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Freie Zone e.V.
Freie Zone e.V. - "This association is an initiative by the supporters of philosophies of cognition. A philosophy of cognition deals with the change and devolpment of persons through self-achieved cognitions. Therefore one gains a greater understanding and responsibility to oneself, others and to one's entire environment..."

I am Dr. A. Nordenholz. Come visit my home page.
Scientologie Home Page - Scientology: Science of the Constitution and Usefulness of Knowledge by Dr. A. Nordenholz

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training
Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training - "Spirituality is - or could be - more than a religious conviction, or a philosophical hobby. It could be the way to greater understanding of oneself and one's friends and partners, resulting in an improved handling of one's existence, if - if! - the growing awareness were backed up by a set of reliable tools, designed for the repair of personal and inter-personal problems and a better planning of the future in accordance with the newly won insights."

Transforming The Mind
Transforming The Mind "A new approach for optimal health of body, mind and spirit" " a manual that aims to describe the process of human conditioning and how to achieve an awakening from this imposition."

World Transformation
World Transformation "The overall theme here is to make the world a better place, to see things in a positive light, to stand up for one's rights, to pursue self-improvement and greater freedom, to have fun and to learn new things about life, the universe and everything."

Space Station 33
Space Station 33 "The Implant Station on the back of the moon commanded by Arohohn."

New Civilization Network
New Civilization Network - "Exploring emerging new qualities of life on Planet Earth"

"The New Civilization Network (NCN) is a global network of people visualizing a better world and working on building it. A world of increased quality of life, freedom, fun and inspiration for all. A world where the needs of all of humanity are met."

The Ghost Danse
The Ghost Danse - A freezone metaphysical site intended to assist professional practisioners and clearing soloists with fresh insights into the structures of case, and of reality itself. From a freezone viewpoint it deals with tech originating from many sources both ancient and modern. Major projects under research include: the postulates associated with numbers, the detailed structure of the expanded tone scale, dichotomies and their GPMs, and the fractal relationships to one another of triangles and cycles of action.

Remote Viewing
Remote Viewing, Viking Remote Sensing, Psychic Self Defence, and UFOs. Read at your own risk. 

"Remote viewing is a new name for an old ability. Remote viewing is the ability of a person to project their conscious observation to a distant location to see or sense what is there. Distance is no object..."


Leading Edge International Research Group
Leading Edge International Research Group "Infinite Gratitude Toward All Things Past, Service to All Things Present, and Responsibility to All Things Future"

PNOHTEFTU: The Little Purple Notebook On How To Escape From This Universe
"PNOHTEFTU: The Little Purple Notebook On How To Escape From This Universe" outlines the basics of ancient and modern 'Tech' and puts many issues into a new light."

FACTNet: International (Fight Against Coercive Tactics Network, Inc.): "A nonprofit library, archive, news distributor, and referral service protecting freedom of mind from harms caused by mind control and cults."

Ralph Hilton
Ralph Hilton: "I see Scientology as a subject that needs continuing research and development which cannot occur within the monopolistic control of current management. Scientology needs reform in many ways."

Free Zone International
FreeZone International: " This site was created for the purpose of providing information, resources and assistance to those interested in practicising clearing technologies outside of the Church of Scientology. The site is maintained by Ralph Hilton based on the content agreed upon by a group of Freezone practitioners. It is intended as a site for the Freezone in general as distinct from the Free Zone Association based in Munich which has its pages at "

NyghtOne's Home Page
NyghtOne's Home Page - "To bring together all the information in the world about cleansing the human body and to eventually create one compact program that can offer the results that many different ones can now!!!"

The Dragons Wing Magical Emporium
The Dragons Wing Magical Emporium - "Purveyors of essential tools and alternative pathways for your personal journey through this lifetime and perhaps your next."

"...You are invited to return often and enjoy some of the beautiful linked sites. They represent a sampling of the world's great wisdom and many diverse pathways others have chosen in their search for their spiritual freedom. You will find enchanting destinations on this planet, and there are entrances to some of humanity's enriching and enobling creations; joyful places to continue your journey are everywhere."


Without Homer the FZ internet presence would just not be the same. His archives are extensive and a must read.

Operation Clambake
- in respect and honour to all victims, and those who dared to stand up for them - 

Operation Clambake is one of those sites that you just don't want to miss.


A to B Calm
"A to B Calm is a flavorless, colorless powdered drink that can reduce stress, tension, headaches, and muscle aches; can allow one to sleep better..."

If this link does not work, try Gaines Nutrition Online Health Food Store.


Church of Scientology
The ever popular Church of Scientology site. Be sure to drop by, wave, and say a big 'Hello'.

clear-Ref - a resource of links. This is Homer's site dedicated to Clearing. Check it out.

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