The Immortality Business
The Immortality Business is similar to any other business. and therefore the general rules of business would apply to it, However, if one is engaged in the action of being a seer, mentor, counsellor, consultant or adviser, it has a few unique aspects that you should be aware of.
Once you start on this particular line of being a manifestation of truth or being aligned with truth (which requires being honest, having some integrity and operating off your own knowingness) one can and usually will come under some degree of attack, ridicule, challenge and hatred from outsiders, This has been referred to in Christianity when Jesus said he had been "hated by the world but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world". Thus a winning viewpoint is advantageous to ones actions. One should recognise that the subject of immortality, if it is addressed, adopted and lived, will change much of ones thinking. Finally, one should not become contaminated (probably the most remarkable thing stated by Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science, was the statement that one should not enter an impure atmosphere except to purify it).
Although some contamination will invariably come on board, you should notice how you come out on a net basis. It is preferable to come out cleaner than you entered into things. It is preferable that you only cause good, permanent and lasting effects. By observing these two rules, you go no place but forward and up. By standing portal at the door of thought and creating good events, there is only one direction to go.
On individuals there is a preponderance of lies, illusions and veils of reality. Once they get a taste of truth and start applying it toward their lives they too will do nothing but go up across the boards, not only spiritually but in many cases, materially also. Most people are into agreement with the manifestation principle, also called demonstrations kitting, also called making it real in the physical universe, of what is going on in their spiritual universes. Thus, if they get better spiritually, then they will go out in life and make more money. This leads to all sorts of silliness because some people become interested in spiritual matters only because they wish to achieve material ends. This occurs often. It has occurred substantially throughout history. It has practically closed off every decent religion I can particularly recall. Earlier in this lifetime, I noticed that Christian Scientists were one, if not the highest income per capita group in the United States. I met thousands of these people apparently quite concerned with extremely high realities and yet the bottom line was that the majority of them were interested in continuing to drive their Cadillacs. That sort of approach which is as common as dust, you should not adopt for yourself. This obsession to manifest in the material universe all the things going on in a spiritual universe does not afflict true seekers of truth. A truth seeker doesn't give a damn whether they make more money, have better surroundings or have eradicated the negative hygiene factors in their existence. They are just happy with the spiritual gain and find virtue to be its own reward.
The whole area of origins of knowledge becomes a senseless exercise because I doubt if anything new has been written under the sun for a very long time. Most of Christian Science, Scientology and Nuclear Physics can all be found in the Golden Scripts which are the secret books in the monasteries. The Rig Veda itself is a rather bastardised Readers Digest version of a few chapters. So, for me to say that I have said this, or Mary Baker Eddy said this or Aristophenes said this, or L. Ron Hubbard. founder of Scientology, said this, is somewhat foolish. I am sure that any remarks made by any individual could be traced to being written elsewhere by another.
You will find that there will be a certain percentage of people that are interested in spirituality to resolve body problems, to resolve body games (which is a condition of their lives), or because of mental conditions.
You will find people who are interested in spirituality and immortality for its own sake. The latter, of course, is preferable and the only one that is going to get you anywhere. Man is at least a mind, a body and a spirit and I would also like to include a fourth part, which is the heart.
You will have at least four types of folks coming your way. One out of four will really hit escape velocity on aberration. He comes cleaner faster than he is putting his own dirt up. Most of the things which are valuable in life are exponential (not of this physical universe) and the least valuable things are linear (which is of this physical universe). The good things and the bad things in life compound and respond to mathematical evaluation from a multiplying it times itself. Those things which are just straight trends are just physical universe manifestations and phenomena. So, you can know whether you are dealing with mechanics or you are dealing with raw life on whether it's exponential or whether it's linear.
It is a regrettable truth that the immortality business has been given an extremely bad name over the years because people, have been sold a lot of half truths, partial truths and had their trusts betrayed. Insane causes have been promoted. Man has generally been degraded in the name of truth. If you are operating in the context of that bad name, I don't suggest you take a public relations approach towards it. Don't say everybody was a liar but I'm straight. I would suggest that you call on the attention of whoever you are talking to that they already know the truth and will know whether you are feeding them a bag of wind or you are telling them the truth. A dog can recognise truth. They know whether the postman is scared or not. A cat can recognise truth. Anyone can recognise truth. And for you to insist that your neighbour or someone that you are in communication with doesn't know truth is to set yourself up for a lot of misery. They do if you will allow it to happen. Shakespeare mentioned that if you don't have a virtue, assume it. There is a lot of validity in that and it has limited workability Its limitations are rarely recorded. One can actually assume virtue, immortality or whatever and you will achieve it within the realms of persistences. Whether you will achieve it above persistences is probably what is important, but to go into that at this time would be premature.
The main point I wanted to make here is that you are operating in an area where people are crying wolf and have been betrayed. You are also operating in an area where people are constantly hungry and they still come to market as cattle come to market. You would be most prudent, instead of slaying them, to give them what they needed instead of what they wanted. Simply milking the money out of people is bad form.
Normally when organisations milk money out of people it is done with the rationalisations that the organisation has some divine right to do that, that a group has a right to prey on individuals, that the group must survive, and survival of the group is the only hope of mankind. It is one of the oldest sets of justifications, rationalisations for criminal conduct around. It is completely insane, of course. Groups are a biological phenomenon, a whole group of selves are formed together and they care very little about the individuals in them.
Recognise that you are operating in the context of a cynical, dejected, jaded environment toward the subject of immortality. If you agree to do just "optimum" work than you will get "optimum" work. If you agree to do compromising type of work that is what you will get. Either of which type of work you do will manifest itself in your personal life. If you only do perfect work then you will get perfect results and your life will run perfectly, This has been promoted and said in a lot of books and nobody believes it anymore. The idea of going out and actually working for a living, saving money, not taking advantage of ones neighbour, it has just been promoted on and on and on. It is often a subject of ridicule in modern day world. What is fashionable now is borrowing a lot of money, making your money through leverage off the insanity of the Federal Reserve System To make millions of dollars requires not just zero intelligence. It requires negative intelligence. You have to be a bit of a craven animal to stand in line and make money off other peoples' ignorance. I don't think you will ever become immortal doing this and I think you may have forfeited whatever right you have toward divinity by excessive abuse of opportunity.
To engage in understandings and relationships with other people is as much a responsibility as to break off relationships and understandings with other people. It's a flow. It carries the same penalties and rewards. What I'm saying here is that if you are going to do a job, you might as well do it to its completion and if you do a high quality job your rewards are exponential, infinite and unstoppable, If you do the-best-that-can-be-done job then you are going to lead a life of compromises and bests-that-can be-done, Naturally, one has to start somewhere and there are a few little stepladders one goes through, The more you compromise, the more compromised you will become and you eventually become ineffective, lose your powers and magic. Of course, this is the particular route that many, many people have gone and is presently the fad.
L. Ron Hubbard is credited with the remark that one should never solve a problem unless you solve it for eternity. I don't think a person should even try to solve a problem unless he can solve it for eternity, Within the context of that particular remark, the immortality business becomes extremely simple. It is simple in that anything that you would address would be taken to its completion to where whatever was addressed is gone forever and never was there and never will be again. I'll be going over how that is done later in this book. For one to absorb that idea will require casting aside trivialities of the moment and notice what will be remembered four or five hundred years from now. In working with another individual or yourself, in the direction of improving their spiritual nature, what will survive above time is whether the job gets done right or not, I doubt if anything else will be there, People have a tendency to forget or unmock whether you took a bath, whether they wore cologne and whether the room was warm enough, Even the deep relationships within the lifetime between people are often forgotten. But whatever growth has occurred, whatever bad conditions have been eradicated. whatever ignorance's have been resolved and been replaced by truth, that is permanent. Progress appears to he an illusion, but it is a ratchet in the sense it never does get eroded but only gets covered up. People fall away from it. It is there for them to return to. It's the lasting benefits that matter to the person and the content not the context of the work, The work that is done remains more than how the work was done, That is what survives. And that is probably quite immortal even in the twinkling of an eye.
15 Mar 2005 20:30