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Hi, I am glad to have found your address. I used Mr. Filberts book to go from clear to OT3. It was very easy actually. Of course I had all of the fears of reading and doing OT3 that had been instilled upon me as a staff member and pre-OT. But all I was told would happen to me has not. I am ready to continue but need a new E-Meter. I am trying to get the address to the Delta E-meter. sincerely Richard Hernandez Was this site helpful?: yes. Changes/additions to site: can't think of a thing. Name: Richard Hernandez <RichardHernandez217@CS.com> Home page: none [Tue Dec 7 17:43:17 1999] EARTH ANTHEM by Stephen Longfellow Fiske Oh say: can we see, By the one light in all, Our Earth to embrace, At the call of all nations. Where our children can play, In a world without war, Where we stand, hand in hand, In the grace of Creation. Where the rivers run clean, Through the forests of green, Where the cities stand tall, In the clear skies of freedom. Oh say, do our hearts sing out, "For harmony and love forever, On the planet of our birth, Blessed with peace on Earth? Have a wonderful Christmas and many interesting adventures in the year 2000! My postulate is that from the chaos a New World will emerge, as depicted in the above words, sung to the melody of the National Anthem of the United States of America. Adriana Hansen and family EARTH ANTHEM Stephen Longfellow Fiske Oh say can we see, By the one light in all, Our Earth to embrace, At the call of all nations. Where our children can play, In a world without war, Where we stand, hand in hand, In the grace of Creation. Where the rivers run clean, Through the forests of green, Where the cities stand tall, In the clear skies of freedom. Oh say, do our hearts sing out, For harmony and love forever, On the planet of our birth, Blessed with peace on Earth. Have a wonderful Christmas and many interesting adventures in the year 2000! My postulate is that from the chaos a New World will emerge As depicted in the above words, sung to the melody of the NationalAnthem of the United States of America. Adriana Hansen and family Was this site helpful?: Yes Changes/additions to site: critics ignored on posts Name: Adriana Hansen <InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb839806> Home page: none [Sun Dec 5 14:33:15 1999] This is directed to the idiot that continues to use this Guest Book as if it is her own person chat board. Get a clue Jeanny! To Free Zone- thanks to the people that maintain this site. You guys are doing a great job! Was this site helpful?: very Changes/additions to site: new materials Name: New Free Zoner [Sat Dec 4 16:19:44 1999] I have been a member of this site for quite some time. After a while, I realized that I was the only highly trained Tech person on this site. I have done my best to contribute and share my technical know-how. However, as I am currently involved with launching an Independent Center, where Standard Tech will be delivered in a safe environment, I am now too busy to contribute further, on this site. You can reach me by e-mail, or subscribe to my list as follows:www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb839806 which has been especially created for discussions, re: advice, questions, etc. on the subject of Dianetic "Clearing" (as we call it in the Free Zone). You can find my book: Clearing the Body/Mind (Part I) under Technology on this site. Also the Chat Room is available but only if pre-arranged with others on this site (via e-mail) to set date/time. Here are some comments from long-term contributers in this site: By FZA on, March 3, 1999: The FZA Chat Room is now ready for testing. Please give it a try and post whatever comments and/or suggestions that you have here.(Webmaster Mike Hunsinger) By Kevin G. Brady (Rockslam) on March 3, 1999: The chat room works well, and should prove interesting, especially for newer scientologists who may just like having an immediate comm line with someone who can answer their questions. It provides more of a sense of community, too. Thanks, Mr. FZA. By yertletheturtle (now posts under Po)on March 4, 1999: And the chance for one to get out of their shell! The above comments are aimed at those of you who have become disaffected with the current management in the CofS and/or who are looking for standard tech in the field. This is a pretty good site to sound out people's opinions and viewpoints and will give you some ideas on what is available in the Independent Field. Please feel free to lurk and check out the postings. Be aware that here too there are "the jokers and degraders" those who are out to destroy the reputation of LRH and/or the Tech, or those that have left and got involved with 'other practices'. Ron's policies have always been designed for open communication lines, so we - here on this site - will allow for the whole gamut of free flowing communication. (If you don't like a post, just ignore it!) It also contains a lot of info on the illegal activities of current management and affadavits from ex-staff. I feel that if you are looking for an "alternative" this is the window for you to: see things never before seen, to hear things never before heard, but especially to discover your path to OT. All I can offer you is scientology/dianetic tech delivered at affordable rates in an unsurpressed environment; where there is an alternative path ('bridge') available to you: a path with a heart/ a bridge to TRUE OT! I wish you all that you desire for the year 2000 and beyond. Was this site helpful?: Yes, indeed! Changes/additions to site: remove defunct threads Name: Adriana Hansen <jeannybtl@mailcom> Home page: none [Wed Nov 17 17:27:51 1999] It was a very pleasant and happy surprise to stumble upon this site. I found it last night as a new "web-surfer" and I am feeling very competent as compared to yesterday regarding finding my way around now. I'm housebound mostly, so it's nice to be able to feel connected again. I'm also feeling a bit courageous, as this is the first time I've actually "announced publicly" that I am dissatisfied with the way things are currently going. Greetings to all of you. And best postulates for all your wishes. Was this site helpful?: very Changes/additions to site: not yet Name: Annie <anncharlotteclark@hotmail.com> Home page: none [Tue Nov 16 23:55:53 1999] I can't tell you just how excited I was to find this site. I have read much of LRH's work but have no desire to get involved with the COS at this time. I have already started sending the COS mailings back with REFORM NOW! written on them. I hope they get the message and reform the COS into what it could be. Thank You. Sincerely Complexio Was this site helpful?: Yes Changes/additions to site: Keep Evolving <Complexio@aol.com> [Tue Nov 9 20:30:12 1999] I would like to tell those posting here, that unless you also post in one of the Discussion Groups, your message may not be noticed. I am talking from personal experience, where the first part (Theory) of my book was on the Net, requesting interested parties to e-mail me for the 2md part )Application. Months later, I noticed that there were several trying to find me. I would also like to call attention to the latest thread (created under General Discussion Groups, that calls for Postulates for the year 2000, specifically as regards the Tech. Was this site helpful?: Very! Changes/additions to site: Dump obsolete threads Name: Adriana (aka JeannyHansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Sun Nov 7 16:35:10 1999] The FreeZone is quite simply the REAL Church of Scientology. Was this site helpful?: Yes Changes/additions to site: No Name: David Surgenor [Sun Oct 17 11:47:14 1999] WOW! I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A SITE LIKE YOURS FOR A LONG TIME. BACK IN 1981 I FIRST GOT INTO SCIENTOLOGY & DIANETICS. AT THE TIME IT WAS FANTASTIC; YOU REALLY GOT THE FEELING THAT A BETTER WORLD WAS BEING CREATED, BIT BY BIT. WELL, IT ALL WENT PEAR-SHAPED AS WE SAY IN ENGLAND. EVERY TIME I WENT BACK TO THE ORG, I WAS ALWAYS BEING ROUTED TO ETHICS, DUE TO MY QUESTIONING CERTAIN THINGS, & I JUST COULDN'T GET INTO IT. IN THE LATE 80s I VIRTUALLY GAVE UP WITH THE OFFICIAL CoS, BUT I STILL BELIEVED IN THE TECH! SEEING YOUR WEBSITE GIVES ME NEW HOPE. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK. BILL. Was this site helpful?: YOU BET. Changes/additions to site: NO. Name: BILL ROBINSON [Wed Oct 13 11:50:39 1999] For everybody out of there Be 100% shure that this site is the result from all positive cognitions made by ex-scientologists&affiliates,in over words,Scientologie,and Hubbard,are not part of a first creation,they are a "projection"or"second thought"made from outside MEST,thus'the enormous reject reaction it induce! I myself part of this projection,and continue this very action. I will be happy to share my most intimate knowledge about L.R.H. spiritual entity,the real goal of Scientologie,and above LOVE&PERSISTANCE Alexander Was this site helpful?: fondamentaly helpfull Changes/additions to site: more com.dialogues Name: Alexander Watt <star1030@hotmail.com> Home page: none [Mon Oct 11 21:19:03 1999] I am interested in contacting scientologists in eastern North Carolina with the hopes of starting some sort of group. Please drop me a line. Thanx Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: no Name: Doug <dug-jen@ncnets.net> Home page: none [Thu Sep 30 18:42:49 1999] Scientology's Secret Admin Scale: POLICY: KEEP SCIENTOLOGY CONTROVERSIAL SCIENTOLOGY's INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT must be operating on a SECRET ADMIN SCALE, one unspoken, unannounced, yes, COVERT to: To keep Scientology A CONTROVERSIAL RELIGION. This serves their (int mgmts) suppressive interests: 1. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keeps Scientology SMALL. 2. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keeps Scientology at RISK. 3. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keeps Scientologists DESPERATE and WILLING TO PAY....LOTS for services. 4. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keeps Scientologists FLOWING POWER TO THE TOP. (believing that to be in their best personal interests.) 5. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keeps Scientology IN DANGER OF DISAPPEARING UNLESS scientologists PAY the IAS FOR PROTECTION. (Covert Extortion) 6. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keeps other PROFESSIONS from seriously LOOKING AT and FORMING POSSIBLE ALLIANCES WITH SCIENTOLOGY. (E.g. religious, business, psych, (mental health ), legal, political, educational etc.) (For some reason though, ARTISTIC groups/persons seem to be catered to...) 7. Keeping Scientology controversial KEEPS SCIENTOLOGISTS CONTROLLABLE 8. Keeping Scientology CONTROVERSIAL keep the tech generally UNKNOWN, and thus that knowledge can be used against the peoples of earth. Under this SECRET ADMIN SCALE , the would probably be something like: GOAL: to prevent THE FREEING OF THETANS. (This will eventually trap ëthem' too...) PURPOSE: Maintain the ëstatus-quo' (?) POLICY: Covertly keep Scientology CONTROVERSIAL, keep Scientology small and suppressed yet INCOME PRODUCING. PLANS, PGMS, PJTs, and the rest of the admin scale would have the things like MCPHEARSONS DEATH (murder?) at FLAG, Heber's mad-dog rants on National T.V. Pickets, ARS, etc. etc. I am not saying the pickets are plants, no, but Its rather iRONic that all this BASHING/picking/ is playing right into MGMTS hands. If it were to be a free, relaxed, open religion, then the tech would become widely known throughout the society and the world. People could get the tech and all its benifits. Don't expect to see the church of scientology reform when, THEY ARE THRIVING ON THE CONTROVERSY (XCLM) LRH called them "MERCHANTS OF CHAOS" : \ Casper Was this site helpful?: ALWAYS - GOT ME OUT Changes/additions to site: How bout FZ Success Page Name: Casper, tfg <davesmith39@hotmail.com> [Wed Sep 15 19:42:48 1999] all power to you folks Was this site helpful?: yup Changes/additions to site: reckon not Name: the dude <duffy24@hexanet.com.au> Home page: none [Wed Sep 15 12:14:06 1999] I think this is the most important site on the internet. I check it daily. I have downloaded several books from FZA. I believe that the Internet is to Scientology what the Gutenburg press was to Christianity and the Dark Ages. Thank you very much for putting this site here. Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: more auditors, coauditors Name: Ed Rhett <edrhett@swbell.net> Home page: none [Sun Sep 12 20:00:34 1999] the clouds are really moving I can feel the breeze coming at me through the windows Was this site helpful?: elf hpl Name: smithers <smdraper@mpx.com.au> [Fri Sep 3 13:44:33 1999] Interesting. I enjoyed reading the page. I've been in Scn since 1959. Was this site helpful?: yes. Changes/additions to site: This is just my 1st time. Name: Meri Teitelman <merit@netwood.net> Home page: none [Sun Aug 15 09:56:30 1999] THIS IS FANTASTIC AND REALISTIC TECHNOLOGY!I EXPLORE FZA SINCE 2 YEARS AGO AND I'M ALWAYS ENJOY TO READ THESES TECHNICALS DATA.DO YOU THINK RON HUBBARD WAS A GREAT MAN?SOMETIMES I THINK YES,AND ANOTHER TIME I THINK THE OPPOSITE!I HAVE READ MORE AND MORE ABOUT THIS SUBJECT...WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IS BOOK 8-80? I EXPERIMENT PROCESS WHIT THE BLACK AND WHITE.IS IT DANGEROUS FOR MY?CAN I HAVE YOUR OPINION ABOUT THAT?FRIENDLY!PIERRE FROM QUEBEC CITY,CANADA Was this site helpful?: VERY Changes/additions to site: BAD OPINIONS ABOUT LRH Name: PIERRE MASSÉ <pierre.masse3@sympatico.ca> Home page: none [Mon Aug 9 21:48:46 1999] I have a correction to make! In my last entry I said that Mike had fixed the Discussion Board problem. It turns out that it was Paul Mesunias, our previous Web master. Well done Paul! However, that doesn't take away the fact that I feel we (who use this site regularly) should contribute to our present Web master in appreciation for all his work to keep this Web up and running. Was this site helpful?: Yes, as always Changes/additions to site: post under proper subject Name: Jeanny Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> [Wed Aug 4 01:29:30 1999] Just wanted to inform everybody that Mike has been able to restore the Discussion Groups. I just found out that Mike owns a bookstore and works there 10 - 12 hours a day, outside of his work on this Web site to keep all of us in comm. I vote that he deserves our gratitude and that we should donate whatever we can spare to support him in his efforts. I'll start the ball rolling by donating 5% of my income (derived from people finding out that I'm auditing in the Free Zone) to this cause. So, Mike if you read this I pledge $ 100 with more to come! Was this site helpful?: yes! provided new clients Changes/additions to site: Ignore LRH bashers Name: Jeanny Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Tue Aug 3 00:11:32 1999] Just wanted to let everyybody know that Mike is having some trouble with the Discussion Boards. If you have failed to get in by clicking one of them, try the "back door", i.e, click on Last Day (on the left of your screen). You'll be able to get there this way. Was this site helpful?: Yes. Thanks Mike Changes/additions to site: Mike's handling it now! Name: Jeanny Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Sat Jul 31 00:04:28 1999] Keep up the good work. Was this site helpful?: Very Changes/additions to site: Processing for minors Name: Graham <graham@netax.sk> Home page: none [Tue Jul 27 05:58:50 1999] Keep up the good work. Was this site helpful?: Very Changes/additions to site: Processing for minors Name: G [Tue Jul 27 05:56:48 1999] Just wanted to re-assure everybody that Mike (our Web master) got in touch with me and is alive and well. He seems to be very busy, however, so instead of bugging him about a separate Discussion group topic for Tch. discussions ONLY; I have created a new thread under the History of Clearing. This site will be for all of those who have left (or will leave) the Church of Money-ology but still want to go up the Bridge. Perhaps we should call the Free Zone: The Church of Easy-ology! Was this site helpful?: Is and always has Changes/additions to site: Split Gen.Discussiongroup Name: Adriana Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Tue Jul 27 00:08:40 1999] Excalibur Revisited definitely indicates. I believe Geofrey has tweaked Standard Tech to where real personal gains can be made toward spiritual freedom.Iwas cogging like I was reading "Creation of Human Ability"! Quick!- Let's coaudit before these damn fleas kick our collective arses! Iwas offloaded from the Class Vlll program with an unflat level 1 and a gigantic (to me)freeloaders debt at flag and my home org. Needless to say I'm at a place on the bridge where I can see where I need to go but no way to get there.So if anyone out there wants to cross a repaired bridge with someone who's totally cmmitted t o making it[because the alternative is being committed]give me a holler. Was this site helpful?: We,ll see Changes/additions to site: Not at this time Name: Popeye [Mon Jul 26 17:57:12 1999] Does anyone know if Mike (the Webmaster of this site) is ok? I have sent him several e-mail messages and he hasn't responded which is not like him. So Mike, if you see this, please let me know that all is well. If someone els has some info please post it here in the guest book. Was this site helpful?: Yes, very entertaining Changes/additions to site: New Heading Tech talk Name: Adriana/Jeanny Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Sun Jul 25 00:20:56 1999] The site is great!, appears to be way better than last time I checked. There's life out there. Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: cant say now Name: Ray Schaeffer <RSnoot@aol.com> Home page: none [Thu Jul 15 03:16:40 1999] The site is great!, appears to be way better than last time I checked. There's life out there. Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: cant say now Name: Ray Schaeffer <RSnoot@aol.com> Home page: none [Thu Jul 15 03:08:24 1999] Pilot Sorry to hear about your new unveiling. We would be kidding ourselves if we thought that the church would do nothing to us if we were known. They would probably would declare us and excommunicate us. But: Because of the incredibly dedicated work you and others like you have done to see that people are truley free, we will still have a bridge in our future. We will also be ably to escape the current tyranical management of the church. Sincere thanks 1 flew over (currently in the CoS) Was this site helpful?: extremely Name: 1 flew over <lflewover@hotmail.com> [Thu Jul 8 00:37:26 1999] PLEASE ASSUME A PEN NAME, IF YOU DO NOT FEEL SAFE ENOUGH TO USE YOUR REAL NAME - TO FACILITATE RESPONSES THAT ARE DIRECTED TO A CERTAIN PERSON - AND PLEASE STICK WITH THAT NAME SO AS NOT TO CONFUSE HOW MANY ARE POSTING ON THIS SITE! Was this site helpful?: very !!! Changes/additions to site: see above comments Name: Adriana Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Tue Jul 6 15:59:37 1999] I just wanted to draw your attention to the announcement on the Home page about the Independent's party at Hank's place in Marun County on the 4th of July. I have just copied the entire quest book and will send an e mail message to everybody who is interested in the Tech. I feel the time has come to get some cohesion in the Free Zone Tech delivery and I have already made it known that I am willing to C/S anybody (for a modest fee) who is willing to get into the chair, either auditing another person or in a co-audit. Kevin Brady (rockslam) sends his regards and wanted for me to tell you that he's currently not on line as he's training with Heidrun Beer in the Austrian Alps. He can, however, receive e-mail. I am convinced that the only way the tech will survive in the Free Zone is for us old timers to train new auditor's. I would be open to write a course to go with my book: Clearing the Body/Mind (see references section) on line. This would give people an opportunity to learn how to audit Book 1 (with or without a meter). I'll have a Web site soon which will give you the details. I agree with Ron that auditors are the most valuable people on earth. ARC, Jeanny Was this site helpful?: Very much so! Changes/additions to site: More specific categories Name: Jeanny (AKA Adriana) Hans <jeannybtl@aol.com> Home page: none [Tue Jun 22 17:53:15 1999] Dear Theta-Bop99!! Thanks for your message of 5th August 1998!! There are some more of us out her, at least I am!!! It's kinda lonesome what???!!!!! Something does, indeed, have to be done... for the sake of the tech. Stay in Comm! Kind Regards!! Was this site helpful?: Yes, thank you! Name: Elf Lady <None> Home page: none [Sat Jun 19 11:39:13 1999] I am trying to locate two people that have inquired about my book: Clearing the Body/Mind. Their e-mail addresses are either discontinued or not correct. I have send an answer but it is being returned. dmckeown@mindspring.com and e.rhett@CWIX. If anyone knows their current e/m address, please let me know! Tanks, Adriana Hansen Was this site helpful?: I love it! Changes/additions to site: questbook; not good name Name: Jeanny Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> [Sat Jun 12 00:04:41 1999] How do I find more of Adriana Hansen's works? I'd like to buy her books. Was this site helpful?: YES! Name: Lauren Nelson <nelsonenv@cwix.com> [Wed Jun 9 21:24:03 1999] sooooo...... since that time Sarge Gerbody's skeleton has escaped from the closet and people are finding out about his old connections to DN. and Scn. If anyone is interested in starting a "private" chatgroup, I wouldn't mind helping out with questions to the C/S. I have nearly 25 years experience with the Tech. Also was quite instrumental in getting the independent field established. First in England, then worked for 18 months (free of charge) for Bent Corydon; my then husband and I financed the book her wrote and also several trips to Europe to promote the Free Zone. Auditors came from all over the world to train on the OT levels and Knots (as I call it). In '85 I returned to Washington State and ran an indep. center there for about 10 years. Anyone interested in a chatgroup, please let me know: jeannybtl.@aol.com. My question is: When is the Pilot coming over that fence? Is there really any further reason for him to stay in the closet? Perhaps the Independents' Independents Day celebration at Hank Levine's house on the 4th of July, when we are also having a Tech Conference would be a good time? I shall certainly be there! Was this site helpful?: +++++++ Changes/additions to site: direct access to topic [Fri Jun 4 22:19:49 1999] sorry.... ran out of space! So, as I was saying before my comm got cut: the worst loss was that they also took my disks with Part II of the book on it. I still have a hardcopy, but will have to see whether I can find someone with a scanner. Anyway, Iwill not be publishing this part on the net, because of copyright law. I have already had a letter from the CoS lawyers and told them that I wouldn't be publishing this part. So, if you are still interested the best thing is to e-mail me and I'll tell you what I can do. In the meantime I have done a lot of research on the subject of Dianetics and I have found several "positive" recommendations. I shall ask Paul Misunias what would be the best way to share this data with you. Need to know what category would be best. So, you'll be hearing from me via this site. Right now I am in my finals (went back to College to find out what Psychology has to say for itself. Conclusion: not much; their psycho-therapy is failing miserably. Therefore I have decided to bring Dianetic therapy back into the lime-light. There's an excellent book out, written by my former Intern Supersisor and his wife: Stephen (steve) and Lori Beth Bisbey, called: A brief therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It mostly explains Traumatic Incident Reduction; it seems that Frank Gerbody's skeleton has come out of the closet and peole are beginning to find out that TIR is based on the Dianetic method. It also has Scientology processes and a whole bunch of good stuff. I ordered it from Amazon.com and then found they had 2 copies in the King County (WA State) Library. I can't recommend it too highly as Steve was a crackerjack Case Supervisor in St. Hill, I.K. in the seventies. Since that time Was this site helpful?: ******** Changes/additions to site: quick reference list adde [Fri Jun 4 22:07:34 1999] Hello Everybody! As I have had no reason lately to check the guestbook (I thought that messages would be exchanged via the discussion group) I had no idea that people were actually reading my book: Clearing the Body/Mind, and asking for part II. Well, something awful happened to me last summer. I left my house under the care of a friend of my youngest son. I had known her for years and trusted her. (She was 20 yrs. old,) Then I went to visit my older son who then lived in New Hampshire for about 2 weeks. When I returned I found that she had invited homeless people (teens) to come and stay at my house. The next thing I know I found my laptop computer stolen (and a number of other valyables). I could have survived that, but Was this site helpful?: yes, forgot about this si Changes/additions to site: A short list of entries Name: Adriana (Jeanny) Hansen <jeannybtl@aol.com> [Fri Jun 4 21:52:40 1999] Lots and lots of materials. Would it be possible to install a search machine in order to find particular items? Right now I am looking for commands and processes for Life Repair Was this site helpful?: absolutely Changes/additions to site: search machine Name: hasse timp <hassetimp@hotmail.com> Home page: none [Thu Jun 3 02:43:58 1999] Hi, I am an old Scn. for 30 yrs, I truly enjoyed your page and the info and I wonder if you can do something about the L kin section and make available to Email the groups that have his books,because I have tried and get nowhere. The one group in the USA comes up, but you can't email them. I truly enjoy all the data and you have all my intentions and ARC. If I can help, please feel free to write. The tech is all we have to save ourselves and if we let anyone stand in the way of this, we are in treason with ourselves. Was this site helpful?: Extremely Name: Gary Morgan <Cookiecowboy@yahoo.com> [Thu May 27 04:55:30 1999] This site is ALL I was searching for. Thanks a lot!!! I just downloaded the books... I'll let you know. To Pilot: if I didn't find your pages I think I would have tried to do your work by myself, 'cause my dream is to make good things available to everybody. Was this site helpful?: YES, a lot! Name: Nicola <nicola.piccinini@telcen.it> [Mon May 24 06:53:27 1999] Scn is going to promo WHAT IS SCIENTOLOGY at the Borders Boostore in Glendale, Sat May 29, with e-meter stress test and personalit testing, starting at 3pm. Someone ought to picket this with a flier to debunk the test (which has never been clinically evaluated - LRH sat doen one afternoon in Phoenix with Julia Lewis Salmen and devised the questions and scores. Remember this is a bookstore, so decorum is advised Name: x <x> Home page: none [Thu May 20 15:01:30 1999] I love the idea there is the internet, to see Scientology distributed like LRH wanted, not kept hidden. It is obvious to me the freezone really cares about people, rich or poor. The more tech is distributed over the net the higher the odds of creating a better world. The tech was meant to be given out in volume. Keep up the good work. You're helping thousands possibly millions of people. And they all appreciate it. Regards Vince. Was this site helpful?: Yes Changes/additions to site: MorTech links if possible Name: Vince <vincent@partsnet.com.au> [Fri May 14 23:13:49 1999] What an amazing service you have here! Thank you for all of your extensive work.In only 4 days of working with the Self Clearing book, my beingness is transforming. I would appreciate it if the Pilot could give his insight into other Freezone modalities, especially Avatar. Also, I would like to see the Pilot apply Scientology thought to some of the current events, such as the school shootings, natural disasters, pop culture, etc... THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was this site helpful?: YES!!!!! Changes/additions to site: Yes. See comments. Name: Mike W-- <mike.willoughby@wholefoods.com> [Tue May 4 07:27:57 1999] I am interested in the work you are doing and hope to read more of FZA. Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: no Name: Howard Wish <HWish@Webtv.net> Home page: none [Mon Apr 12 18:33:34 1999] I would lie to find out more about the Scientology- Psychology as a Weapon. Thanks, AA AND SA SA Was this site helpful?: yes very helpful Changes/additions to site: yes sports Name: AA AND SA SA <don't know> Home page: none [Mon Mar 8 15:44:57 1999] When is the second part of "Clearing the Body & Mind" going to turn up. Looking forward to it? Enjoyed the first part. I'm VGIs to most discussions concerning DMSMH and DMSMH clearing tech which this certainly was. Name: K C [Sat Mar 6 16:08:57 1999] Hi all! Page is great, I hit it two to three times per day. What happened to all the old entries from before the page changed its look? Was this site helpful?: networking/tech YES Changes/additions to site: mindwalker software demo? Name: Kevin Brady <rockslam@hotmail.com> Home page: none [Fri Feb 26 17:55:53 1999] This is a great site. Have been using it for ages. Was this site helpful?: Very! Name: Ryan Q Lee <@bigfoot.com> [Wed Feb 24 00:43:55 1999] I am very interested in finding out everything available, including the nearest terminal to me,courses available,and a list of prices for all actions. Was this site helpful?: Yes Name: Daniel McKeown <dmckeown@mindspring.com> Home page: none [Tue Feb 23 09:15:11 1999] Thanks for the information. Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: no Name: Terry Alvarado <talvar@mail.mindsync.com> [Mon Feb 22 05:32:11 1999] @webmaster have you thought about a sitemap? I've read your site extensively and I enjoy it very much, but sometimes a sitemap would come in handy. Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: sitemap added Name: K C [Mon Feb 8 12:11:01 1999] Just wanted to say hi to all my old friends in the free zone.Im alive and doing well.Personally the research I completed put me in a position of higher responsibilities.The spheres of God would be a description.Hoping that everything is good with you all.E-mail me anytime. Was this site helpful?: Yes Changes/additions to site: Not yet. Name: Mario <Ninth-Phenomena@webtv.net> Home page: none [Fri Jan 29 01:28:34 1999] I downloaded "Clearing the Body/Mind" Saturday night, read the book Sunday, and I am ready for the second book. This is a great idea, the Pilot gave us Freezone Scientology, and now Adriana Hansen has given us Freezond Dianetics. I cannot wait to buy the second book, the one with the techniques of Clearing Was this site helpful?: yes, very Changes/additions to site: a co-auditing club Name: Ed Rhett <e.rhett@CWIX> Home page: none [Mon Jan 25 14:27:45 1999] Time has come to change this poor planet. The only way to change it, is to change every individual. And we who can and have abilities to free other being, We all are responsible for this planet. Time has come for us to step out of the shadow, to go fearlessly into this holly war, armed only with THE TRUTH. If you feel the same please contact me. Arelena Altorion(warrior of the Truth) Was this site helpful?: yes Changes/additions to site: no Name: Robert Lavtar - ALTORION <altorion@hotmail.com> Home page: none [Wed Jan 6 06:42:33 1999]
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