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Free Zone America

Other Data And Information

Here is where you will find various other data and information of note related to the Free Zone.

Sector 9

This book is a collection of writings that Captain Bill Robertson put together relating to this sector.


Written by Captain Bill Robertson on and about Teegeeack or more commonly known as planet Earth.

Mike McClaughry

“In 1999, LRH visited me at my house. He started this visit by throwing my body a couple of feet up in the air to wake me up. So, I have seen the product of the Bridge. Ron is OT. And, I can tell you that no one else on Earth, compares with him. He made it, they didn’t.

Ron’s visit led to the resurrection of HASI, which is an On-Source Auditor Association.

Ron gave the HASI 3 responsibilities:

  1. Ensure that actual OTs are made on planet Earth
  2. Handle the 3rd dynamic engram - the take over of the Church
  3. Handle the 4th dynamic engram - the Global Enslaver agenda to make men slaves”

[ref: Estimate of the Situation: Free Zone]

David Griffin

There are many within the Scientological realm that can either perceive or recall on a greater dynamic level. When it comes to David there is a remarkable difference. David’s perception on this level is one of cause not effect. This difference of perception is something of great import.

Views: 0     25 Jan 2008 
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