The FZData Collection
28 Dec 2001
There are some very interesting things occurring out in the 'Freezone' these days. Among those interesting 'things' is something which I call "appearances and illusions". Specifically, in this case, I am referring to Ralph Hilton's idea of purging the Internet of links to my site and of the idea that the 'Freezone' needs to have more web sites placed on the net (if only to refer to existing ones) and that these sites need to be placed in the most advantageous position possible in the various search engines. Basically, the idea here is to disassociate my web site from Hilton's 'Freezone' and to market that same 'Freezone' as much as possible as some sort of 'replacement'.
I find this new endeavor, by the various individuals involved, to be interesting in it's timing and procedure.
As my solution to resolving the issue of what, exactly, is going on here, as well as clearly defining who, exactly, is in alignment with who, I have decided to create a new section at called FZData. This section is where I will be accumulating data in regard to the 'Freezone' and the organizations and individuals within it.
I am collecting data.
The data I am most interested in is publicly available data, but messages to the various 'private' mailing lists are not out of the question. Private emails, intercepted or not, will most likely be deemed confidential and will not be included in the data collection.
This data collection, the methods used and the storage methodology will be a work in progress and will refine itself over time. Over that time duration, obvious data correlations will make themselves known. Perhaps a detailed analysis will become a necessity, perhaps not.
Right now, I am collecting data and if you wish to provide information for inclusion into that collection, you may contact me at I alone determine the information that will be added to the collection and I do not engage in idle chatter or justification. Please keep this in mind when contacting me.
I like openness and I like directness. The data collection will be publicly available for viewing and analyzing. It's time to sort out who is doing what in the 'Freezone'. Much in the same way that the Church of Scientology has been exposed to reveal it's true nature, it is my desire that the 'Freezone' come out of hiding and reveal it's true nature and intent. Through the data that is, and will be, available, I expect that that nature and intent will reveal itself with little effort on my part.
There is ALWAYS a 'who' and a 'why'. Whether this is applied positively, or negatively makes little difference. What does make a difference is that the who and why are revealed. I have found that the amount of effort that is used to prevent the revelation of 'who' and 'why' is in direct proportion to the amount of effort that is used to hide. This has been seen in the actions of the Church of Scientology, and even though it would rather not be accepted, these same actions can be seen in the 'Freezone'.
When truth is hidden, suppression has already gained a presence. In my data collection, the truth will not be hidden.
Paul Misiunas