAD had transferred copyrights to the “Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)” thing. And I had proof of it!

I leaned over and, with a visibly trembling hand, reached into the file drawer and removed the dog-earred manilla folder marked “HASI.” My ripped blouse fell completely open as I did, and I attempted to arrange it, then figured, “Why bother?”

I dropped the fat folder on the desk and opened it. Microfiche file copies. From the Arizona Corporation Commission. Everything that ever existed on the “Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International, Inc.” I flipped hurriedly to the back. And there it was: the last sad and lonely paper in the file. The Death Certificate. Here is an OCR’ed version for ARS:

- ———————————————————————————————-


P O BOX 242

The Arizona Corporation Commission, pursuant to ARIZONA REVISED
STATUTES SECTION 10-095, hereby revokes the filing by the above
named corporation of its Articles of Incorporation for the following


DATED___________MAY 10___ 1977

[signatures] Bud Tims Ernest Garfield Jim W[illegible]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand and affixed the official seal of the
Arizona Corporation Commission, at the Capitol,
in the City of Phoenix, this 10TH day
of ____MAY_______, 1977

[signature] Donald E. Vance

Statuatory Ref. A.R.S. 10-095
ABCA Form No. 46D - 7/76 (Domestic)
Revocation Section[/pre]
[ref: doc738]

See for scanned in copy. [vm]

“The Librarian” wrote:

“And so died L. Ron Hubbard’s beloved HASI, Inc., on 10 May 1977, just twenty-seven years and one day, exactly, after the release of “Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health.”

It died on the VERY SAME DAY that Gerald Wolfe, an IRS employee who had passed stolen documents to the Guardian’s Office, testified before the “October 1976” Grand Jury, leading to the arrest and conviction of Mary Sue Hubbard and other leading Scientologists.

It died just 10 days before Michael Meisner conveniently turned himself in to the FBI to testify against Mary Sue, et al.

It died barely a month before the FBI raided GO headquarters.

And such was its lonely, heretofore unpublished obituary.

(Funny; L. Ron Hubbard, after vesting so much in it, never even bid it “adieu.” I wonder why.)

So, how could it suddenly rise up out of its grave, sixteen years later, and magically transfer its copyrights to “Church of Spiritual Technology (Los Angeles)”? How?!”
[ref: doc738]

Some Disinformation, but very interesting data above re HASI. But… HASI’s death was STARTED as early, and maybe earlier, as early 1976.

By who? Not Lenske.. [vm]

[id=75|10 Apr 2003|]

1984 —- 00

I was a member of HASI until it was renamed IAS

“Steven Fishman” wrote:

“I was a member of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International (HASI) from March 14, 1979 until it was renamed the International Association of Scientologists on October 7, 1984.”
[ref: [docref.php?ref=851]

[id=1|10 Apr 2003|]

1977 May 22

Certificate of Revocation for HASI Is Returned As “Moved—Not Forwardable”

“The Librarian” wrote:

The Certificate of Revocation for HASI, Inc. is mailed back from the postal service in Silver Springs, Maryland to the Arizona Corporation Commission as “Moved—Not Forwardable.”

SOURCE: Microfiche record from Arizona Corporations Commission
[ref: doc768]

[id=53|10 Apr 2003|0]

1977 May 10

ACC: HASI Articles of Incorporation Are Revoked

“The Arizona Corporation Commission “ wrote:

“The Arizona Corporation Commission, pursuant to ARIZONA REVISED STATUTES SECTION 10-095, hereby revokes the filing by the above named corporation of its Articles of Incorporation for the following reason(s):

[ref: doc848]

[id=2|10 Apr 2003|]

1977 May 10

Certificate of Revocation, HASI, Inc.

DOCUMENT TITLE: Certificate of Revocation, HASI, Inc.
SUBJECT: Dissolution by revocation of the Articles of Inorporation for Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Inc.
PARTIES: Corporation, Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Inc.; Norton S. Karno, attorney; Sherman and Stephen Lenske, attorneys at Karno firm handling L. Ron Hubbard’s “business interests.”


HASI, Inc. owned all copyrights and trademarks related to Scientology. They had been assigned into perpetuity to the Hubbard Communications Office (HCO), a division of HASI, Inc., by L. Ron Hubbard in several policy letters, notably several issued on 15 and 22 November 1958.

HCO was transferred to Church of Scientology of California (CSC) on or around 12 March 1966 according to a policy of that date. CSC was, itself, owned at the time by HASI, Inc. To get a full picture of this corporate set-up and the relationship of the intellectual property to it, and what became of it after this HASI revocation, please see our comparative chart.

When this 10 May 1977 revocation of HASI, Inc.’s Articles of Incorporation was sent to the P.O. Box Address in Silver Spring, which had been the address for HASI, Inc. since the ’50s, it was returned to the Arizona Corporation Commission as “MOVED - NOT FORWARDABLE.” At the time, Sherman and Stephen Lenske, of the law firm of Norton S. Karno, were handling L. Ron Hubbard’s “business interests.”

CSC, however, survived as a California corporation, taking HCO, and the copyrights, with them. But within two months of this revocation, the Guardian Office in the United States will be raided on both coasts by the FBI rendering it in such disarray, and under such duress, that CSC, and the intellectual property it owns, are left wholly unprotected.
[ref: doc848.] [ref:]

The above is the disinformation line re the copyrights currently forwarded by CL, Not-anots not, the coalition, “scirsology” etc. etc. Note that bit about May 1977.


[id=91|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Oct 01

LRH and Mary Sue Hubbard Move Into La Quinta

“The Librarian” wrote:

LRH and Mary Sue Hubbard move into La Quinta. The referenced source, BFM, describes how the happy couple “began to enjoy a new life of tranquillity on their ranch in the desert. The messengers noticed a change in the Commodore; he was much more relaxed than formerly and usually in good spirits.”

SOURCE: Bare Faced Messiah, Chapter 20
[ref: doc767]

[id=40|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Oct 01

The Arizona Corporation Commission Sends HASI A Delinquent Notice


“The Librarian” wrote:

A DELINQUENT NOTICE is sent out from the Arizona Corporation Commission to HASI, Inc, with the following statement: “Your corporation’s annual report for your fiscal year ending 04/30/76 is past due. A penalty of 20% of the base fee per month accrues after the fifteenth day of the fourth month following your fiscal year ending date. Upon your failure to comply before 01/22/77 the Commission will revoke the filing of your Ariticles of Incorporation pursuant to A.R.S. 10-095. No further notice will be sent to you relative to this matter.” It is addressed to “Hubbard Association of Scientologists International, Incorporated, P.O. Box 242, Silver Springs, MD” It is marked “Return to Sender” with a stamped notice, “Box closed—No Ord[illegible].” NOTE: The actual date of postmark for this is illegible on the microfilm copy. This date is estimated based on delinquent notices in former years, always on or around the 1st of October.

SOURCE: Microfiche record from Arizona Corporations Commission
[ref: doc767]

The actual date of the returned notice is November 19, 1976 postmark, quite clearly legible on the copy obtained from the Arizona Corporations Commission. Hence the above Date is not accurate (1 Oct 1976) as it not plausible that it would take over 6 weeks for any letter to get returned to Arizona. This postmark date is actually quite a key date, as will become clear later. [vm]

[id=42|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Jul 09

HASI Changes Board

“The Librarian” wrote:

A letter is sent to the Arizona Corporations Commission: “Dear Sir, This is to inform you…that the Bord of Directors and Officers of HUBBARD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS, INTERNATIONAL, INC. have been changed as follows: Sandra Miersdorff - Director and President. Lynn McNeil - Director and Vice-President. Judy Weigand - Director and Secretary. …” The letter is signed ” Daniel M. Feeley, Jr.”

SOURCE: Microfiche record from Arizona Corporations Commission
[ref: doc766]

[id=34|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Jun 23

Anne L. Ursprung Resigns As Director and President of HASI

“The Librarian” wrote:

Minutes of Meeting: “At a special call meeting of the Board of Directors of [HASI, Inc.] held in Los Angeles, California on the 23rd day of June, 1976, all Directors were either present or represented by proxy or signed waiver of notice, and each Director duly signed a written waiver of said meeting and consent that it be held. Upon motion made by Anne L. Ursprung Burgess and seconded by Lynn McNeil, the following resolutions were unanimously carried: RESOLVED: Anne L. Ursprung is hereby resigned as Director and President of the Corporation. She is thanked for her work. Sandra Miersdorff is hereby appointed as Director and President of the Corporation. …” Signed by Anne Ursprung Burgess, Lynn McNeil, and Judy Weigand.

SOURCE: Microfiche record from Arizona Corporations Commission
[ref: doc766]

[id=33|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Apr 28

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of HASI

“The Librarian” wrote:

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence [“Church Committee”] issues a six-volume report declaring—among other things—that the FBI and other national intelligence agencies have violated the constitutional rights of hundreds of thousands of US citizens by investigating their political activities. It mentions FBI abuses and excesses such as persecution of Martin Luther King, Jr., harassment of political groups like the Black Panthers, and illegal wiretaps.

OUTPOINTS: CONTRARY FACTS, GLARING OMITTED MENTION OF SCIENTOLOGY: First, another source, compiled by the CIA’s own History Department, puts the date of the release of this report on 23 April 1976 [see]. But, good god! Look at the glaring omission of ANY mention of Intelligence agency investigations of Scientology or Scientologists. Hey, Senate Committee! The Scientologists are all around you, infiltrated into every intelligence agency in sight, stealing you guys blind!—at least according to the “Stipulation of Evidence” cooked up by your very own DOJ. Hello? Anybody home?

SOURCE: Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year World Chronology, 1965-1983Encyclopedia Britannica Book of the Year World Chronology, 1965-1983
[ref: doc765]

[id=28|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Apr 28

HASI Changes Board

“The Librarian” wrote:

A letter is sent to the Arizona Corporations Commission: “Dear Sirs, This is to inform you…that the Bord of Directors and Officers of HUBBARD ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTOLOGISTS, INTERNATIONAL, INC….have been changed as follows: Anne Ursprung - Director and President. Lynn McNeil - - - Director and Vice-President. Judy Weigand - Director and Secretary. ” The letter is signed “Daniel M. Feeley, Jr.”

SOURCE: Microfiche record from Arizona Corporations Commission
[ref: doc765]

[id=30|10 Apr 2003|]

1976 Apr 16

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of HASI

“The Librarian” wrote:

Minutes of Meeting: “At a special call meeting of the Board of Directors of [HASI, Inc.] held in Los Angeles, California on the 23rd day of June, 1976, all Directors were either present or represented by proxy or signed waiver of notice, and each Director duly signed a written waiver of said meeting and consent that it be held. Upon motion made by Anne L. Ursprung Burgess and seconded by James C. Mulligan, the following resolutions were unanimously carried: RESOLVED: James C. Mulligan is hereby resigned as Director and Vice President of the Corporation. He is thanked for his work. Lynn McNeil is hereby appointed as Director and Vice President of the Corporation. FURTHER RESOLVED: Joel Kreiner is hereby resigned as Director and Secretary of the Corporation. He is thanked for his work. Judy Weigand is hereby appointed as Director and Secretary of the Corporation. …” Signed by Anne Ursprung Burgess, Joel Kreiner, and James Mulligan

OUTPOINTS: ADDED INVISIBLE MACNEIL!: Now comes Lynn McNeil, the mysterious senior of super-spy Michael Meisner—the very Lynn McNeil who, althogh Meisner’s direct senior, is absolutely invisible throughout the entire history of break-ins, buggings, etc—to be named as Director and Vice President of the HASI! Wonderful! And, as it just so happens, she is invisible in these roles, too, because HASI never files another annual report, and thereby, within about a year, becomes delinquent in its corporate requirements, and thereby meets its ignoble demise.

SOURCE: Microfiche record from Arizona Corporations Commission
[ref: doc765]

[id=27|10 Apr 2003|]

1954 May 19

The Parent Company Appears To Be A Company Incorporated In Phoenix, Arizona…

” The Anderson Report “ wrote:

“The organization of scientology is somewhat complex, for the parent company appears to be a company incorporated in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., on the 19th May, 1954, under the name of Hubbard Association of Scientologists International. There is also a company incorporated in England under the name of Hubbard Association of Scientologists International Limited. “

[id=4|10 Apr 2003|]

1954 Apr 00

HASI Moves Into Sumptuous New Premises

“Russell Millerin Bare-Faced Messiah “ wrote:

“…Scientology prospered in Phoenix, so much so that in April 1954, the HASI moved into sumptuous new premises on a corner site at 1017 North Third Street.”
[ref: doc812]

[id=5|10 Apr 2003|]

1954 —- 00

The Aberree: HASI To Replace HAS

” The Aberree, Volume 1, Issue 4 “ wrote:

“Formation of the Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International (HASI) to replace the Hubbard Association of Scientologists (HAS) was announced by L. Ron Hubbard during the closing sessions of the June Congress in Phoenix. “

“The HASI has three offices—Phoenix, Camden, and London—all incorporated under the new organization. However, the London office will continue to be called the HAS.

Officers in the HASI include: L. Ron Hubbard, chairman of the board; John Galusha, president; Mary Sue Hubbard, treasurer; Ralph Swanson, vice president; and Ken Barrett, secretary.”
[ref: doc847]

[id=3|10 Apr 2003|]

1952 —- 00

LRH Moves To Phoenix, Arizona And Opens HASI

” L. Ron Hubbard, A Chronicle (WISE)” wrote:

“1952: He moves to Phoenix, Arizona and opens his office, establishing the Hubbard Association of Scientologists International.”

[id=7|10 Apr 2003|]

1952 —- 00

To Train And Audit Founding Scientologists, HASI Is established

“” wrote:

“By early spring 1952, some 15,000 persons were utilizing Scientology principles toward the betterment of their lives.
To train and audit these founding Scientologists, a Scientology center was established at 1407 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona. There, the recently formed Hubbard Association of Scientologists International (HASI) offered two classes of membership, one technical and one general.”

[id=6|10 Apr 2003|]

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