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FreeZone America - Ask the 'Info Man'!


Need answers? You've come to the right place.

If you would like your opinion to be considered in regard to these answers, then drop a note to

What is the difference between a 'Free Zone' practitioner and an 'Independent' practitioner?

I am a beginner in the subject. What is the best way to proceed?

Where can I find course materials so that I can further my study?

Why do Clearing Practitioners charge so much if they are in the business of 'helping' others?

Is it true that L. Ron Hubbard was a scam artist?

What is the all hype about OT III and Xenu?

Why is the E-Meter such a necessity in auditing?

Where are all the (ex)Scientologists?


"What we are really measuring with the meter is mental mass."

(excerpt from "Mental Mass",
The CB Meter Course" by Anonymous)




What is the difference between a 'Free Zone' practitioner and an 'Independent' practitioner?
A 'Free Zone' practitioner is one who has been trained standardly in clearing technology and generally applies that training in a standard fashion. By standard I mean the way that L. Ron Hubbard determined it should be learned and applied.

An 'Independent' practitioner is one who may or may not have been trained standardly and who delivers the learned technology as they see fit. The Independent practitioner may also create their own methods of application and research.

So which is the best practitioner to use?

L. Ron Hubbard developed and implemented clearing technology. That is the Free Zone route and that is the route you must take if you want a fuller understanding of what clearing is all about. Once you know the road, then you will have enough knowledge to take other, personally carved, roads. Those personal roads are the Independent route, and that is the route we must all take sooner or later.

You could leapfrog over the Free Zone route and go directly to an Independent practitioner, but realize this: The Independent practitioner will mostly likely have previous Free Zone knowledge which you may or may not receive. They used that knowledge to create their own path. You may want to do the same.

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I am a beginner in the subject. What is the best way to proceed?

The best place to start, in my opinion, is to start on a search and discovery mission. Get ahold of anything and everything that you can that deals with the subject of clearing, pro and con. Follow the discussions on the newgroups: alt.religion.scientology and Use all the search engines you can find on the Internet and look for 'Scientology', 'Free Zone', 'Clearing', 'Co$', and any related words and spelling. Look at all the web pages that you find. One page, many times, leads to another, and another, and another. You will be amazed at the amount of information that is available on the Internet.

When you do this, you must follow a personal guideline:
Don't get embroiled in disputes. Read all you can, but don't pass judgment on what you read. Be objective in reading ANY material, and then when you are in a position of knowledge on the subject, make all the judgments you wish. (Just remember that it is not wrong to be wrong).

Another step you can take is to visit your local used book store and search for books that relate to the subject of clearing. If you can't find any books there you could always buy some books directly from the Church of Scientology through the Internet. '
Scientology: A New Slant On Life' is supposed to be a good introduction to the subject. Personally, I enjoyed 'Science Of Survival' more.

Need more help? Why not take the Communications Course at the local Church of Scientology affiliate? Some Free Zoners would call that blasphemy, but I call it being smart. You use what is available to you, and if you feel that the Church of Scientology should become your life, then so be it. Sooner or later, you will come back to the Free Zone anyway.

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Where can I find course materials so that I can further my study?

Good question. Short of joining the Church of Scientology, you options are limited. If your area of influence, by that I mean the number of people you are in contact with, is large enough, you should be able to find what you need. If not, check the FZA Exchange page. Or try the Free Spirit Journal classifieds. You can also check with Free Zone practitioners to check on the availability of what you need. This all leads to the question: 'Why are materials so difficult to find?"

That question has to do with the Church of Scientology. The CoS has determined that most, if not all, of it's materials are copyrighted. And copyrighted works are, of course, protected by law. So the availability of materials is based solely upon those that have left the church and sold their course packs and materials to someone else. These are original materials, and any practitioner that does not want the CoS knocking on their door, will sell only original materials. As you can imagine, the number of original materials is severely restricted.

This does not mean that all hope is lost. Some practitioners have begun to create their own course materials. In time you may run across these. Another option is to expand your contacts and you may run across a friend, who knows of a friend, that can help you with your study materials.

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Why do Clearing Practitioners charge so much if they are in the business of 'helping' others?

If you think Clearing Practitioners charge a lot, don't even think of taking your body to the local hospital for 'creative surgery'.

There is a need for Clearing Practitioners to meet the needs of the average person on the street. Current Clearing Practitioners cannot meet that need. They are concentrated on 'helping' those with enough awareness (ie: money) to make a difference. Once the money runs out, they head for the door.

What about a job? In order to make money a person needs to have a job so that the bills can be paid, the kids fed, and the wife taken on a vacation every now and then. Oh, and don't forget the benefits that go with the job: medical benefits, sick leave, vacation time, and regular working hours to name a few. You probably enjoy those benefits to varying degrees. Would you deny those same privileges to a Clearing Practitioner?

A Clearing Practitioner, like it or not, has a full time job where they are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. That is their job, and it takes more than just a minimum wage to support that type of job. Did I mention having a job where there is a constant threat from the Church of Scientology? That is what a Clearing Practitioner represents to the CoS.

Having read all that, do they still charge an exorbitant amount? If you still think so, then I propose a challenge: Go up the Free Zone grade chart and become a professional Clearing Practitioner and charge what you would be willing to pay a practitioner right now. Help start a grass roots campaign to make spiritual freedom a low cost enterprise. Everyone would then be able to attain the freedom now limited to those with large cash pockets. If you can do that, if you can take action instead on placing blame, then The Info Man would be VERY pleased!

23 Jun 98 update

As a reference, here is a listing of some Practitioners and their prices. I do not guarantee that these prices are accurate, but this is what has been passed on to me:

  • Dynamism: up to $150 per hour
  • Knowledgism: initial price $200 per hour

I am sure that there are many justifications for such high prices, but as far as I am concerned, high prices fall into the 'lawyer' category - and we all know plenty of lawyer jokes...

Another note:

When choosing a Practitioner I would suggest that you find out about ALL possible charges such as:

  • Does C/Sing cost extra
    • If so, what is the rate
  • What is the charge for traveling
    • Does that include:
      • transportation
      • overnight accommodations
      • food
  • Is there an extra fee for the initial interview
  • What books/tapes are required to be purchased


  • How are refunds handled
  • If you have a concern about privacy, you should let the Practitioner know that all records are to be destroyed after each session. Gauge their reaction.

Kowledgeable Practitioners will not charge for C/Sing (after all, they will know what they are doing). For those that do charge, have them account for their time. That way you will know just how 'good' they really are.

Don't forget to include all your own costs of traveling when going to a Practitioner.

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Is it true that L. Ron Hubbard was a scam artist?

L. Ron Hubbard a scam artist? I am shocked!

If you can't kill the message then kill the messenger. Finding a target for blame for one's own problems seems to be an accepted practice. Don't let it fool you, the messenger is not the appropriate target.

Some people can quote Hubbard 'till the cows come home'. Others think that he is Satan's pal. The sane people will see the messenger and read the message. If there is blame to be placed, let it be placed on the idea, not the messenger. If you think the message is so terrible, then create a better one. If people around you insist that you share their view, then I say to you: Misery loves company.

Who cares what Hubbard was like. The CoS certainly does. But if you are not smarter than that, then I guess you are just the same.

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What is the all hype about OT III and Xenu?

Sorry, that is confidential information. That is on a need-to-know basis. You must go up the grade chart before you are ready to understand. Just hearing about it may cause terrible harm to you. There is no such thing.

Did I cover enough excuses? Hype is just that - hype. If you read everything that you come across on the Internet and accept the 'popular' thinking, then you my friend, have become.... a RonDroid!

You must accept the notion, the idea, of coming across information that may or may not be true. If you are a balanced individual, you will by nature, upon reading possibly dangerous material, file the information away for future reference. If there is no current data to align it to, then possibly later there will be. What's the harm in that?

There are always those people that show cause why 'confidential' material should not be viewed by the 'unprepared'. They give examples of (maybe) a few people that upon reading the 'classified' material became ill or almost died, or some mishap or other. Wow. Let's all go into agreement with that and make those few people right. What about the success stories? You will not hear of them, because like your daily newspaper, you will only hear sensationalized down-tone stories. Who is going to go out and actively find people that have read the material and achieved a surge of renewed energy? Do you doubt it?

OT III is supposed to have occurred to everyone that was here on this planet a long, long time ago. That means that, in all probability, it happened to you. At least that is the thinking. (If you follow the thinking behind all this it will reveal much.)

Behind all the deviousness that ocurred, was the larger than life bad guy, Xenu. He was the one in charge of it all. So according to proper etiquette, when you think bad - think Xenu!

If you search the net, you will find more detailed descriptions of what the Church of Scientology and the FreeZoners consider 'top secret'. There is no hype except in the imagination of those that are looking to place blame.

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Why is the E-Meter such a necessity in auditing?

The E-Meter is a tool designed to assist a person in finding a clear path through a maze of clouded thoughts, to a clear and understandable goal. It is only a guide.

Through life, a person may accumulate a multitude of unwanted thoughts, of unwanted actions, that they may have done or that someone else may have done to them. These thoughts would accumulate. When it comes time to sort it all out the person would have a big problem. How to sort it all out. Where to begin. How to know what thought goes with what action, etc, etc.

The meter, along with the proper technical skills, will assist the person in finding the path through the mess that was created. Of itself, the meter is just another electrical measuring device. But in the hands of a skilled technician, it can become a wondrous device.

The E-Meter is not a requirement in auditing, it just makes the job a lot easier in the beginning. When you reach a point where you can spot and deal with electrical mass, whether it is yours or someone else's, then you will no longer have a necessity for a physical measuring device. Until then: you got yourself in it, now it's time for some help to get you out of it.

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Where are all the (ex)Scientologists?

Have you ever wondered where all the ex-Scientologists are? Ever wonder what has happened to all those that were involved in Scn over the years, but are now out?

Wonder no more, because there is no answer!

Over the past year, we here at FZA, have pondered questions such as these and have come to the conclusion that apart from the paranoia, self delusion and non-confront of these people, there is absolutely NO reason for ex-Scientologists to not stand up and be counted.

This all leads us to believe that there are very few people who are non-robotic enough to open their eyes and continue their journey to enlightenment. Of course, that journey is not solely owned by Scientology methods. There will be people that, upon the failure that is produced with the CoS, will seek yet another road.

There are also those that are not connected to the Internet, as well as those that are unfamiliar with Internet technology.

Does this rule out everyone so far?

Well, not quite. We here at FZA don't presume to be the ONLY source outside of the CoS for clearing information., but based upon our page hit counts we are considering alternate venues...

So where are all the ex-Scientologists?

My theory is that the CoS physically eliminates any person leaving the organization. Did you think that the billion year contract was only in fun?

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