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Free Scientology Stickers
(how this came about)

Fluorescent Yellow!    Fluorescent Green!    Fluorescent Pink!

These stickers are perfect for almost every occasion. They come in three fashionable fluorescent colors and are impossible to miss! (The above graphics are about the same size as the actual sticker, but do not reflect the true in-your-face fluorescence of these colors. There is no doubt that these stickers will stand out!) We've come up with a few suggestions as to what can be done with these stickers:

(The following was written by the Pilot)



I just searched Dejanews for recent FZ Bible posts and noticed how many Lazarus Cancel reports came up in the search. OSA's Cancel Bunny is really going after these guys.

FZ Bible posts hardcore tech, LRH tape transcripts that any Scientologist would be happy to see spread around.

At a minimum I would expect that even a loyalist would turn a blind eye towards the copyright violation, maybe saying that its not nice to do that but leaving it alone because it is, after all, spreading real LRH tech.

But the CofS wouldn't do that. Instead they attack and work to crush tech out of existence.

It actually surprised me.

Their other attacks make sense in a sick sort of way. After all, they can rationalize that I am a revolutionary or see me as a squirrel and they see the critics as enemies and they have policies about keeping the confidential data hidden.

But Freezone Bible?

All they do is put LRH tech out where people can get it.

The org actually gets members to donate money to put Scientology books in the Libraries where people can borrow them without having to pay for them. That is supposedly done to spread the tech.

Isn't FZBA doing the same thing, at no cost to the CofS?

Except of course for the possibility of lost income. Even if the org puts a copy of a book in the library, they con a member into paying for it first.

So maybe it does make sense in a sick sort of way.

But the viewpoint necessary to operate that way is abhorrent to me.

The message that I get from this is that it doesn't matter how good and honest an effort somebody makes, if it has anything whatsoever to do with Scientology they will go after it and work to destroy it.

They are sinking under the weight of their overts, but their death throes are dangerous.

So we can't just ignore it.


Well of course many of us have been doing that for quite some time now.

But I wanted to suggest yet another action that might help speed up the process of freeing the subject.

As I have said before, most of the Scientologists are sitting on the sidelines, parked on the bridge, in that horrible halfway state of not being able to either go in or leave.

This is especially true of Los Angeles. There are probably about half a million Scientologists there on the sidelines (probably half of the worldwide population of Scientology fence sitters). You actually can't walk down the street without falling over one.

If I go into a place that has a dozen programmers to do a computer contract, one of them will be a Scientologist. If I go into a large restaurant, there will be a Scientologist. I moved into a new neighborhood, and a pair of old friends (Scientologists) that I hadn't seen in a decade were living three blocks away.

In the professions that most often attract Scientologists (sales, computers, and teaching), the percentage in LA may be as high as five or ten percent.

Almost none of these, of course, are active Scientologists. If you want to find those, you have to go to the complex or the Manor.

Most of them are not yet in the freezone. They will talk about how they are postulating that they will win the lottery or something like that so that they can get back on lines. And then they will tell you some heart rendering story of their last actual attempt to do any services.

We need to reach these people. They need to know that there is an alternative. They need to know that there is a freezone and that materials are available on the net.

And the idea is theta and aligns with their purpose, so that it will spread, and when enough people begin spreading it, it will take off like a chain reaction and permeate the orgs.

So I think that we should have some simple thing that can be spread around where people will see it to the point where they will open their eyes and really take a look.

It has to be short and simple and attention getting without at the same time being threatening and it has to lead to more information.

So I thought of -





That is short and simple enough to make stickers and put
them everywhere.

And Paul's website has links to everything else and it's very easy to remember the URL. I'm suggesting putting the WWW prefix even though it isn't necessary (Paul has smartly made it optional) because it clues people in on it being an internet address without any explanation.

You can print these off on standard mailing labels with normal mailing list software and then just stick the things on lampposts in places where there are high concentrations of Scientologists.

It's easy if you already have a Laser printer. And paper with gummed labels for doing this is easy to get at stationary stores.

And it's fun to stick labels on things.

Strike a blow for freedom today.


The Pilot