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Free Zone : A ZONE, or area, where
spiritual awareness may be pursued
FREE of outside or disruptive forces.

Spiritual Development Through Education
"Knowing How To Know"

 Library: FZA Web Pages : FZA FAQ  Printer Friendly 
posted by misiunas on Tue, 05 Aug 2003, 16:31   
  Title: FZA FAQ
  Author:  Paul Misiunas
  Dated: Tue, 05 Aug 2003, 16:31

What is the difference between the term 'free zone' and the alternative spelling of that term ('freezone')?
Night and day.

The 'freezone', whether the term is capitalized or not, is a small collection of individuals who stand behind the alteration of Scientology and it's acceptance as such. These individuals started with Captain Bill Robertson's concept of the Free Zone and redefined it's meaning to lend credibility to the idea of altering the Scientology religious philosophy. A few 'practitioners' belonging to this ideology have gone so far as to create a profit-making business opportunity out of the affair.

The Free Zone, on the other hand, remains true to it's ideals, as always. Nothing, in this regard has changed.

Does FZA accept donations, either of cash or material goods?

What are the different levels of membership?
The idea of levels of membership is not something that is encouraged as it then creates a division between 'us' and 'them'. There is no 'us' and 'them' here.

The only reason that different types of FZA access exists is so that there is 'follow through' on the idea of an area being free of outside disruptive forces. Yes, this does create a division, but unfortunately it is required at this stage of the game. Here is a list of the types of access:
1. Guest: An anonymous visitor.
2. Regular: Someone who has registered an account and who can create new Forum discussion threads as well as reply to existing discussion threads on the Forum.
3. Member: This type of user can also post comments to News articles and Library documents.
4. Staff Writer: Can create new News items.
5. Senior Writer: Can create new entries in the Library section.

Why is FZA.ORG so bland and unexciting? Do you really expect to draw visitors with such a visually unappealing web site?
Pictures. From eye-candy to imaginary worlds of exploration. These are the types of things that MUST be avoided if one is to further a deeper understanding of one's spiritual nature. To that end, visually stimulating graphics will only inhibit one's strength of attention and so, are avoided here.

As far as drawing visitors goes, Free Zone America has a zero interest rate in drawing any type of visitor, student, thrill-seeker or wanderer. The content here on FZA speaks for itself as it is. That is all.

Statistics are likewise unattended.

I've seen a lot of Discussion Boards on the Internet and they have a lot more to offer. Do you plan on offering the same features that they do?
Not at all. The Forum here at FZA has been purposefully minimized in it's capability. The idea here is not to EXPAND the desire for communication, but to comprehend and REALIZE the communication that is here, as it is. Expanding communication, in many ways, has come to be accepted much in the same way that presentation and appearance has come to be accepted - everyone is doing it so why not accept it? FZA does not accept that premise nor does it encourage the idea of appearances and illusions.

Reality has nothing to do with looks and warm feelings. If one is looking for a deeper spiritual understanding, then the Forum is much more than what is needed to carry that out. On the other hand, if one is looking to expand one's experience through the use of expanding one's communication, then the Forum will surely be a disappointment.

Is the Forum moderated?
Yes and it is moderated with the utmost responsibility. Each Forum discussion thread is moderated by the one who starts the discussion thread. This means that each Form poster is respsonsible for their own discussion with full rights of editting as well as removing, each comment that is made on that discussion thread.

This ensures that each poster is not only responbile for their own communication, but is also considerate of each and every communication that is generated because of it.

Personal integrity starts with the right tools. Now, you have it.

What is the purpose in referencing various authors and their written works?
As a reference tool, whether that reference comes from books, mailings lists, newsgroup postings or web sites, they are useful in taking apart the illusion that so many have surrounded themselves, and others with. FZA it not here to attack, vilify or find fault with any one or any thing. Education, used as a route for deepening spiritual understanding, sometimes requires the exmaination of the various forms of concepts and ideas that are presented, whether purposefully or completely unaware, by those around us. Please do not associate that examination with any of the personalities involved.

I'm confused. What is the difference between the web site and FZA.ORG?
This topic is like beating a dead horse. It just won't go anywhere.

For a bit of explaination, read "The Truth About".

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