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Falling From Grace

In the image above, each color is a representation of a particular concept. Descending, each is a subset, or is contained within, the preceding. The mind is shown here as sub-grouped for demonstration purposes only. "Our True Nature" can also be described as "All That Is", "God", "Grace" or whatever term one feels appropriate.

As we think the world, it is.

Perhaps one can see how the reality of the universe or whatever space one wishes to define, is nothing but an illusion of who or what we really are. Reality, in it's Totality, is nothing but we, our selves from whence we came. All that takes place within it, takes place within us.

Rooting Out The Problem

We are nothing but an idea of who or what we really are. This identity or beingness is the same as having a thought. Through thought we create our reality and give it life, sustaining it through the expenditure of energy in keeping the dream alive. In resolving our true nature the thought process, which is firmly rooted in the creation of our reality, becomes our own worst enemy. Behind it's refusal to subside lie the decision making process of 'to be'. This concept embodies survival and the willingness 'to live'. It is it's nature.

The entirety and purpose of becoming aware of our true nature lies in the release of our firmly held beliefs and it is in just this area that our energy is used and abused to no end. In creating life we sustain it. Letting go is not always a simple or easy undertaking.

Each and every one of us already is that which we are, that which we seek to realize or 'attain'. In this play on our actions to the contrary, realization, or the release of our firmly held beliefs and concepts, is born. Knowing that our current condition is false, the urge to overcome it is unmistakable. It is in this framework that all our efforts to become free of our creations take place.

It's all just a matter of letting it all go. All that we can do to is attempt to bring a realization of our true nature to the conscious mind in order to complete the circle. In this merging of our separate existence, our wholeness comes to be consciously embraced as being the actual reality of our selves.

This effort of the merging of our separate selves remains but part of the dream of life and living and yet it is through this phase that peace finally settles upon the land. The supreme rule of the land is all that we are and through our reflections we come to see of our selves as having beingness. Do you see how this reflection comes to be called ourselves and how this illusion leads us away into a thought process that cannot be anything but a dwindling madness? We are that madness and we are that which is non-madness. Our totality defies definition and description as all of these sorts of measurements are a result of what we are. We are not a result nor are we a product of anything. We just are and it is that which we are.

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