All Hands: CBR Information Needed
11 Feb 2003 15:29
The call is going out: Free Zone America is looking for any and all information on, about, or by Captain 'Bill' Robertson. If you, or someone you know, has any type of information relating to CBR, please get it sent to:
From hard data to personal experiences, from graphics to internet links, any and all data is much appreciated. If desired, please login in anonymously and upload data files to
Keeping the legacy alive is something we can all share in.
10 Jan 2003 16:52
Let's face it, the 'FreeZone is just full of individuals who ENJOY going at each other constantly and consistently. The 'FreeZone' is a poor substitute for the Church of Scientology and the Church of Scientology itself is a poor substitute for coming to understand the term "knowing how to know" which is the nexus of the religion of Scientology as it was originally created.
The Church of Scientology is geared towards acquiring. Acquiring paying pc's is the full time endeavor. Unfortunately, this viewpoint tends to create a large amount of bodies - bodies in and bodies out, of the front door.
The "FreeZone', itself endeavoring to capture a piece of the pie, looks as well at acquiring capital investment via the bodily form. Where in the Church of Scientology there is directed command, in the 'FreeZone' you will most likely see directed misdirection where everyone has their own 'idea' of how things "should be".
Not only that, but it is an acceptable practice in the 'FreeZone' to "investigate" and to "research" anything and everything in existence. In other words, there is no end in sight to the Bridge to Total Freedom...
19 Dec 2002 10:17
FZA.ORG, as you may have noticed, continually evolves as it moves down the time stream. The reason for this evolution is that this web site works on a number of dynamics and as the exterior environment changes, so does FZA.ORG. What is provided, and the way that it is provided, changes to meet various needs. As a gradient approach to the in's and out's of this universe, FZA.ORG will continue to provide what is needed and not what it is thought to be needed - all in an atmosphere free of outside distractions.
The 'FreeZone' Reference Library is something which has never quite settled with me. To that end, the 'FreeZone' Reference Library is being moved off of the main page and onto a page of it's own - at least for now. This material consists of mostly self-serving propaganda and doesn't deserve the exposure previously attended. Additionally, I am removing that library of data from the Document database and restoring the data to it's own subdirectory in the 'FreeZone' Reference Library directory. It's true that some truth can be gleaned from the material in that library, but the wandering pathways endured is not something that I would wish on anyone.
I like directness.
Welcome to the Free Zone.
Free Zone Decree Anniversary
12 Nov 2002 10:17
The Free Zone Decree celebrated it's 20th anniversay on the 10th of November 2002. It was a day of spiritual celebration, the impact of which was clearly felt on the physical. What could be better than the freedom to chose one's own destiny?
Perhaps it will continue to be celebrated much in the same way that the New Year is celebrated. After all, it IS a new Age. The Age of Freedom is here. Are you up for it? I know I am.
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