Good-Bye Cruel World
13 Aug 2003 15:10
FZA.ORG is going away.
Once again.
But not to worry, it's just the 'usual' transformation, nothing more. The period of transition has now begun so please take in stride any outages that may, or may not occur.
Things are always different in this part of the Universe - it's called "keeping step". It could be likened to a new dance. Every body is doing it, only some do it with awareness.
Wanna see?
The On-Source Excalibur Course
14 Jul 2003 09:02
Mike McClaughry writes: "The HASI On-Source Excalibur Course is ready to be downloaded onto your computer.
This has been a work-in-progress, and parts of the course have already been posted at
The reason for this is so auditors around the planet could get started on the course." [more]
27 Jul 2003 update: The Rons Org web site is going through some changes. Here is a corrected link: Be sure to update your bookmarks.
Rons Org USA
19 May 2003 10:54
"We will use this website - ronsorgusa - to give you the Ron's Org OT Levels, and as complete and accurate of a collection of CBR materials as we can find."
Additional Rons Org USA links:
1. Estimate of the Situation - Free Zone
2. How To Do Excalibur
updated 27 Jul 2003
Ron's Tech (
28 Apr 2003 20:15
The following, written by Mike McClaughry, will provide some valuable insight:
Misapplication to Sabotage Case Gain - Inside of the Church
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of Tone Arm Action [here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of OT 7 [here]
Misapplication to Sabotage Case Gain - Outside of the Church
Sabotaging Case Gain - The Off Source Auditor [here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - The Dangerous Auditor [here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of Ethics [here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of O/M Tech [here or here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of E-Meter [here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of OT 2 [here or here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Misapplication of OT 3 [here or here]
Sabotaging Case Gain - Refusing Correction [here]
Conclusion to Sabotaging Case Gain Series [here]
End of the Era of False Scientology
29 Mar 2003 17:04
"End of the Era of False Scientology,
Commencing the Era of True Scientology" - -
The days of uncertainty are over.
There is no such thing as 'Scientology' in the 'FreeZone'. There is no such thing as 'Scientology' in the church. There is one and one only 'Scientology'. It's called - Scientology.
Accept no substitutes. Demand nothing less than the Bridge to Total Freedom, EXACTLY as it was meant to be.
When YOUR days of uncertainty are over, it's a whole new ball game and if you're confused as to who's one first, you better start looking down at your feet because you'll find that you've left the path.
It's not called the straight and narrow path for nothing. Walk it once and be done. Wander, and you'll find yourself right where you are today.
The Sea Org: Points of Declaration
25 Mar 2003 13:56
1) The Sea Organization, because of it's inability to prove it's effectiveness, based purely upon the ulterior motives in full demonstration, is hereby declared TREASONOUS... [more]