Web Pages
Free Zone America Web Pages
Some old FZA web pages accumulated here for the nostalgic.
The Pilot’s Home Page
“He’s dead, Jim.”
Misiunas’ Home Page
This is an interesting one. Years ago (circa 2002) when this was first put up on fza.org, temporarily replacing the main entry page, all hell broke loose out in the jungle called “The FreeZone” - especially by one certain individual. So “put out” that such a thing would have been done, he went on to stage a “FreeZone International” campaign to discredit and destroy fza.org. Yeah, that’ll do it! When that didn’t work he began to ply his trade in more covert ways. Some people just love to play the introversion game but I suspect introspection is what they are really after.
Anyway, this home page was fun to put together. It’s quite old and out-dated by ‘modern’ standards which is why it’s here, out in the boonies. If nothing else it was a useful tool in establishing movement in the area called “FreeZone” - and it worked quite well!