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From "Turning Back The Tide":
"One does not create reality but one can create the appearance of a reality for one's own benefit. In this appearance we have become lost and so the answer is to seek the actual reality, that which remains above and beyond all else."

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06 Oct 2011 09:55 (GMT-12:00)
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 Freedom In Expression 
Tue, 18th Oct 2005 17:57
 This site is currently on HOLD status awaiting the completion of THIS topic of discussion. User registration and Member login are both disabled at this time in order to appropriately assign correct importance. Please feel free to encourage vaxen var to allow this topic to reach fruition.

Best wishes to all.

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 In Due Time 
Sun, 9th Oct 2005 00:47
 There has been a reduction in the posting of entertainment due to the work being done on the FZA Archives. Perhaps a return to the regularly scheduled program will come about in the near future or perhaps that too will change. The nice thing about Spiritual Freedom is that one has complete and total control over nothing and yet is at complete peace and harmony, working in complete alignment with the Universe. Therefore, we can say that nothing is being done and yet great changes continue to occur despite the best efforts of those who would wish otherwise.

Getting past our own barriers is best left for the brave, the sincere, the honest. For everyone else there is planet Earth in it's present state of affairs. Enjoy it while it lasts and then just change the channel for additional entertainment. The problem comes into play only when we become the effect of our cause and do not wish it to be so. It's not always a pretty sight to behold but here, it's not called the prison planet for nothing.

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 Free Zone Differentiation 
Tue, 6th Sep 2005 21:36
 I'd like to clarify the position of FZA in relation to the 'FreeZone'. FZA has nothing what-so-ever to do with those who wish to play "capture the flag" and so the difference is distinctly made when referencing the 'FreeZone'. The 'FreeZone', just like the CoS, has been corrupted through the use of various devices and tactics by those who wish to inhibit spiritual freedom. Just because someone hooks the bait does not mean that we must nibble the tempting wiggling morsel. To that end, FZA remains firmly rooted in the principals of the Free Zone as clearly defined by Captain Bill Robertson through his communication with L. Ron Hubbard. Yes, Ron has left the body some time ago but even the most spiritual neophyte knows that communications with thetans goes far, far beyond physical constructs.

It actually amazes me when I come across those who cloak themselves in pomp and circumstance, portraying authoritatively that telepathic communication does not exist. Scientology, the actual true religious philosophy,...

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 In A Neat And Tidy Package 
Tue, 6th Sep 2005 06:27
 Stuff. We seem to have an endless supply of it, ever consuming our attention, our thoughts and our energy. Everywhere we look we find it and many times, it seems to find us despite our best efforts to avoid it. Waking up to our spiritual nature is like that; it seems to find us despite our best efforts to avoid it.

Despite our efforts to forcefully condense, categorize and examine our spiritual nature, it flourishes. Despite our best efforts at putting this subject matter into a box along with all of our other junk, it escapes our clutches. This should speak volumes about what is occurring here.

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 The Butterfly Effect 
Tue, 23rd Aug 2005 04:26
 No religion on this planet, or anywhere else for that matter, can free one from one's self. We are definately bound and gagged to the best of our abilities. And we like it that way. So when a new interest comes along, we fervently dive head first into it's experiential glory, reaping all that there is to reap. What fun!

But the fun comes with a price. By losing ourselves in another condition of life we just continue to map out our long, long road out. It's true that religion as a whole can provide a spark in which the fire of intelligence can ignite itself but like all other man-made things, it will only take you so far. It will only rise to the zenith of man's power and there it will stay never going above and beyond into that wonderful world we call spirituality.

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 Break On Through To The Other Side 
Fri, 19th Aug 2005 01:07
 In order to create the perfect environment for ourselves we must first create the concept or idea. After clearly imagining our creation we then take the next step of reaching physical fruition. But, of what use is this system of action? Do we so heavily depend upon our thought process that we can do nothing without it? Are we so captivated in systemization and procedures that we have lost sight of our own selves, unable to allow our own existence to reveal it's self?

Living in a universe of concepts and ideas can do nothing but entrap one into a physical realm of pain and suffering. When our thoughts betray us, we feel the effects. When our thoughts are kind to us, we feel their effects. From pain to pleasure we feel the effects of our own creations.

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