The Free Zone America Forums are here to provide a vehicle for furthering a deeper understanding of our spiritual nature. That is the only guideline being used here.
Moderation is the responsibility of each poster. This means that when you start a new Thread (or Topic) of discussion, you become the Moderator of that Thread - which includes all of the replies and comments that are made in regard to it. As a Moderator, it is up to you to edit and/or remove comments appropriately in the context of your Thread of discussion.
FZA reserves the right to take any and all action necessary to keep these Forums continuously aligned with our 'deepening spiritual understanding' goal.
We are working within the Laws of the Land. To that extent no copywritten material, or links to copywritten material, are welcome here. Reasonably lengthed extracts, for the purpose of discussion, ARE allowed.
Please recognize that opinions deter one from gaining any kind of spiritual understanding in any way. Don't let things like opinions, ideas, preconcieved concepts - or in other words, the past, deter you from gaining the insight needed to break the pattern in which so many have bound themselves.
Spiritual Freedom is not an idea, it's a Reality.