Neglecting FZA
The Old Webmaster [Mike Hunsaker] Speaks
To: fzaoint@yahoogroups.com, Paul Misiunas <misiunas@sacredcow.org>
Subject: FreeZone America
From: "Mike Hunsaker" <mikegh@netutah.com>
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 22:06:55 -0700
Hi all,
First off let me apologize for any upset that has been caused by
the closing and reopening of FZA. Don't blame it on others, it was
my fault -- through neglect. I let a few other things become
dominate in my life and put no attention on the site.
That said, let me air my upset with the cycle, and how it occurred
in my universe. (Ain't itsa a wonderful thing?) I had not been
paying attention to the forum area, was not aware of the meltdown
with V and M. Tommy e-mailed me about what was going on. I
checked it out, albiet belatedly. When I looked into it FZA was
gone, so was any e-mail I received at mike@fza.org. Also a
mailing list that was ran though that site. Naive guy (read as idiot)
that I am I thought it was because of my server here in Utah. I had
lost all comm to and from fza before because of my server, and I
thought that that was what had happened. Few days later I find
that FZA is back on another server. Okay, I say to myself, Paul
has taken the website over again, as he was wont to do in the
past. His right, he owns the domain fza.org.
But...what he did I consider a suppressive act. Yes, I know some
of us hate that phrase, so let me restate it for the gentler of heart.
What he did I consider a Bad Thing. Why, some of you may ask,
after all he stopped all the nattering and bitching and false report on
FZA. He also stopped all creative conversation (my opinion). He
also stopped all comm I received from the fza site. He stopped
comm others received via the site through mailing lists.
Paul yanked the site off of the server and put it on another one
because he did not have the passwords to change anything.
Obiously he wanted to change things. He could of just written to
me if this was his wish and I would have given him what he needed
to change what he wanted on the site. After all I was just a
custodian. But he did not write or tell me what he was doing. He
just cut my comm lines and others. I wrote him and asked him
why he did it this way and his reply was, "That's just the way
things worked out".
So it is Paul web site and he can do with it as he will. I look at it
and see very little reference to the fzao. My opinion here again, but
I don't think he likes it very much. That is his loss. The Pilot
material is still there but not very prominate, after all he did for the
FZ, and his writings were what Paul said inspired him to create
I want the fzao materials to be available there, I want the Pilot's
materials there to inspire those who are currently leaving the
church. I want the mailing list there to come back from the cut
comm. Hell, I want my e-mail address back :-)
So as soon as the server can get their admin and programming
together fza.org will be back as it was. Only it will be found at
I don't wish to compete with you Paul, I just want to do what is
My Response:
Wonderful reflection of your thoughts, Mike. It was also a wonderful reflection of your involvement with FZAOINT and of how you turned fza.org into a dissemination tool for that organization. As FZAOINT DISSEM SEC, you know what I mean.
Duplication of motion.
I think that pretty well summarizes the mind set that you people are engaging in.
I wonder, why would FZAOINT need a site such as fza.org when Tommy already has a site for his organization. I wonder why you, Mike, felt such a strong need to give FZAOINT bulletins and policies, prominent web space on fza.org. Isn't it interesting that through your neglect of fza.org, you were awarded 25 hours of free auditing by Tommy for doing such a great job with the site. I wonder what would motivate Tommy to do that? Maybe it was because you were referring people to his organization? Perhaps it was because you webbed his organizational papers. Maybe it was because he was glad that his Dissem Sec controlled an avenue of potential pcs. Questions, questions.
Duplicating fza.org makes good sense if you want to encourage people to read the different views of various authors in regard to clearing. So much for your FZAOINT's 'standard tech', unless you people want to use this material as bait to get people directed into the FZAOINT organization.
Duplicating the content of fza.org, as you well know, has absolutely nothing to do with me. You must, of course, gather the appropriate consent from the various authors of those materials.
As to the graphics and layout design of fza.org, you are not given permission to replicate, in any way, those aspects of the site. These are my works and not yours or FZAOINT's or anyone else's for that matter. The same applies to all of my own authored material of fza.org. This applies to the new format as well as to all older versions of the site. Tommy has already shown a total disregard in respecting the rights of my authored material, perhaps you will take a different view.
You described yourself as a custodian of fza.org. Whether fulfilling those duties or not, this does not make you the owner of the graphics and/or site layout and design of fza.org. There is a distinction.
Now on to your note.
>>To: fzaoint@yahoogroups.com, Paul Misiunas <misiunas@sacredcow.org>
>>Subject: FreeZone America
>>From: "Mike Hunsaker" <mikegh@netutah.com>
>>Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 22:06:55 -0700
>>Hi all,
Ok, this is obviously a public statement, so I'll keep it that way.
>>First off let me apologize for any upset that has been caused by
>>the closing and reopening of FZA. Don't blame it on others, it was
>>my fault -- through neglect. I let a few other things become
>>dominate in my life and put no attention on the site.
Under 'Current Events' on the main page, there were items that I placed there over two years ago. They were still there! Definitely neglect.
Ok, you are accepting responsibility for your neglect, let's see if you really mean it.
>>That said, let me air my upset with the cycle, and how it occurred
>>in my universe. (Ain't itsa a wonderful thing?)
If you really are accepting responsibility for neglecting the site, then I would imagine that the actions taken to correct that neglect would be acceptable, but I see that you feel differently.
>>I had not been paying attention to the forum area, was not aware of the meltdown
with V and M.
Yes, you were neglecting the site, we know that.
Let's see, 'V' is Virginia, but who is 'M'? I also don't follow your idea of 'meltdown'.
>>Tommy e-mailed me about what was going on.
Yes, he did say that he had authority over the site.
>>I checked it out, albiet belatedly.
Yes, I got that. It's called neglect.
>>When I looked into it FZA was gone, so was any e-mail I received at mike@fza.org.
Now that's a very curious statement as FZA was NEVER gone. I don't know what you were doing, or how you were doing it, but you obviously weren't accessing fza.org. As to the mail situation: During your 'neglect', I kept an eye on the mail right up until the time that I changed servers. Do you know what I noticed?
Before I tell you, and Tommy, the answer, I have to mention something else first. Tommy accused me of intercepting fza mail. He was quite upset about it. I told him he was wrong. He is wrong and so are you, Mike. Using my password, I ftp'ed into fza.org and checked the 'mail' subdirectory. You know, the one under '/home/web01c/fza/mail/', something like that. I'd check the size of the file called 'fza.pop' every so often. You know, that's the file that stores fza's mail. The files size goes up as mail comes in and it goes down as the mail is checked out. Did you know what I noticed? The file size went up AND down. You people were receiving mail, getting mail and in all probability, sending it out as well.
If you have mail missing, Mike, then check with Tommy, as he seems to know all about this aspect of your situation.
I wonder what the real problem is in regard to this email button you guys seem to have.
>>Also a mailing list that was ran though that site.
Actually there are two. FZA-L and the one you set up called otco-l or something like that.
>>Naive guy (read as idiot)
>>that I am I thought it was because of my server here in Utah. I had
>>lost all comm to and from fza before because of my server, and I
>>thought that that was what had happened.
I already explained the email situation. Going further, when the server was changed, of course you would stop receiving fza.org email. You were already getting the mail from the old server and chose not to change your email address. That is your problem, not mine.
>>Few days later I find
>>that FZA is back on another server. Okay, I say to myself, Paul
>>has taken the website over again, as he was wont to do in the
>>past. His right, he owns the domain fza.org.
I'll tell you this again: Now that's a very curious statement as FZA was NEVER gone.
Oh yes, I remember the last time I assumed control of fza.org. Through your neglect, you had let the domain name expire. That was when you stopped being a custodian too. When you got a second chance you not only continued to neglect the site but became affiliated with FZAOINT and allowed the site's infiltration.
>>But...what he did I consider a suppressive act.
Interesting choice of words. Terminating your neglect and disinterest in the site and ending the FZA's association, through you, to FZAOINT would be considered a suppressive act. Cutting FZAOINT's lines of communication to their public, via FZA, is considered a suppressive act. Not seeking your permission to revive FZA is considered a suppressive act. Removing FZAOINT's self serving policies and bulletins from FZA is considered a suppressive act. Yes, these could be considered suppressive acts by some.
Let's face it, you are expressing your displeasure because your neglect and disinterest in FZA has been pointed out and FZAOINT's lines of control to FZA have been pointed out. In the face of those outpoints, the finger can be pointed elsewhere as a misdirector, but that is not working at this end.
>>Yes, I know some
>>of us hate that phrase, so let me restate it for the gentler of heart.
You must be preaching to the choir.
>>What he did I consider a Bad Thing. Why, some of you may ask,
>>after all he stopped all the nattering and bitching and false report on
>>FZA. He also stopped all creative conversation (my opinion).
You mean to say that Tommy's and Ralph's postings were 'creative'? I find that hard to believe. You must have been making up for your neglect by taking the time to study the old forum to come up with a determination of what was 'creative' and what was not. Creative people create. Creative people find creative ways to create. And then there are those that do much of the "nattering and bitching and false report".
>>He also stopped all comm I received from the fza site. He stopped
>>comm others received via the site through mailing lists.
Yes, you got it right this time, mailing list(s). otco-l looked mighty dead. fza-l looked like it had some activity. How come you didn't do anything about that?
I already explained your inaccurate email assumption. Neglect means that you are out of touch with disinterest. Now you are showing a strong interest in a perception of cut comm. Very weird.
Since you say that you are not getting any mail from your mike@fza.org address, I'll remove the 'mikegh@netutah.com' forwarding address that I placed on that account and kill anything that happens to come in.
>>Paul yanked the site off of the server and put it on another one
>>because he did not have the passwords to change anything.
Perhaps you didn't notice the new section that was added to the forum at the time? Perhaps you didn't notice that once I changed servers, I removed everything but your fzaoint and related stuff from the old server. I wouldn't have called it 'yanking', but something more along the lines of 'removing'.
>>Obiously he wanted to change things.
What gave you the clue? My message of intent that I posted to the forum or Tommy's email to you?
>>He could of just written to me if this was his wish and I
>>would have given him what he needed to change what he
>> wanted on the site.
You neglected the site. If you were paying attention you would have seen my message to the forum. Did you need to be woken up first by getting an email about the site that you have no interest in, or is it that you wanted me to get your permission? I didn't give you permission to neglect the site, why would I give you permission to allow me to change servers?
Your assumption that I needed something from you is incorrect.
>>After all I was just a custodian.
Actually, since you allowed the infiltration of fza.org by FZAOINT to occur that makes you something else entirely.
>>But he did not write or tell me what he was doing. He
>>just cut my comm lines and others. I wrote him and asked him
>>why he did it this way and his reply was, "That's just the way
>>things worked out".
Let's put it into perspective, shall we.
On Mon, 5 Nov 2001 14:12:06 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Paul,
>I see you have taken over FZA. No problem. Just wondering why
>you did it the way you did. It would have been easier to info me
>and take over at BigBiz than to go to another server.
That's just the way things worked out,
Take care.
>I'll be out of town 'till Weds. or Thurs. will reply then.
The response:
To: misiunas@sacredcow.org
Subject: Re: FZA
From: "Mike Hunsaker" <mikegh@netutah.com>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 21:29:58 -0700
Hi Paul,
That sound more like a brush off than an answer.
Even though you said that it was "no problem", it obviously is.
I am not going to handle your upset that you created by neglecting fza.org and allowing Tommy to have a say in the affairs of fza.org. It would have been much easier for all concerned if you had displayed an active interest in FZA. It would have been much easier for all concerned if you had not allowed an outside 'authority' to enter into the site. To turn around and demand justification for my actions is just plain silly.
>>So it is Paul web site and he can do with it as he will.
You just said that you had a problem with that. Either you have a problem about it (of which this message is addressing) or you don't. Make up your mind.
>>I look at it and see very little reference to the fzao.
Exactly, and now you know why. You are tied to that organization and tried to tie FZA to it as well. No dice. You see, I can't be bought with 25 hours of free auditing, and FZA never has successfully been in the past either. Your concern for the FZAOINT organization may best be expressed through THEIR OWN website, not the Free Zone web site called FZA. Perhaps you missed the part where I personally told you, over the phone, that Free Zone America derived it's name from freezone.org, which of course VALIDATES and RECOGNIZES CBR's F-R-E-E Z-O-N-E. Get it?
Just because I put other material on my site does not take away from the fact that fza.org owes it's name to freezone.org. It's true, reading the Pilot's material helped to spur the site's creation, but don't kid yourself. CBR is THE BASIS that the site rests upon. THAT is why it is called a FREE ZONE site. Your undue concern about your FZAO not getting enough air time is self serving and inappropriate - ESPECIALLY in light of Tommy's denial of CBR's free zone definition and applicability.
You have stated that your purpose lines run with FZAOINT. I gave you the boot. Now you're pissed and plan on stealing FZA's content and design for your own purposes. GOOD LUCK! You people preach 'standard technology', call yourselves 'Free Zone', and turn around and denigrate Captain Bill Robertson - who made the Free Zone possible.
That is not spiritual freedom. That's a bunch of implanters running around trying to control things. You guys can duplicate, but you can't create, hence your actions that have been and will be demonstrated. DUPLICATION and CONTROL. Classic indicators.
>>My opinion here again, but I don't think he likes it very much. That is his loss.
That is a loss that you wish I had. Reality is much different than the thoughts you have about it.
>The Pilot material is still there but not very prominate, after all he did for the
FZ, and his writings were what Paul said inspired him to create FZA.
I thought that you were just the custodian. Building justifications?
>>I want the fzao materials to be available there,
You want.
>>I want the Pilot's materials there to inspire those who are currently leaving the
You want.
>>I want the mailing list there to come back from the cut comm.
You want.
>>Hell, I want my e-mail address back :-)
You want.
This is obviously all building up to your announcement:
>>So as soon as the server can get their admin and programming
>>together fza.org will be back as it was. Only it will be found at
Yes, duplication of motion, but there is only one fza.org.
Another way of saying this is: "The church is back and can be found at FZAOINT."
>>I don't wish to compete with you Paul, I just want to do what is right.
No one is stopping you from doing what is right, but your wish of competition won't find a home with me.
You FZAOINT people keep harping about how fza.org will be returning to what it was. Under Mike's control, it became a site of neglect, where the forum was used to natter, bicker and provide false report. THIS is what is being returned to? THIS is what the name duplication, the site duplication, the forum duplication, is all about?
I wonder why you all think that my site is so important that it must be 'protected' at all costs. Why is it that FZAOINT must gain control of an actual Free Zone site when they have their own site, pushing their own agenda. Mike certainly isn't doing this because he couldn't even take care of fza.org on his own. Obviously, his connection to FZAOINT is demanding something more be done. And so we see it's demonstration.
"The free zone is not what cbr said it was." - Tommy Thompson
What a revealing statement.
(For the full context, see http://fza.org/forum/messages/1/659.html)