About This Book
The text version of the book you see here was originally based upon a file which was found on Homer Wilson's web site. Comparing the original book to that file revealed numerous errors, which included, but was not limited to, missing paragraphs and entire pages of missing text. The version you see here has those errors corrected as well as the addition of scanned images from the original book. Please note that this does not make this version whole or complete as a detailed analysis and comparison has not been performed to a satisfactory level (which would be a 100% word by word comparison).
The Table of Contents has been expanded for navigational purposes.
The version of the book you see here differs slightly from the previous versions which have been issued by Free Zone America (fza.org). All previous versions should be viewed with some skepticism especially in light of the fact that this book is sometimes used as 'bait' by those in the so-called clearing business.
There is more than enough data in this book to get one started, and perhaps finished, on the Scientology road. This work of art stands on it's own and makes almost all of the other material that is out there superfluous.
To ensure that true and accurate data is being read, buy the original book from Mr. Filbert. Also, if questions about the material arise while reading this book, please contact the author to discuss those questions, not Free Zone America. Although Mr. Filbert does not have an e-mail adress, he may be contacted either by telephone or postal mail.
Additionally, Mr. Filbert has not given his approval for this web site to house his book. This web site is not to be regarded as 'official' in way, shape or form. The reason that this book is here is because of the importance of this work, not just from an historical viewpoint, but from a spiritual standpoint as well. There are actually very few individuals on this planet who can read Excalibur Revisited with understanding. This is not to say that the data in this book is out of reach of most people, it merely states that like any other subject, one must have a desire to learn, not to be entertained, but to wholly and completely learn with an ensuing sense of understanding that will never go away no matter what.
Spiritual Freedom is like that. It never goes away no matter what.
22 Jun 2004 14:41