Much can be garnered from the exploration of these subjects, but at the present time, the lack of insight is quite detrimental to those who are exposed to them. Awareness is typically clouded by selfish desires and knowledge will, as always, take a back to seat.
That is unfortunately or fortunately, (depending on how you look at it), a pretty accurate depiction. Another way to look at it, is the concept of a comm-lag. There are some pretty long comm-lag's going on with some people, people who offer up selfish desires as a response to knowledge for example. Selfish Desires as a response, could be viewed as the demonstration of a completely non-sequitur response.
To all intents and purposes, the Free Zone is dead. It simply does not exist. The Galactic Patrol is just someone's idea of a dream, with much undo attention erroneously directed towards it. Loyal Officers are just a few people with enormous egos and of no consequence. There are no real organizations or individuals which take action and responsibility from an 'outside' or exterior point of view. The fabricated idea of there being a common bond among those few who have a awareness beyond the 'ordinary' is simply ludicrous.
I am positive, that the above is a much more comfortable and acceptable view of things for those whose awareness is clouded by selfish desires.
After all...if there was a common bond among people who have an awareness beyond the 'ordinary', those who insist on clouding their own awareness with selfish desires of ME ME ME? - I am also positive such beings would "feel" extremely threatened by any bonding between beings. If beings bond together in a common purpose and goal, when then there can't be any room for selfishness, and that just wouldn't do.
No, it's much more comfortable, safe, and acceptable, for some to think that everyone is exactly like them. Selfishly Desiring to cloud their own, and others awareness.
For what purpose, and goal you might ask?
I'll let you know when one answers...the comm-lag is still running on that one. With some of them, well it's been about...oh....two time tracks worth so far.
That's an eternity to some, but to others? It's like it was yesterday.
Virginia |