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RONS Org Bridge

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Marianne Hagen is a RONS Org Senior C/S with 29 years' clearing experience trained by Captain Bill Robertson to deliver to the top of the upper level bridge he developed. Her focus is on training properly prepared clients to competently solo these levels, and qualified C/Ses to deliver them.

16 years experience with CBR tech has shown that superficial training, or just reading the material, doesn't produce clients who can deal with these areas of case to their full EPs. There are huge quantities of charge intended to stop beings from being free, and just "knowing about" doesn't discharge it. Full potential and results aren't obtained without adequate training from a C/S who has duplicated and owned this material from Capt Bill, and has experience with its application...


"You find out on this Bridge - WHERE did LRH get the axioms from? They're not just HIS "idea", no way. YOU could sit down and write them, after you do the Bridge, you see?" - CBR, "The Bridge"

For more information about the bridge at RONS org read Administration Briefing Number 1: "The Bridge".

"I might say at this point, that the Bridge IS exactly as LRH has always written in his works. That a thetan WAS more powerful in the past, he was MUCH more powerful in the past and he came down in power, down the spiral. We are just recovering those abilities and recovering that state, and it is an error to suppose that the person was never that big, because it is obvious that he IS and can retain or regain that size of awareness. So people that are thinking that a person just has to "evolve" or "get bigger" and he "never was bigger", are WRONG. I'm sorry to say, they're just incorrect and they are buying false data from whatever source that false data comes from." - CBR, "The Bridge"

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