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Scientology: More Than A Cult?

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Very good Book. After reading this book ( german version ) I knew what Scientologie really is !

Name: Peter Mueller <>
[Saturday, February 14, 1998 at 15:45:03 (PST)]



Scientology: A Handbook For Use

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Have heard some good things about L. Kin's books, even from a guy who's still active in the Co$ and checked out my Technical expertise - over the phone - by quoting from his works. As it had to do with auditing I assume that the Scn. handbook is what this person (Denny, ( referred to. I, myself was connected to the church from 1973 till early '83. When I left I was on my Solo Nots course (auditing at home after completion) and a Class 6 interned auditor and C/S. I have worked for Bent Corydon from July '83 till June 85 at his Life Arts Center (than called the Church of Sciologos). There I trained under his wife Mary (a Class 8) and Merrill Mayo on the rest of the actions on the bridge and how to C/S them. I received my Not's C/S course from an indepent Not's C/S. Before joining Bent's center I instigated the first "Squirrel group" in the UK and - together with my husband John Hansen was instrumental in establishing independent centers in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. At the moment I am working on establishing a US center where people can come to study L.R.H's tech. To assist us in working out what part of the Tech deliveres the bset results, I am studying up on the intrepretations from experienced auditors such as L. Kin. I am also interested in getting some sessions from him. Could you check me out by contacting my references and then give me his e-mail address? Personal references: Antony Philips, Ralph Hilton, Heidrun Beer, Mark Jones Bent Corydon and Hank Levine. Fleming Funch knows off me and my work, but we haven't met in person. I am the author of the book: Clearing the Body/Mind available on this site. Last question: Is there also a Volume 1, Handbook?
Favorite book: Handbook for the New Paradigm
Name: Adriana (Jeanny) Hansen <>
[Wed Nov 24 23:16:02 1999]



The Pied Pipers of Heaven: Who Calls the Tune?

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I found this to be a profound book, even if it is only an explication of L. Kin's own case, and that which is accepted as an implant by others. I enjoyed all of L. Kin's books, and would like to discuss auditing and training with him/her. All of the books (read 'em, loved 'em) retain the flavour of scientology which had an extremely deep call to me when I first encountered scientology. It is NOT watered down, and L. Kin seems capable of really thinking with the data. I have encountered many technical sources who dispute the validity of L. Kin's methods, by comparison with techniques available in standard scientology or more recent developments in the freezone, but each of these sources were not fully credible for various reasons. I say read it all, and use that which you find accesses your case, and when in need of a review auditor, there are plenty out there who can handle a Green Form or other repair action. The wrong thing to do is nothing. What we will eventually find out is that no technology will be EXACTLY right for your case, except that technology which you develope. Using the products of those who have gone their own full route will always be slightly formulaic. This is good for the novice, and even the journeyman. By the time you are comfortable enough with the tech to be able to formulate it for yourself, you will thank all those who came before and explicated that which was within their purview.
Favorite book: All of them, as a whole.
Name: Kevin G. Brady <>
[Wed Jan 12 13:15:14 2000]

I'd like to order the next boook. Vol 4.
Favorite book: Vol 3
Name: stewart draper <>
[Fri Sep 3 13:20:35 1999]

Very good work and I enjoyed the information and it helped my case. Thank you very much. I would enjoy it very much if you would write.
Name: gary morgan <>
[Thu Dec 24 07:30:52 1998]

Don't miss this one.... This is a great book. Very good overview of related subjects and how they fit in with the Whole-track. Ends with good news...for a change. Inspirational.

Name: JG
[Saturday, May 30, 1998 at 20:14:27 (PDT)]

I found this book to be very interesting, if a little nutty. It is certainly imaginative and brings up a lot of other entities other than Xenu. Very weird.

Favorite book: Excalibur Revisted
Name: Keith S. <>
[Saturday, May 09, 1998 at 14:23:34 (PDT)]



From The Bottom To The Top: The Way Out

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