Pulling The Stops
Recently someone made mention something about this website becoming a memorable to Mike and Virginia McClaughry. What a great idea! Therefore, I am going to suspend all further communication until this has been accomplished. Before beginning I have something to finish up and then I will move on to this endeavor. Please be aware that this memorial is not for the dead, dying or fading away, it is for two grand thetans who are something quite special to me. Anyway, please stay tuned.
Welcome to Free Zone America where you will find material related to a number of different topics and concerns. The old adage of What is true for you, is true for you applies. This website is based upon the principals and ideals of Scientology. No, not the fake stuff (so-called ‘official’ or otherwise) but the real data, the real news and views you simply will not get anywhere else. The ability to see is a precious gift and one which is welcomed upon each and every thetan which walks the Earth. See sections Local and Latest News And Views for further information.