Guest Book
Feel free to leave a short message in the Guest Book about yourself or this Web Site. Please do realize that this Guest Book is subject to editorial review and discretion. Our focus here is on spiritual growth, on a deeply personal level.
Spiritual awareness requires not a casual or cursory interest, but a deep conviction that nothing but a fully conscious and aware Being will do. And with that awareness comes the ultimate responsibility along with the ultimate prize, which is right under our nose - Spiritual Freedom.
Freedom from hate, from jealousy, from neglect. Freedom from war, servitude and slavery. Freedom not to do anything we feel like, but the Freedom to do what is right, and fully knowing and understanding that rightness.
All that we have to do, is do it.
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Wednesday, 8th December 2004, RickyB wrote: |
Been out of Scio for years. Been wondering what all the 'OT viii's' are actually doing to help the cause. And that leads me to wondering, how many 'OT's' do we have through the various 'on tech' orgs that are unaffiliated w/ CofS? I have hopes, but, hear nothing about this. In serious doubt.
Who is actually OT 16, etc. (per Ron's Org, etc.) or above and what are they doing, why no comm? Please?!
Thursday, 25th November 2004, Mikey wrote: |
im a little rougher around the edges since my last communications quite a few years ago , been doing battle with a very tough and worthy apponents (myself of course) not clear on who is winning but im sure its one of me.
any extra free theta out there ?
could use a few bagigajoules for resurve.
love you guys and THANKYOU for being.
mikey, herkimer,mikiver, or just me
try ebay. saw one the other day. original, signed, dirt cheap. blue binding i think.
Wednesday, 10th November 2004, Mav wrote: |
Does anyone know from where the original book or any book by Geoffrey Filbert can be supplied ?
Saturday, 6th November 2004, Brigitte wrote: |
I am searching for the management series,volume 1,2,3 and the organazation executive course volume,is there anyone who has them and do not use them anymore.
Thank you,
Friday, 15th October 2004, vaxen wrote: |
Concerning the 'e-meter:'
The best e-meter does'nt cost a cent. You already possess it but may not know that you do. Do yourself a big favor and use your 'intuition' to do all your Dianetic Engram Erasing. You'll feel better for it and what you dis-cover may really shock you. ;)
Wednesday, 13th October 2004, Brian C wrote: |
Has anyone bought one of the e-meters offered by Alternative Science Research Lab? The website is . The meter looks good and is relatively cheap, I just don't want to throw my money away if it's bogus. Any help would be appreciated.
I have just finished studying Mr. Filberts Excalibur Revisited off the net from cover to cover ,and believe me, from cog to cog.
Astounding.Profound.Almost certainly,by far and away, the most truth ever written on the issue of the road out.
We have been searhing for a point of contact.Please,where can we get three of the genuine original books plus any updates issued over the past 22 years.Bravo to Mr.Filbert.----JB
Just finished [excalibur revisited] what a marathon, but now have a new viewpoint on scn tech, have'nt felt this exited since i started in scn. Always thought there was somthing wrong but could'nt put my fingar on it. question, what E Meter does read rocket reads etc, is a church British mkV any good, if not what is and where do i get one? Thanks FZA keep the truth out there.
I had been involved with the Sea Org (Scientology) for nearly 4 years and can honestly say that this data is absolutely priceless.
Q: Is there a download button that I can use to save the entire book - Excalibur Revisited - to Hard Drive? I wish to disperse this in CD form and to have my own hard copy.
"To honor one's own integrity above all else."
Thankyou friend.
Saturday, 11th September 2004, mK wrote: |
alter-is and not-is cause persistence, hence survival.
hope that clears it up. Not always a good persistence but persistence none-the-less.
Axiom 14- Survival is accomplished by ALTER-IS-NESS and NOT-IS - NESS, by which is gained the persistency known as time.
i don't understand this. can u please explain.
I really enjoy browsing your site on and off.
There is always new material and it has stood the test of time.
I like the plentiful supply of new articles, and the fact that it is the freezone.
Keep up the great work.
Independece is bliss.
valaki nem tudja hol lehet amok mixeket letàlteni?
Tuesday, 20th July 2004, Ken wrote: |
At one time you had a "Document 25." Is that document still available?
Friday, 9th July 2004, Tim wrote: |
Very informative site. Just one point - I find the mousover effect on the central page very distracting .
Could anyone tell me whether there is a Free Zone in the UK?
Sunday, 6th June 2004, chen zishaui wrote: |
Hi Paul,
I am a collage student in China.I see FreeZone in thebook.I am very happy to enter a web about another culture.I hope American
people can also learn of our China.
Where can I obtain a copy of "Excalibur Revisited"? Please send Outlet, phone number or address to my e-mail address. Thank you, f
Tuesday, 25th May 2004, Sue Misiunas wrote: |
In the realm of Scientology regarding persons and material, I have found Mr. Filbert and his book Excalibur to be the most creditable.
In the realm of Truth, your writings are most fitting.
...Always in Thanks.
Hi Paul,
Just a quick note; the links you have to don't work as they both have in front of them. Check it out.
Also, nice work in presenting Filbert's writings so coherently - there's quite the plethora of largely unevaluated information (to date) to be had there.
Is there a place where I can find UCP materials in a form you'd reccomend? I am also interested in establishing contact with you via email. Some communication regarding what I've read on your website would be very helpful (entertaining?). I can say that after reading every word, I want more.
Thank you,
life is basically a static i know now that is truth and very zen
Thursday, 29th April 2004, martin K wrote: |
Hi .. Just wondering what your opinion is on vegetarianism? Awesome reading by the way, I`m searching for a mentor or teacher in South Africa.....maybe you have some contacts?? Thank
30 Apr 2004, Paul Misiunas said: "If one is to have reverence for all life, then it becomes impossible to allow oneself to be responsible for the killing of animals. And without reverence for all life, one's Spiritual Awareness will always be limited.
As far as contacts go, I have none. Perhaps someone else will be of help."
Hi, Paul
Just spent a few most useful days with Geoff. As a result of seeing and knowing the truth of the how, why and false, specious premise that theta was created from, I have gladly, without remorse, turned in all my theta merit badges and membership agreements. Thus, theta is a market I no longer trade in.
That has also freed me from all "free zone" which has the implication of a "non-free zone" which has the all-too-familiar smell of yet another dichotomy to get trapped into.
Actual truth and actual life, of course, have no zones - and that is where actual freedom is.
Thus, LRH and Captain Bill and all their "true believers" have framed themselves in terms of theta and continue their own enslavement.
Your site has an interesting mix of both truth and theta's pretense of truth. I prefer the truth - the rest isn't even up to being trash.
Perhaps it's time to take out the trash?
On 29 Apr 2004, Paul Misiunas said: "Hi Alan,
Nice to hear from you.
Your note was excellent in so many ways, I don't know where to begin.
So I'll just say... thanks! :-)"