Tag: enemy

Walking Into The Winds of Change

Sometimes we struggle with one thing or another until we eventually realize that nothing is a struggle. It can be a far stretch of the imagination to see that but none-the-less it is real. There is no other moment than this very one... 12 Nov 2023

I Smote, Therefore I Am

As the world turns we spin right along with it, sometimes even holding on for dear life. As the change 'happens' all around us we try and take root in what we believe we know so as to stabilize not only our beliefs but our very way of life. As... 28 Sep 2023

Intellectual Defeatism

In life after life there is and always will remain, death. It simply cannot be escaped and yet many continue to beat the harbinger to the punch. Waking up is not arising from slumber, it becomes us. Waving a hand across the oceans of... 29 Oct 2022

Let The Children Fly

There are no 'children' to behold so that reference is moot. We all find time to take flights of fancy. In escaping from the flight plan our sense of adventure comes to the fore. Something must keep us 'alive'. Our image is sacrosanct and as... 07 Sep 2022

Sleeping With The Enemy

The enemy is such a nefarious and dastardly fellow, especially when we are not looking. Doing gross deeds of misconduct during the night, we all seem to pay the consequences come morning. As much as we want to try to rid our selves of this... 02 Nov 2005

Who's In Charge Of This Planet?

Is there a 'someone' in charge? An elitist group perhaps? How about an alien agenda? Maybe no one is in charge, just our own narcissistic urges. There is a TON of information available that points in all directions, including in and upon itself.... 08 Apr 2005

Delivering A Blow To The Enemy

In some circles, this is a favored way of gaining favor. Of going out and doing a destructive deed so as to benefit some particular group or organization. This is ludicrous.... 13 Apr 2004

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