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Predator Mode

04 Jun 2008

There are many modes of operation throughout the various processes that are put into play during a mission. The particular one being discussed today is Predator Mode. As you already know a predator is that which preys or hunts and kills for food. This very apt description suits this mode as to what we are doing is hunting and killing the Beast. In this case, the Beast is en-theta, or enturbulated theta. Since theta, by it’s nature is pure and clean, untainted by thoughts, ideas and concepts, this enturbulation or evil comes to be man-made. It is an acquired possession used as a tool in the attainment of personal gain.

That is the keyword here in regard to enturbulation - personal gain. Dynamically speaking, the lessor the number of dynamics one enjoys being responsible for, the greater the amount of personal fixation. Enturbulation is nothing but an up close and personal testament to one’s selfish desires which of course are born to do nothing but seek release.

According to standard practice, free will is paramount in bringing about change. One cannot and must not force change upon that which is quite obviously at odds with that change. Handling resistance is part and parcel of one’s duty towards Mankind.

During the process of evolution there comes to be times where pockets of resistance show themselves as being stubborn and fixated. The personal gain of these energy units far outweighs the requirements of Mankind - or so it is believed, but this lie of great magnitude is designed to do damage and to do it well. In the normal natural progression of events, these pockets of diminishing returns comes to the fore as the floating flotsam and jetsam on the sea of life and living. They of course must be routed and handled requiring far more attention than those of greater stability.

Point, Counter-Point

28 Mar 2008

Outside influences require that we succumb. In preparing the field for planting, the farmer creates, in mind, the end result and then undertakes effort in order to achieve that end result. The goal is already well established and all that is left are the steps necessary to bring about it’s achievement.

Upon this planet the goal has been one of plunder, created and played out by those of foreign mind and body. It can be extremely difficult to understand the foreign mind in how it works. Thought processes are inherently different and from this Tower of Babel, understanding becomes absent. We hear the words and yet they fall upon the deaf, dumb and blind.

The so-called ‘banking elite’ requires scarcity in order to play out their dirty little secret. But even these puppets have their masters. Their ancestry gives them away. You see, like-minded sheep enjoy each other’s company and it is this company which sends up the flares of identification. Despite the tricks and traps of well-oil machinery, nothing - and I mean nothing, beats the opened eye of awareness. This ‘eye’ is not the trick of the all-seeing eye of authority but one of spiritual awareness, an awareness rooted in that which lies beyond the fallacy of life and living.

It’s so strange to view this as a ‘spiritual’ matter when those who embrace the opposite, through power and force, convince all in their path that such things are ‘beyond’ the scope of mere mortal Man. In other words, where there is conviction of a pure physical existence, there lies the empty grave. As ‘money’ is a product so too is the mantle placed upon the awareness of Man. In it’s restriction, Man comes to be controlled.

To Infinity… And Beyond

25 Mar 2008

The Eighth Dynamic or Infinity is the highest Dynamic of Life and Living in the physical universe. This dynamic is quite an interesting one in that many Scientologists take it to mean that they become or evolve into God with a capital ‘G’. Socially, these Scientologists become believers of the idea that when the Eighth Dynamic has been ascended they will become not a god but the God of the universe where all will bow before them including the Universe itself.

How grand!

In this selfish endeavor of becoming all-mighty the social Scientologist fails to understand that they have never left the First Dynamic, that egotistical, self-righteous entity known as ‘me’. This failing of great magnitude prevents the social Scientologist from seeing that their own private view of the Universe is nothing short of a slice of life and living custom made for their personal pleasure. And that is what it comes down to - personal pleasure. The pleasure of the dementia of introverted attention.

Make no mistake as there certainly is a God of this and all other Universes. This infinite Dynamic lies beyond the reach and grasp of all the other Dynamics and that, in itself, reveals the common Man’s error. Looking through the thoughts, ideas and concepts of the First Dynamic how can it ever be possible to attain the sight of a reality which is leaps and bounds beyond it? How can a social Scientologist ever leave the life raft of like-mindedness and jump head first into the vast and great unknown? This fear of losing one’s egotistical clothing keeps many firmly seated in the life raft, bobbing and weaving to and fro as the currents come to define their life existence.

Conflict ala Tribalization

14 Mar 2008

Regionally, the Earth has been carved, divided and continues to be plundered by the various scheming drug lords. Not the so-called ‘illegal’ drugs, but a drug lord of a different flavor. Perception is the grand design of illusion and as it makes it’s merry way among the populous, confused, fear and retaliation is served up on a hearty platter of home-made delicacies. The wise man plunders with agreement while the foolish thief takes on the “smash and grab” garb of elitism. In either case, a thief remains the same - the epitome of selfish desire gone rabid in it’s efficacy. Trembling in fear the cry is heard: “LOOK, over there!”.

This planet is a wealth of information in many respects.

Rising above the wanton destruction of insanity the processes in play are quite apparent. the illusion of ill-repute is perpetuated through trickery and deceit and when these honors fail to find a home in one’s being, then there is no trickery and deceit - only an obvious reality playing itself out.

In running out suicidal tendencies, especially on a large dynamic scale, one must be in a condition of self awareness whereby these acquired characteristics or traits of competitive human-ness are non-existent. One cannot provide the means of rising above these while being at their mercy. This would be a false sense of security and be but another ruse on the scale of snake-oil deception and prosperity.


21 Feb 2008

Let’s start off with a definition of obnosis:

obnosis: observation of the obvious. one looks at the isness of something, at what is actually there. (extracted from a CoS website)

This is all well and good but let’s break this down further by exactly defining the terms used from which the word is derived.

obvious: easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent

gnosis: knowledge of spiritual matters; mystical knowledge

‘Gnosis’ has a very interesting history and deserves a bit more clarification.

Pulling The Stops

This website’s focus has never deviated from it’s primary concern although it’s demonstration or outward appearance certainly has. A Loyal Officer will use whatever is at their disposal to get the job done. This effect is called Mission Attrition whereby goals and purposes become more intense and focused as contrary positions become diminished. It’s like waking a being up by beginning at their reality and then moving that universe beyond their own nose.


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